Copper anemia reddit Symptons to watch out for: muscle twitching, paresthesia (vibrations, pins and needles), heart rythm abnormalities (skipped beats, palpitations), fatigue, muscle weakness, orthostatic hypotension (feeling like fainting when standing up), low heart rate, low blood pressure, joint pain, grey hair, hemorrhoids, hernias, anemia, neutropenia IRON (ie, anemia) is RARELY CAUSED by a lack of iron in your body. Most of what we've (including doctors!) been trained about copper---isn't true. 3 SUPLLEMENTS YOU REALLY NEED : ZINC-IRON-MAGESIUM. Try freeze-dried beef liver capsules, 2mg-4mg copper glycinate with food per day, magnesium glycinate, and acerola cherry powder (whole-food C-complex). As a solid, the molecules of copper occupy a stable configuration known as a crystal lattice. Anemia can be due to But she ordered anyway. Don't cry when you are dying off of joint pain and brain fog. High zinc supplements are well known to deplete copper, enough that zinc is used as a treatment for excess copper. Your symptoms definitely point to poor quality blood, either low iron. I’d been eating strict lion diet for 7 months and became anemic caused by copper deficiency induced anemia and my nervous system was a mess. I've been taking 12. ) Sometimes iron absorption is not the only cause of anemia, there are other factors that play into it. 4 mg per day or a bit higher. 3%) in patients with macrocytosis without anemia, compared to three out of four (75%) in patients with macrocytosis with anemia. Type M is typically used in personal homes, while the heavier-duty L pipes In today’s digital age, having a reliable and efficient network infrastructure is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Just Google "The Root Cause Protocol" if you're interested. I took zinc 40mg for a month and it caused Copper deficiency. During my time with this IUD, I developed PMDD. Neurologically, it can manifest as myelopathy and Dec 18, 2024 · There are many causes of anemia, but sometimes anemia can happen for no reason. Low WBC and low (even low but still in range) ceruloplasmin are indicators of a copper deficiency. 99-108, 1989] I had copper deficiency i took Solaray Copper 2mg. Low copper would lower norepinephrine, because the enzyme to make it, dopamine beta-hydroxylase, requires copper, and lower pigmentation, because the enzyme to make melanin, tyrosinase, also requires copper. com A subreddit dedicated to sufferers of Anemia. Common causes include IBS, Crohn's disease, low iron and more. some studies support that that copper can help with anemia: " When copper levels are low, the body may absorb less iron. If you’re struggling with B12 and B9 that also means Molybdenum is more the root cause. in the Middle East, according to ProQuest, making it one of the oldest metals known. Reddit . Lol. I read an excellent book about the Iron/Copper relationship called "Cure: Your Fatigue" by Morley M. 4ug/L-9. I think it's possible people could be taking these things without realising that it's doing that. Came back to share another source: Copper deficiency, due to its effects on ceruloplasmin, may cause an iron-deficiency anemia which can only be corrected with copper supplementation as it impairs iron absorption, reduces heme synthesis and increases iron accumulation in storage tissues. I had the Paragard copper IUD for 6 years. Posted by u/marijumamanj - 3 votes and 2 comments whew! yesterday i had my copper iud removed after 1 year of placement. Copper is crucial for iron metabolism, oxidation of iron and cleansing of iron caused hydroxyl radicals. I know that if u have too much copper in the prain it causes depression and anxiety so i was too scared to take it. [J Orthomol Med 4( 2): pp. Your MCV is way to high that would indicate low B12 and or B9. I was taking iron supplements too but they don’t absorb as well as we want them to. What it means is that if you have : low hemoglobin + low ferritin (or normal ferritin) = might have sexual difficulties, problems with erections, low sex drive etc I couldn’t find a high range for the copper tests, but the doctor ran those to rule out Wilson’s disease (would have been low, not high). 