Forest lawn covina events schedule He resided in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at the time of his passing. Memorial Service of Maria Elena Medina. Thursday, November 7, 2024. Arrangements Visitation will be held on October 27, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills, located at 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. Forest Lawn’s Día de los Muertos celebrations will take place take place on Sunday, October 27, 2024, in-person from 12:00-3:00 PM at Forest Lawn’s Cypress, Covina Check out the upcoming event and concert calendar for Forest Lawn Covina Hills along with detailed artist, ticket and venue information including photos, videos, bios, and address. She resided in Redlands, CA at the time of her passing. Panchanan Upendra Shukla, age 39 of Glendora, California, passed away unexpectedly from this life on January 10, 2025. He resided in Corona, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Lynwood, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Whittier, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Anthony Stafford, 72, born on February 09, 1952, in , CA, United States, passed away March 31, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, CA. Arrangements are Maria Horne, 83, born on November 02, 1940, passed away January 11, 2024. , 75, born on May 18, 1948, in Bronx, NY, United States, passed away October 29, 2023. He resided in Temple City, CA at the time of his passing. Arcadia – FD 2186 | Cathedral City – FD 1847 | City of Industry – FD 2121 | Coachella – FD 640 | Covina Hills – FD 1150 | Cypress – FD 1051 | Glendale – FD 656 | Hollywood A EVENT HONORING THE MEMORIES OF OUR LOVED NES Lights of Remembrance Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Forest Lawn – Covina Hills Mausoleum of Christian Heritage The free, family-friendly events take place at Forest Lawn’s Cypress, Covina Hills, and Glendale locations on October 29 from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Visitation will take place from 9:00 AM With majestic vistas overlooking the San Gabriel Valley, Forest Lawn-Covina Hills presents stunningly beautiful cemetery property ranging from ground burial to gardens with sweeping Annual DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS at Forest Lawn. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, The funeral service will be held at Tribute Center, Forest Lawn Covina Hills (21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina CA 91724, United States), on August 20, 2024. She resided in Monrovia, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements Hector Oviedo, 52, born on May 26, 1972, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 01, 2024. (NOT 9:00 a. She resided in West Covina , CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Consuelo Martinez, 90, born on November 19, 1933, in , TX, United States, passed away November 15, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage. Arcadia – FD 2186 | Cathedral City – FD 1847 | City of Industry – FD 2121 | Coachella – FD 640 | Covina Hills – FD 1150 | Cypress – Manuel Gutierrez, 60, born on February 01, 1963, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 14, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lorraine Miles, 79, born on March 05, 1945, in New Haven, CT, United States, passed away November 21, 2024. Forest Lawn – Covina Hills: Sunday, Oct 27, 2024 from 12 Family and friends are invited to celebrate Keagan’s life at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage, located at 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. Arrangements are under Yolanda Bugayong, 64, born on November 22, 1959, in Binalonan, Pangasinan, Philippines, passed away June 26, 2024. To better route your call please select from the following choices. She resided in Corona, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are Susan Nyanzi, 56, born on November 29, 1968, passed away December 20, 2024. Covina, Ca. She resided in San Dimas , CA at the time of her passing. He resided in West Covina, CA at the time of his passing. Send a Gift. Arrangements Forest Lawn - Covina Hills 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Juliana Mendoza, 77, born on November 11, 1947, in Cebu, Philippines, passed away January 31, 2025. Arrangements are under the Josefina Saspa, 89, born on March 19, 1935, passed away January 10, 2025. He resided in Irwindale, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Alhambra, CA at the time of her passing. , 84, born on February 06, 1939, in New Orleans, LA, United States, passed away February 02, 2024. She resided in Glendora, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Service Schedule. 21300 Laura Monger, 96, born on May 24, 1927, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away July 26, 2023. Though she is no longer with us, Susie’s light will continue to shine in the hearts of Service will be at the Church of our Heritage, Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, on Friday, May 10, 2024. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. Arrangements are under the care of Lorrie Moreno, 81, born on June 30, 1943, in San Jose, CA, United States, passed away December 14, 2024. Micky’s life will be celebrated Consejo Gaurino, 95, born on April 21, 1929, passed away December 22, 2024. She resided in Loma Linda, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are He was preceded in death by another son, Eric Moten. Forest Lawn will bring traditional Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) customs to life with in-person events across its four Southern California locations. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Services will be held at Church of our Heritage, Forest Lawn Covina Hills 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, California 91724 on Thursday February 15 th, 2024 starting at 9:30am to 2:00pm. He resided in El Monte, CA at the time of his passing. Additionally, Kathy had a love for books Rafael Alvarez, 69, born on August 21, 1955, in San Luis Rio Colorado, SON, Mexico, passed away February 03, 2025. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 His life will be celebrated at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Tribute Center, where relatives and friends can gather to remember the vibrant soul he was. Monday, September 16, 2024. Arrangements Isaac Agyei, 61, born on May 14, 1963, passed away November 14, 2024. John Madrous, 60, born on March 23, 1964, in Jersusalem, Israel, passed away January 14, 2025. She resided in Henderson, NV at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Leticia Lopez, 62, born on April 01, 1962, in Huanusco, ZAC, Mexico, passed away October 17, 2024. He resided in Walnut, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are Efren Castillo, 72, born on August 26, 1951, in Malolos City, Philippines, passed away May 26, 2024. Arrangements are Frank Skislock, Sr. Fung Kit Tsui, 80, born on May 23, 1944, in Canton, China, passed away October 22, 2024. He resided in Diamond Bar, CA at the time of his passing. The event at Forest Mark your calendars for our annual Día de los Muertos celebrations! Join us on Sunday, October 27, from 12 p. The community Service Schedule. He resided in Ocean Springs, MS at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under Donald Mumford, 82, born on August 14, 1942, in , WA, United States, passed away February 13, 2025. She resided in Fontana, CA at the time of her passing. The service will last until 3:30 PM, with a Momet’s life will be celebrated with a one-hour memorial Mass at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Covina Hills, on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 9:30 AM, followed by the internment. m. Arrangements Khana Orahim, 89, born on August 18, 1934, in Mosul, Iraq, passed away December 21, 2023. Though Simeon Dina, 90, born on January 05, 1934, in Rosario, Batangas, Philippines, passed away December 04, 2024. He resided in Oroville, CA at the time of his passing. Irven Dawson, 91, born on May 23, 1932, in Akron, OH, United States, passed away November 27, 2023. m) to 6:00 p. 6:00 - 9:00 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage. Prayer Service of Martin Buenrostro. She resided in Alta Loma, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the West Carson, 76, born on July 15, 1948, in Farrell, MS, United States, passed away January 16, 2025. We have free museum with permanent installations and a regular rotating exhibit, renowned art and architecture a listing of our upcoming 2024 virtual live events are below, or visit our events page: VISIT OUR UNDERSTANDING GRIEF PAGE FOR A LISTING OF OUR ONGOING GRIEF SEMINARS. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Carrie Adams, 81, born on January 14, 1942, in Corey, LA, United States, passed away November 04, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of She enjoyed attending Dodger games and ensured she was present at all the events celebrating her grandchildren, embracing all facets of family life. Arrangements are under the To better route your call please select from the following choices. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Michael Flood, 33, born on April 04, 1990, in Duarte, CA, United States, passed away September 06, 2023. Arrangements John Gwynne, 71, born on December 21, 1952, in Providence, RI, United States, passed away December 07, 2024. Arrangements are under the Erna Kuhn, 89, born on October 28, 1934, passed away October 23, 2024. in the Brenda Hubbard, 66, born on March 10, 1958, in Little Rock, AR, United States, passed away March 13, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, The memory of David Gonzalez will continue to live on in the hearts of those who knew him as they gather to celebrate his life at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage in Timothy Walbridge, 75, born on May 05, 1949, in Springfield, MA, United States, passed away October 25, 2024. The first service will take place on January 28, 2025, at 5:00 PM, concluding at 9:00 El primero se llevará a cabo el 26 de febrero de 2025, de 5:00 p. Arrangements are under the care Jerry Brown, 86, born on May 17, 1938, in Marcus, IA, United States, passed away February 02, 2025. She resided in Chino Hills, CA at the time of her passing. He resided in San Jacinto , CA at the time of his passing. Theresa Parker, 54, born on November 26, 1969, in Fontana, CA, United States, passed away September 19, 2024. Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Jay's memory will be honored in a visitation on January 29, 2025, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills in Covina, CA. Saturday, May 18, 2024 at Forest Lawn in Covina HillsChurch Services at the Church of Our Heritage: 2:30pm-3:30pm, doors open at 2:0 View Miguel Castellanos Gutierrez, 66, born on July 07, 1958, passed away November 19, 2024. He resided in Temecula, CA at the time of his passing. He resided in Alhambra, CA at the time of his passing. Luis Hernandez, 91, born on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, NY, United States, passed away November 23, 2024. He resided in Montebello, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are A celebration of her life will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, on February 6, 2024 at 9:30 am. Julius Bancifra will lead the Vigil & Rosary December 11, 2024, 3:00 - 7:00 pm. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Patria Tolentino, 89, born on July 22, 1935, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 23, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Arthetus Flowers, 76, born on September 26, 1947, in , MI, United States, passed away June 20, 2024. Arrangements are under the Aida Hanna, 74, born on November 25, 1949, passed away November 20, 2024. Full details Remi Thijssen, 24, born on January 22, 2000, in Fontana, CA, United States, passed away January 22, 2024. Join us in person or on Facebook LIVE for our Día De Los Muertos Celebration. She resided in El Monte, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are Family and Friends are invited to join us in the Celebration of his Life during the Memorial and Funeral services at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel on September 24, 2024 Cesar Contreras, 54, born on January 20, 1970, in Santa Catalina Pinula, Guatemala, passed away February 07, 2024. 21300 Maria Murillo, 79, born on March 23, 1945, passed away October 26, 2024. Vigil of Prescilio Marte. She resided in Chino, CA at the time of her passing. Starts at 4:00 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Memory Chapel. He resided in Upland, CA at the time of his passing. Rev. She resided in Apple Valley, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Eastvale, CA at the time of her passing. to 3 p. Arrangements Lino Valencia, 76, born on September 23, 1948, in Malumot Paombong, Bulacan, Philippines, passed away September 23, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Covina Hills, Forest Lawn - Covina Hills 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Jennifer Saravia, 32, born on December 16, 1991, passed away July 19, 2024. She resided in Pomona, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are Robert Enger, 90, born on December 12, 1934, in , IL, United States, passed away December 12, 2024. Her services are under the care of Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Covina Hills, CA 91724 Anel Rosales, 46, born on September 14, 1977, in Torrance, CA, United States, passed away August 26, 2024. Arrangements are under Gilbert Rivera, 52, born on September 20, 1971, passed away September 17, 2024. She was born on September 4, 1944, in Serafin Nolasco, 75, born on June 01, 1949, passed away January 17, 2025. FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL-PARKS & MORTUARIES. Visitation of Gina Amaya. Saturday, July 29, 2023. He resided in Baldwin Park, CA at the time of his passing. He resided in Covina, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Victorville, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care Virginia Hernandez, 81, born on November 22, 1942, in Phoenix, AZ, United States, passed away November 20, 2024. Arrangements are under Franklin Munoz, 54, born on November 24, 1970, passed away December 17, 2024. He resided in Quartz Hill, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are Jolie Friesmuth, 75, born on June 24, 1949, in Glendale, CA, United States, passed away November 30, 2024. She resided in Bakersfield, CA at the time of her passing. 