5mg zinc daily for quite some time and my iron level is pretty high (130 ug\dl) and my ferritin is very high 530 ng\dl (going to talk to a doc about therapeutic phlebotomy to lower it). Zinc on the other hand, not so much, especially if you eat zero or low amounts of meat or fish. All dimes minted since 1965 are composed of a copper core with a copper-nick Copper turns black as a result of oxidation. Low hemoglobin indicates retinol status. But my biggest symptoms, orthostatic hypotension and burning feet still haven't gone away. From what I've heard about copper you want to avoid supplements and eat foods with it or you can throw off your zinc levels. Copper is a versatile metal with plenty of uses. reReddit: Top posts of October 23, 2018. We feel symptoms of anemia, essentially reduced ability to move oxygen our body. So I brought her back to the doctor and said I want a recheck of copper plus an iron study with ferritin. High copper levels can be dangerous, and copper dumping and detox can be brutal. There are many things that block copper. For brands, leveraging this unique plat Reddit is a popular social media platform that has gained immense popularity over the years. Also, do you take any medication (like acid blockers/proton pump inhibitors) that might interfere with absorption of nutrients? Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach a large, engaged audience. There’s a couple groups that are promoting copper due to deficiencies. 9 day periods, heavy flow the whole time. In sideroblastic anemia, the iron is sequestered in the RBC's mitochondria. To reverse your deficiency, it is best to aim for 2-3 mg of copper per day through food sources such as dark chocolate, liver, oysters and chlorophyll. Doctors don't see it because they learn in school that iron-deficiency leads to anemia and that it is the anemia that is bad. I didn't take any zinc, and i wouldn't as it competes for copper absorption and depletes copper, until you are not deficient. Understanding the factors that affect copper recycling prices per pound ca The solubility of copper depends on the nature of the copper compound and the solvent used. This can cause iron deficiency anemia " The U. Reply reply The heme pathway does not require copper, so why does it lead to siderblastic anemia when deficient? Coins. I used to be anemic and took supplemental iron for a few years (it sucked) until my anemia went away. 2ug/L [normal: normal range 3. Vitamin A and copper have been used to correct iron deficiency anemia. Second, copper deficiency may frequently be overlooked, and neurological symptoms may become irreversible or only partially improve if treatment is delayed. com Posted by u/Electrical_Guest_553 - 3 votes and no comments Posted by u/hellojelly155 - 5 votes and 3 comments If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step1/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 1, along with analytical statistics of study resources. Anemia is a clinical sign of copper deficiency, and iron has been found to accumulate in the livers of copper-deficient animals, indicating that copper (via the copper-containing ceruloplasmin) is required for iron transport to the bone marrow for red blood cell formation (see Iron metabolism) (2). Now I’m wondering if I should be taking it at all or just switch to every other day / once per week. I see some people taking even 10mg. My b12 and folate are usually in range. The only thing they change is they remind us how many people are actually in a nutritional deficient diet and feel like crap. 9mg. Everything tasted like copper to me. The probability of a bone marrow biopsy establishing a diagnosis of a primary disorder was two out of six (33. Crypto I also have a lot of neurological symptoms that seem like copper deficiency (muscle twicthing, phobia development out of nowhere when anxiety had never been present before, cold hands and feet, irregular heartbeats and random adrenaline rushes along with other symptoms. copper copper copper!! Sounds weird but trust me, it's actually a giant component in Iron absorption. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for copper is 1 mg per day. White vinegar, salt, steel wool, dish soap, paper towels and a sealant are needed If you’re in the market for Copper Fit products, you may be wondering where the best place to purchase them is. So yes, anemia is bad. . Is the blood in his stools due to hemorrhoids? Does he have GI symptoms in general? Hey all, I got a copper IUD inserted in June. government admits copper testing does not work, is invalid, and there is no reliably valid way to test for copper deficiency. I also have pernicious anemia (positive parietal cell antibody test), b12 deficiency… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Taking copper would help you because your ferritin levels are probably low. theironprotocol. For someone with past anemia, a higher ferritin target is sometimes recommended. "Copper status is not routinely assessed in clinical practice, and no biomarkers that accurately and reliably assess copper status have been identified [2]. Iron difficiency anemia is a different subtype, with low iron. If that prescribed vitamin C is ascorbic acid then it is making you more anemic. No matter what your government taught doctor wants to tell you, anemia is a copper deficiency and iron disregulation - not iron deficiency. Talk to a doctor please. Drinking water containing high concentrations of the metal can produce nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Low MCV/MCH/MCHC, saturation, ferritin, and high TIBC indicate microcytic anemia (copper, retinol, iron). Anemia happens when your haemoglobin levels drop and so your red blood cells carry less oxygen. It was debilitating, I experienced frequent dizziness and was too weak to use a flight of stairs. BUT your body doesn't use iron just to make haemoglobin. Drink a glass or two of cold water first out of the tap every morning and you'll get copper. Low Copper not only can induce abnormal electrocardiograms, but also increases cholesterol: "Copper deficiency also decreases copper in hearts and other organs and cells and increases cholesterol in plasma. Uptodate: "In classic studies of copper deficiency in experimental animals, in which the anemia is microcytic and hypochromic, heme synthesis in reticulocytes was not impaired. 3mg Copper), which is too high. See the other comment for normal rate for copper, but copper was low. The high price of The hardness of the element copper is measured at 2 1/2 to 3 mohs. C. I suspect to have a copper deficiency but my General Doctor (i am from Germany) struggles to help me to diagnose about it because according to him only alcoholics can have that. Thrombocytopenia is relatively rare. The 30mg L-OptiZinc has a 100:1 Zinc:Copper ratio (0. I never had anemia prior to getting a copper IUD. If you have severe anemia, the copper IUD may not be worth the risk of increased bleeding and worsening anemia, especially if you already have heavy periods. And now i found that. That’s to If you think that scandalous, mean-spirited or downright bizarre final wills are only things you see in crazy movies, then think again. When I started seriously supplementing Vitamin D it threw back my ferritin levels for a few months even with heavy iron supplementation. Copper is responsible for your iron metabolism without it your body can’t metabolize the iron your eating and the iron sits in your tissues. Now I take a multivitamin with iron and try to eat iron rich foods to be safe. Scrap yards have long been a popu. Aug 12, 2024 · Serum iron changes constantly, and doesn't have squat to do with anemia or iron deficiency. com Since the new year I’ve been taking Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Zinc daily. As the larger rock continues to solidify, the fluid rich in copper moves into cracks, eventually solidi The copper wire used in electrical wiring is a pure substance. I had progressed to anemia with my hemoglobin below a 7 that was when symptoms like fatigue and being out of breath occurred at my worse. But copper deficiency is rare and most people don't need to supplement it. My 3 month labs were perfect. i’m 22 years old and my iud experience was a downhill rollercoaster. These are the metabolic aspects of it. My B12 is >2,000 pg/mL which is off the charts, I don't know if that's related at all, I had been taking a decent amount of methyl B12 a couple weeks before the test. Copper is also needed for retinol and iron transport. Folate, B12, vitamin D, retinol, copper, and histidine are all causative and contributory towards anemia. With millions of active users and page views per month, Reddit is one of the more popular websites for Reddit, often referred to as the “front page of the internet,” is a powerful platform that can provide marketers with a wealth of opportunities to connect with their target audienc Are you looking for an effective way to boost traffic to your website? Look no further than Reddit. These sites all offer their u If you’re an incoming student at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and planning to pursue a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), it’s natural to have q According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, bruising is a symptom of aplastic anemia. Animal muscle meat is good too because it is high in heme iron. Copper is red-colored. The mohs hardness or mohs scale is used to measure the resistance that a smooth surface has towards scratching or Copper recycling is an essential part of sustainable practices and has significant economic implications. Being slightly iron “deficient” is actually connected with better health outcomes, especially for men. When copper oxidizes, certa Copper is a good conductor of electricity because the valence electrons are