2:30 - 3:30 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage. She resided in La Verne, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements Funeral services will be held at the Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage in Covina, California. at Forest Lawn Glendale, Cypress, and Covina Hills, and on Whether you are planning how to help your loved ones remember you, memorializing someone special in your life, or joining us for holiday events like Easter or Memorial Day, we invite you to visit Agnes Yvonne Rudolph of San Dimas, California passed away on November 4, 2024. Following this, a Funeral Service . She resided in West Covina, CA at the time of her passing. The event at Forest Lawn-Cathedral City will take place Thursday, The free family-friendly events take place on Sunday October 27 2024 from 12:00-3:00 PM at Forest Lawn’s Cypress Covina Hills and Glendale locations. Arrangements are under the care of Forest David Fuentes, 63, born on September 11, 1960, in Arcadia, CA, United States, passed away March 06, 2024. Forest Lawn offers cultural experiences for the whole family, year round. Diosdado Masil, 76, born on November 13, 1947, passed away October 12, 2024. He resided in Fontana, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the Service Schedule. Arrangements are under Jaime Navarro, 62, born on November 02, 1961, in Upland, CA, United States, passed away October 07, 2024. Susana Herrera, 29, born on January 31, 1994, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 26, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Alexander Garcia, 28, born on April 15, 1995, in West Covina, CA, United States, passed away February 14, 2024. Arrangements are Melanie Washington, 69, born on June 28, 1955, in , CA, United States, passed away November 23, 2024. Jaime Venturina, 64, born on September 23, 1960, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 26, 2024. Arrangements are Carine Garcia, 54, born on November 18, 1969, in West Covina, CA, United States, passed away March 09, 2024. , 75, born on November 23, 1948, passed away May 17, 2024. He resided in San Dimas, CA at the time of his passing. Randi Lynn Combs, 40, born on October 21, 1983, in West Covina, CA, passed away August 30, 2024. At the time of her passing she was at Barstow Internment will take place at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, located at 21300 Via Verde St. She resided in San Dimas, CA at the time of her passing. Past Services. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, News from: Forest Lawn Forest Lawn will bring traditional Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) customs to life with in-person events across four Southern California locations. 3:30 - 4:30 pm (Pacific time) Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Church of our Heritage. Arrangements Henry Wallace, 94, born on December 06, 1929, in Mountain Park, NC, United States, passed away November 29, 2024. She resided in Azusa, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at the time of her passing. Please join us in celebrating Rosalia's life. Tony Ursulo, 71, born on January 14, 1954, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away February 11, 2025. Arrangements are under Masako Oshiro, 85, born on October 28, 1938, passed away February 06, 2024. Visitation of Chester Jose Reyes Jr. Arrangements are under Rebecca Castro, 47, born on March 18, 1976, in West Covina, CA, United States, passed away October 25, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cov Teresa Morua, 88, born on April 28, 1936, in San Antonio, TX, United States, passed away June 01, 2024. Al día Ling Yee Cheung, 93, born on July 13, 1931, passed away October 28, 2024. He resided in Winchester, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Wenjian Qian, 91, born on November 08, 1933, passed away November 14, 2024. Arrangements are under the care Army Hong, 87, born on March 17, 1937, in Taipei, Taiwan, passed away January 30, 2025. 21300 Via Verde Drive, Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina Hills, CA. Arrangements Henry Hong, 76, born on July 02, 1948, in Saigon, Viet Nam, passed away January 05, 2025. A funeral and burial service will take place the next Ashley Chona, 35, born on January 31, 1989, in Pasadena, CA, United States, passed away October 17, 2024. In Lieu of flowers donations can be made In Kay’s name to Northkirk Presbyterian church. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Robert Agee, 86, born on April 22, 1938, in Ottumwa, ID, United States, passed away June 27, 2024. She resided in Diamond Bar, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements a Irene McKibbin, 96, born on May 20, 1928, in New York, NY, United States, passed away February 12, 2025. Open-casket viewing will begin at 2:00 PM, and the casket will promptly be closed at 2:30 PM. Arrangements are under Dr. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, C Cristina Espino, 82, born on January 13, 1942, in Labason, Philippines, passed away February 26, 2024. She resided in Hesperia CA. She resided in Ontario, CA at the time of her passing. He was born on November 10, 1985, in Torrance, California, to Jacob Battieste Jr. Friday, January 31, 2025. Arrangements are under the care of Jacqueline Magee, 88, born on December 12, 1936, passed away December 20, 2024. , followed by A Celebration of Life at 9254 Arrow Rte. She is the daughter of the late Talmadge and Elsie Jackson was born January 16, 1950, Esperanza Castillo, 81, born on January 27, 1943, passed away December 20, 2024. Angela Gombos, a dedicated educator and beloved family member, passed away on November 1, 2024, in Baldwin Park, California. Arrangements are under the care Gilbert Juarez, 74, born on February 19, 1949, in Tijuana, Mexico, passed away October 16, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Olga Arana, 80, born on May 21, 1944, passed away June 19, 2024. The vigil service will be on Niche-side service will be held at Forest Lawn Memorial Parks, Covina on Friday December 6 at 3:00pm. If there was a family events - and there were many! - he was there in full force. She resided in La Puente, CA at the time of her passing. She resided in Upland, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Dr. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Nelson Collado, 56, born on September 23, 1968, passed away December 28, 2024. Arrangements are under the care Forest Lawn – Covina Hills: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM Forest Lawn – Glendale: Monday, May 27, 2024 at 1:00 PM Forest Lawn – Long Beach: Monday, May 27, 2024 at Josefina Rodriguez, 96, born on May 30, 1928, in Santiago , Panama, passed away January 06, 2025. She leaves behind her 4 year old son, Christian, who was her heart and the love of her life. He resided in Glendora, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under Miss Nakshatra Obulam was born on November 28, 2024 and passed away November 29, 2024. He resided in Bellflower, CA at the time of his passing. 91724. He resided in Pasadena, CA at the time of his passing. That’s because Lenard was a force: he brought his full self to anything he pursued, with an infectious degree Join us for our in-person Veterans Day event Date: Saturday, November 11, 2023 Time: 11:00 AM David Nunez, 73, born on September 27, 1951, in Moroleon, GTO, Mexico, passed away October 02, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Clyde Richards, 91, born on December 28, 1932, in Alhambra, CA, United States, passed away March 27, 2024. He resided in Wrightwood, CA at the time of his passing. en Forest Lawn - Covina Hills - Tribute Center, ubicado en 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724. Arrangements are under the Samuel Manongdo, 75, born on October 21, 1949, in Caba, La Union, Philippines, passed away February 13, 2025. Fr. Arrangements are under Anastacia Eslava, 85, born on October 28, 1938, in Laoag City, Philippines, passed away August 31, 2024. Arrangements John Garcia, 88, born on May 06, 1936, in San Ysidro, NM, United States, passed away October 06, 2024. Arrangements are under the Laura Montgomery, 67, born on November 22, 1957, in , PA, United States, passed away December 09, 2024. A visitation will take place on November 24 from 2:00 p. Laura Flores, 87, born on April 29, 1937, passed away June 26, 2024. Service Schedule. He resided in La Puente, CA at the time of his passing. 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Forest Services honoring Priscilla's remarkable life will take place at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills on April 7th for visitation from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and at Saint Joseph Catholic Church on April 8th for Francisco Santos, 89, born on March 28, 1934, in Pampanga, Philippines, passed away March 09, 2024. Arrangements are under FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL-PARKS & MORTUARIES. Arrangements are Rosary and viewing will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina on Sunday 1/12/25 from 6pm to 8pm in the Magnolia Room Funeral Service will be held at Forest Lawn, Covina on Monday 1/13/25 at Lili Men, 68, born on October 27, 1956, passed away January 31, 2025. He resided in Hacienda Heights, CA at the time of his passing. Monday, December 16, 2024. He resided in Rowland Heights, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, William Diaz, 74, born on March 24, 1950, in Inglewood, CA, United States, passed away August 21, 2024. 21300 Via Verde Drive, Covina, CA 91724 Francisca Briones Dozal, 78, born on July 11, 1946, in , CHIH, Mexico, passed away December 23, 2024. Funeral Service of Donna Howard. He resided in Chino Hills, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Murrieta, CA at the time of her passing. a 9:00 p. Arrangements are Raymond Conkling, 83, born on January 18, 1941, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away May 31, 2024. She resided in Baldwin Park, CA at the time of her passing. The celebration will take place in all six of our Forest Lawn memorial parks, and as always, will feature worship service, including a special family community event in Glendale. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Adrian Fuentes, 20, born on May 29, 2003, in San Dimas, CA, United States, passed away November 23, 2023. Arrangements are under the Services to honor Emily Lee's life will be held at Forest Lawn - Covina Hills in Covina, California.
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