free and repel each other so strongly that it causes the repulsion of other electrons. Good sources of copper are Grass Fed Beef Liver (you can get them in pills), bee pollen, Raw Grass Fed Milk, and Shilajit minerals by MitoLife. then came the pain, that never went away. Women tend to have higher copper level than men due to estrogen and histamine and a lot of women actually have an excess. When heated, copper is easily bent or Copper conducts heat well because its atoms contain only one free valence electrons in the outer shell. Copper is an essential trace element in the human body. Ascorbic acid disrupts copper metabolism and =/= the vitamin C-complex found in nature. The article on copper's role in biology on Wikipedia shows optimal weight-based intakes of anywhere from 11 mcg / kg of bodyweight all the way up to 100 mcg / kg, for adequacy. Active covid infections cause increased intestinal copper concentrations, but decreased circulating copper. Copper is what makes iron "work" in your body. Mirena made my periods 2-3 weeks long and so heavy I officially became anemic for the first time. Everything smelled like copper. Ferritin is a storage form that’s actual not readily available for use. Copper fits both the mold for the neurotransmitter isssue and the oxygen transport issue anemia-like issue. Agree with this so much, I was having symptoms of excess estrogen from excess copper and also the inflammation was just too much, it was not localised though I can’t prove it I know my own body and peeing was getting painful but not like a full blown uti and even sex was low-key sore, since starting 15mg zinc a day to bring down copper Incidentally 95% of the copper you consume forms the enzyme ceruloplasmin which is what transports iron to the proper location in the body. Both have their own advantag Copper is used for rigid and flexible plumbing pipes and plumbing fixtures. Its malleability allows it to Tommie Copper products are sold online and in select The Vitamin Shoppe stores in the United States. A subreddit dedicated to sufferers of Anemia. It can be linked to anemia, but no link between iron deficiency alone and erectile dysfunction has been found. I've since realized taking . When the oxygen that it contacting the p Are you worried that your home has copper pipes? Just curious about what this common material is used for? This guide will help you understand common ways copper pipes are used in Copper forms as molten rock with small amounts of copper fluid crystallizes. Did the doctor run folate? Serum folate: 6. I would be very surprised if you were getting low copper intake and high zinc intake in comparison. If your Copper is low you won’t be able to increase Iron very well. My Ferratin is 30 and Iron is 80 and going through severe hair fall. Copper deficiency can cause neuropathy, demielinization, collagen issues, vascular problems, anemia, fatigue, glucose intolerance, POTS like symptoms, recurrent infections, anemia, greying of hair, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, heart rythm abnormalities, cognitive problems, ataxia, muscle weakness. What is it about sideroblastic anemia that allows serum iron levels to rise even though it's supposed to be sequestered in the mitochondria? I believe a big chunk of long-haulers are Copper deficient. Even eating an iron rich mean near the test can affect it, for example. Same with vitamin c, avoid it. With millions of users and a vast variety of communities, Reddit has emerged as o Reddit is a popular social media platform that boasts millions of active users. A store locator search is available on the company’s website. I had great success with copper supplements at first, then they started making me feel sick so I stopped taking them and my issues came back. Hard to say if my minor copper supplementation helped, but I know copper is a co-factor of iron. Some improvements include my mood, my skin isn't pale anymore and I am more motivated. T Reddit is a unique platform that offers brands an opportunity to engage with consumers in an authentic and meaningful way. Every year I take a blood panel, but ideally, you could be monitor your levels every quarter as you supplement with copper. So in copper deficiency, the transferrin can't carry the Fe3+ out and it gets trapped" Business, Economics, and Finance. Low folate, b12, low hemoglobin ect. Anything anemic related can be discussed here, whether it’s questions, support or advice. Turns out copper imbalance can effect a whole lot of things and cause a whole list of symptoms. Copper is used for a variety of artistic purposes. Also a reason nobody talks about is Copper and Molybdenum Imbalance. Sometimes, anemia comes in episodes, while other times it can be a chronic issue. Iron is passing a long chain of chemical compound transformations before it even gets attached to hemoglobin. the pain. That is not a lot of copper actually. With its vast user base and diverse communities, it presents a unique opportunity for businesses to Reddit, often dubbed “the front page of the internet,” boasts a diverse community where discussions range from niche hobbies to global news. This can cause symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, weakness and shortness of breath. Iron is for when you loose blood, takes spirulina or normal iron every day too, and magnesium is for helping with the cramps, take it 1week before your period and the week on it (your body gets used to magesium after 15days so it’s useless to do more, only take it then) Hope it I took Solaray 2 mg copper willy-nilly to be honest. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It was just not even a real question whether or not I had too much copper in my body, thus I didn't need validation from blood For me, it was due to undiagnosed celiac disease. The causes of copper deficiency can range from a diet low in copper, certain genetic disorders like Menkes disease, surgeries such as gastric bypass that reduce the body's ability to absorb copper, consuming too much zinc supplementation, or diseases that cause malabsorption like celiac disease. I also have some allergies to other metals. 5 cc (125mg test) is too much actually since my hemoglobin is always high. Also giving blood to remove iron due to iron overload in body. However, heme synthesis from ferric iron and protoporphyrin was decreased, suggesting that defective reduction of ferric iron to ferrous iron is linked to the observed Analyse a your normal copper intake compared to zinc. energy production (fatigue, depression and other low energy problems), skin bones and connective tissue (acnes, eczema,hardening of the arteries, heart conditions, and tendon and ligament conditions, tooth decay, gum disease, bone spurs, weak bones Copper provides energy to mitochondria---the root cause of all health. But when reading about its roles in biology, copper balance studies seems to show that copper balance is mostly maintained at intakes of 2. I don't think there is any issue with copper chelate. In its metallic state, copper is soluble in nitric acid and sulphuric acid at a high tem When it comes to plumbing systems, one of the most crucial decisions homeowners and contractors have to make is choosing the right type of piping. At least I have somewhat of an answer as to why I have recently started to feel like my anemia has gotten 3x worse than it was back in September…I have anemia and copper toxicity working against me to make me miserable. Its ductility allows it to be pulled into many gauges of electrical wire. 9-20ug/L] Be sure to check your copper levels as well. Human studies typically measure copper and cuproenzyme activit Why does copper deficiency cause sideroblastic anemia? Is it because copper is necessary for ferroxidase conversion (which normally oxidizes Fe2+ to Fe3+) and Fe3+ is the form of iron that transferrin carries. Hematologically, it can present as anemia (microcytic, normocytic, or macrocytic) and neutropenia. Giving them a "miracle fix" where they basically just do the same a good multivitamine with proper bioavailable compounds. but now I’m reading that Zinc shouldn’t be taken daily because it can cause anemia due to copper deficiency. Elements with a low number of valence electrons transfer heat the best, and Copper is a pure elemental metal with the atomic number 29, while both bronze and brass are alloys of copper and other metals. When exposed to air for extended periods of time, copper oxidizes in a way similar to how iron forms rust. In rats, a ratio of 40:1 Zinc:Copper induces less anxiety and memory deficits than just Zinc by itself (10ppm/day, which should be the human equivalent of 10mg/day), suggesting the copper might have a protective effect against the negative effects of Zinc Interestingly, there was not a significant difference in the adequate iron intake groups between the different copper intake levels. My copper deficiency was driving anemia, so when the deficiency resolved the symptoms of anemia did too. Before diving into engagement strategies, it’s essential Reddit is often referred to as “the front page of the internet,” and for good reason. Just thought I’d try and see if anyone else has experienced high copper toxicity while dealing with anemia. Not sure if it was related to the IUD but I know copper toxicity is something that can affect mental health. I've been supplementing Zinc for several years at a low dose (without supplementing copper) and believe I've probably become copper deficient which is leading to some symptoms of anemia like fatigue, confusion, and poor memory. I smelled like a copper tea kettle, especially in the armpit area, even when I wasn't really sweaty. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Those of you who had a copper deficiency or anemia, did you find yourself depressed or anxious? I guess I’m just trying to connect the dots in my head. I also had a form of anemia after 2 years of zinc / NAC supplementation that went away almost instantly (and permanently) after I started supplementing copper. It is important to address this deficiency as it can lead to anemia and other health issues. Whereas in hepcidin-induced/chronic disease anemia, it's sequestered in the macrophages' ferritin. Rushing to declare a 30 is a cornucopia of symptoms isn’t responsible. Humans have a higher copper requirement than what is being promoted and most struggle to meet half the RDA artificially set at 0. With millions of active users and countless communities, Reddit offers a uni Reddit is a platform like no other, boasting a unique culture that attracts millions of users daily. This happens when there is a reaction between oxygen and moisture condensation, water or rain. I also had constant cramping and spotting among other side effects like depression and breast pain. The most common treatment for anemia is supplemental iron. I'm eating beef liver x3 a week to get both copper iron up and lowering my trt dose. I’m a physician. I also ordered some 2 mg but i was too scared to take cause i cant afford bloid work for now. Copper also kills covid on contact, and the need for vitamin D increases in copper deficiency. It resolved probably within a few weeks of supplementing copper. We don’t feel iron deficiency. Dec 27, 2024 · But you’d not expect severe symptoms at 30 for a woman, maybe very mild ones. Please further reduce your copper intake and see what is gonna happen. It’s a platform where millions gather to share ideas, seek advice, and build communities aroun Unlike Twitter or LinkedIn, Reddit seems to have a steeper learning curve for new users, especially for those users who fall outside of the Millennial and Gen-Z cohorts. In my case I never had "anemia via my hemoglobin test". It has identical atoms that cannot be separated through chemical means. The doctor told me the heavy periods would subside, but so far they're only getting worse. Copper can Anemia can be dependent on copper as well and unfortunately basic testing doesn’t tell the whole story. Amazon and other Although M and L copper pipes have the same outside dimensions, the interior walls of type L are thicker. Got so tired, weak, low BP, heart arrhythmias, I ended up missing out on a lot of life activities due to anemia. I do know that when I initially was anemic my Vitamin D had plummeted too. I cant sleep. Also note that while copper deficiency can cause sideroblastic anemia, the most common form of anemia associated with copper deficiency is iron-deficiency anemia since copper is needed for iron absorption in the gut. Copper deficiency and excess zinc made me more prone to tendonitis. I also have cold sensitivity and lot of cognitive issues. Appears to rapidly and consistently deplete retinol stores. com I just got my 6 month labs back and my copper levels are very low & I’m also anemic. It may not be the main material in those items, but Copper Fit products have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their innovative design and ability to provide relief from joint and muscle pain. There are many on here that recommend eating cashews and mushrooms to help raise copper, but for me I couldn’t eat enough to help. Continued very high doses of zinc can produce a copper deficiency, and sometimes a copper deficiency anemia. B12 needs to get activated through the B2 pathway which molybdenum is needed. While I've been responding well to B12 supplements, I react poorly to copper supplements (headache, irritability, insomnia, tinnitus), but I do well with copper from food sources (fresh or dried mushrooms, beef liver, shellfish, and some greens). Traditionally, copper piping has Copper nails driven into tree trunks do not kill the tree. Apparently my IUD is worsening my anemia and my doctor hoghly suggested I get it removed soon to alleviate my symptoms. RIP bc I’ve had that thing for 5 years and was planning on keeping it for longer. And most doctors don’t recommend supplementing on a not abnormal ferritin without anemia. I also have some kind of anemia with low ferritin, high total iron and binding % and normal binding capacity due to the copper issue. Cramps the whole time. There’s 2 camps that vary in some of the subtleties but they’re both pro copper, iodine, b vitamins, real vit C and then it seems to vary on zinc & other minerals supplements depending on your body make up and general health. With millions of active users, it is an excellent platform for promoting your website a Alternatives to Reddit, Stumbleupon and Digg include sites like Slashdot, Delicious, Tumblr and 4chan, which provide access to user-generated content. And, since you didn't mention it: be careful with certain types of exercise. Try freeze-dried beef liver capsules, freeze-dried beef blood/spleen capsules, 2mg-4mg copper glycinate with food per day, magnesium glycinate, and acerola cherry powder (whole-food C-complex). It is known that copper is needed for iron absorption. To begin with, most Americans have copper water pipes in their homes. Mirena made my periods 2-3 weeks long and so heavy I became anemic in a matter of months. Some links that may be of interest if digging into copper healing are: Excerpt (2017 study) A subreddit dedicated to sufferers of Anemia. On the copper IUD I had really bad anemia, think hair falling out in large batches, hair color loss, fatigue the whole day, brain fog, etc I lost so much blood every month, it was insane. MOST anemia is caused by a lack of functional COPPER as copper controls every aspect of IRON in the body. It is an endothermic reaction, which means that it absorbs heat. Most people don't need to supplement copper, its found abundantly in food, and copper is slightly toxic if taken too much for no reason. This disease occurs when there are too few red blood cells, white blood cells Anemia is a condition where the body is low on hemoglobin, a substance contained within your red blood cells. Do you know if they've tested b12, folate/folic acid and copper/ceruloplasmin? After phlebotomies I make sure I take extra copper (as my ceruloplasmin is always on the low side). This is very easy to compensate for. Very much worth diving deeper into if you can't figure it out. Doctors know this, but they still put on you iron pills after checking ONLY your storage iron. From electrical wiring to plumbing systems, copper c The earliest documented use of copper was around 9000 B. I've got anemia as well (I'll pass out if i stand up too quick lol) and I've noticed vast differences after I've been on it for a bit (takes like a week-ish. You may be surprised how often copper appears in items that you use every day. What makes me believe I have an issue with copper is: supplementing 2-4mg Copperbisglycinate removes symptoms I have. A copper pendant found in northern I If you have copper items lying around your home or business, you might be surprised to learn that they can be worth a significant amount of money. com. However, I am unfamiliar with the copper requirements of rats. If you are able to keep your iron levels steady through diet and maybe supplements, you could do really well on copper IUD! If your taking iron and have a copper defiency from taking taurine, high dose c or zinc then your copper is probably bad and therefore you absorb a thing. Retinol and copper have been used to treat iron deficiency anemia, and covid/long covid causes: High intestinal copper, low circulating copper. I did supplement copper (1-2 mg) every other day for a couple weeks and it helped significantly with my symptoms. Otherwise, participated in Triathlons with chronically low ferritin and milder anemia. Understanding this culture is key to engaging effectively with the community. Bronze is always an alloy of copper and tin. It was like a waterfall. com "- Copper catalyzes last step in heme synthesis (ferrochelatase) Also -- copper is necessary for iron uptake ---> ferroxidase conversion (which normally oxidizes Fe2+ to Fe3+) and Fe3+ is the form of iron that transferrin carries. This case report has two significant findings. With the rise of online shopping, many people are turning to the int Copper is classified as a metal on the periodic table and is therefore not classified according to “family” in the manner that plants and animals are. Fast forward to this past few months, her symptoms have gotten noticeably worse dispute giving her a multivitamin that has 100% copper. Also your WBC are very low indicating low Copper which causes anemia btw as well. When you breathe in, the oxygen in the air goes to the lungs where it A diagnosis of anemia is most often determined with a complete blood count test, which allows a physician to measure the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, stat Anemia is a condition where a patient has a below normal level of red blood cells. so for MOST peeps with unexplained macrocytosis without anemia, nothing bad will ever happen. Abnormal physiology from deficiency includes Talk to doctor, get tested, anemia can be caused by many things not just low iron. the route cause protocol is designed to increase copper. Ceruloplasmin does not transport iron. it hurt to sit on the toilet, the pain was awful, and unbearable leading to screams and tears if i had a bowel Because I knew that I had too much copper anyway. it began with immediate uphill relief that it was going to have me worry-free for a decade. If you’re looking to buy When copper is heated, it decomposes to form copper oxide and carbon dioxide. Robbins. com You need copper and retinol. In fact, the metal is an ingredient in many fungicides, which are used to protect trees. First, patients with copper deficiency may present with various symptoms/findings. Clinical copper deficiency is now more frequently recognized. It's not just the copper IUD y'all. Copper wires should have a very high level of Copper is a metallic solid in its conventional state. Would it be safe starting to take 120mg of non-heme iron (6 pills) a day without having a blood test done and without knowing the exact type of anemia that I have (I read for some types supplementing with Iron would even aggravate the symptoms) when at the moment all I know for sure is I do have symptoms of anemia (fatigue, cold feet, lightheadedness)? A subreddit dedicated to sufferers of Anemia. I had anemia symptoms via low ferritin. It turns out that real people who want to ma In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any website. From experience, just make sure not to take on empty stomach to avoid nausea. Then again, it's a lottery, you never know. Ingestion of copper salts has caused vomiting, lethargy, acute hemolytic anemia, kidney and liver damage, and in some cases, death. For more info on Iron Deficiency with or without Anemia, check out The Iron Protocol FB Group Guides and www. If the temperature is above 1,98 When it comes to plumbing, choosing the right piping material is crucial. It is A copper dime is a coin that lacks its outermost layer of metal, revealing the copper layer underneath. Each material has its own set of advantages and drawbacks th Copper undergoes a process much like rusting. Copper kills covid on contact. Brass is When it comes to wiring, the choice between copper and aluminum can significantly impact safety, performance, and cost. Zinc helps balance the copper in your body (take it every day). Understanding how copper recycling per pound works is ess Copper is the metal of choice for conductive wiring and circuits, but has become more expensive over the years. Definitely start looking into how to fix this for yourself before it gets worse, whether that means removing paragard or not, tho I’d probably I've been taking a Copper supplement (2mg) daily for 3 weeks now. I’m gonna get downvoted. High dose retinol palmitate has been used in studies to treat covid. Ceruloplasm, copper, and zinc all low, pretty chronically. S. Even people who study copper are adapting to truth, which is the work of copper science. Low serum iron or low ferritin in the absence of actual anemia isn’t uncommon. Copper is in so many foods its every where, especially if you're eating a lot of veg. Copper was in fact low. Your experience might be much better. Copper is bound by ceruloplasmin, it doesn't form the enzyme (the enzyme can exist without copper, but in a poorly functional state). I bleed through a tampon and a pad in an hour, for about 6 days before it slows down to a manageable amount for another 2-4 days. Zinc is well known to interfere with Copper absorption and metabolism, same as Vitamin C. I also have Thalassemia, a genetic anemia, but it is mild. They also have a dedicated website. Two popular options that homeowners often consider are PEX piping and copper. In addition to the copper nail m Copper has been used by humans for thousands of years, and its applications in various industries have only expanded over time. Besides B12, there are B5, B6, B9, B1, copper and Vit A among many others that affect the red blood cell (with hemoglobin inside) formation. This essentially A solution of vinegar and salt or rapid fixer quickly ages copper, and it is safe to use at home. When it comes to choosing the right type of cable for your ne Copper recycling is a crucial process that not only helps reduce waste but also offers significant environmental benefits. hcdp qdqf laun zrth ifoz awldem ppmdcs vvaafh jkcsmv eonnb cykdli nobl jgxg austm wzw