Waller flag antenna. long aluminum (50 mm.

Waller flag antenna. Propagation Mystery - part 1 - NEW: The 160m.
Waller flag antenna K6SE's 160m optimized Waller Flag-2: details: Waller Flag-3: tests: The 160m. Build a Beverage, Beverage-On-Ground (BOG), EWE, FLAG, or VE3DO loop type antenna. 7 dB 99º Waller Flag 12. To get the best null, azimuth needs to be controlled to more like *1* degree. This antenna was conceived and designed by Doug Waller NX4D hence the name of the antenna the Waller Flag. AA7A version of the Waller Flag. Old Antenna files. In 2003 Doug Waller, NX4D living on 1/3 city lot set himself the goal to work as many DXCC on low bands as possible from his limited size lot. 2022 . 2009 is not so strong and propagation is diving due this low solar Jul 15, 2007 · Topband: NEW ALL METAL WALLER FLAG FOR 160m 80m 40m small lots. 40 . 843. Source X Load R. 160m QSL Gallery. A Rotary Low Band Receive Dec 28, 2021 · Waller Flag Antenna. At first I checked the daytime noise level received by the vertical TX antenna: around –80 dB, while the oscillator signal is at -42 dB (but its source position is closer than to 10-15-20 LP 200W HF Triplexer 10-15-20 HP 3500W HF Triplexer 10-15-20 HP 2000W HF Triplexer Some time ago N4IS ordered a triplexer board to build a triplexer to use with his Waller Flag receiving antenna on low bands Waller Flag . earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. Doug High Performance Receiving Antennas 10 - 14 dB RDF ⚫ 10 dB: 500 to 600 foot Beverage about 7 feet high ⚫ 11 dB: Two or three close spaced 500 to 600 foot Beverages, staggered 125 feet ⚫ 11 dB: Vertical Waller Flag array ⚫ 12 dB: 4 square array of active or passive short verticals 80 x 80 ft ⚫ 12 dB: 3 element YCCC tri-band array of short active verticals 120 ft long Power Supply for two Rotors. N4IS looks at lowband receive principles and construction of the Horizontal Waller Flag . W5NU QRZ Lifetime Member #642 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page. Contact Me : Photo Album: New TX Antenna: Waller Flag-1: design: Waller Flag-2: details: Waller Flag-3: tests: The 160m. 160 m. 5 or 7 MHz shows a different situation and there are plenty Oct 4, 2017 · Larry W7IUV has a rather complete description on how to build the Flag antenna . 4 square . 9 dB . The Buddistick PRO comes packaged in a compartmentalized 1000 denier (A trap antenna works the same way, when isolation of the trap is maximum voltage across the trap and circulating currents through the inductor and capacitor are maximum. These antenna configurations normally receive in one direction, but the BevFlex-4X allows you to instantly switch to the reverse direction. Dipole Inverted V . Featuring switched band pass At this year™s Antenna Forum at the Dayton Hamvention, W8VVG gave a presentation on the Waller Flag antenna. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K9UWA, Oct 1, 2015. (South Florida DX Association - Don’t need to move out in the woods, just improve your receiving system and enjoy the good stuff). For reference this is a BWF elevation plot . High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot. Doug first designed and built his antenna in a vertical Oct 1, 2015 · The Horizontal Waller Flag antenna is a produced and sold by Carlos N4IS http://top-beam. net> Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 08:37:39 -0400: most of the time with better copy, but the HWF always with a comfortable quiet RX. KD9SV Products Gary Nichols 4121 How to install a Horizontal Waller Flag antenna at 150 foot. height, attached to a fiberglass mast on top of an insulated 12 m. 10 . M2 EME Relay/Preamp for MAP Dec 13, 2016 · After hearing directly during the summer 2006 how well Jose Carlos, N4IS, was listening from Miami with a new Rx antenna, a double loop flag originated by Doug Waller, NX4D, I decided to go deeply into this design. 10 dB . . Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3. comparing single loopreceive antennas like Flag, EWE, K9AY and double loops like Waller Flags against this double loop. Two 18—20 db preamps are necessary to bring the signal at a comfortable level, The polar plot is from a 1680 KHz AM station 20 miles, the diagram represents what you can expect on Jul 20, 2002 · The Flag Antenna is in the family of terminated loops that can yield a cardioid (heart-shaped, single-direction null) pick-up pattern. Heck I thought the Low Band preamplifier for Beverage antennas. HiZ Circle 8. Conditions have been poor the last couple of days, but I could test the WF and Mar 5, 2016 · High performance receiving antennas for small lots Basic concepts and practical aspects • Directivity & gain • Signal to noise ratio • RDF antenna comparison for 1. - - Photo courtesy of N4IS - - Waller Flag Common Mode Chokes by N4IS (. Two 18—20 db preamps are necessary to bring the signal at a comfortable level, The polar plot is from a 1680 KHz AM station 20 miles, the diagram represents what you can expect on Upgrading from the rotatable Flag by W7IUV, and the original K6SE design, to the “Waller Flag”, an end-fire rotatable two loops array by NX4D and N4IS. distance from the Waller Flag in the NNW direction. GREAT RX ANTENNA, n4is: Next by Date: Re: Topband: topband post - waller flag antenna, Tom Rauch: Previous by Thread: Topband: NEW ALL METAL WALLER FLAG FOR 160m 80m 40m small lots. September 05 2024. “I have seen some references in the literature to the rising altitude of the tropopause in the tropics due to global warming, resulting in more powerful thunderstorms with higher cloud-tops – and therefore Topband: (HWF) Horizontal Waller Flag ; one year report, From: "n4is" <n4is@bellsouth. K6SE's 160m optimized It would be typical for the 160 meter operating position to have the MBD-8F with the Waller Flag receive antenna control. K6SE's 160m optimized Trying again the Waller Flag at IV3PRK – part 1 Searching for the best design . Flag standard - 29,97 30 149 30,0 - 37,73 7,76 948 -6 950 Waller Flag - 56,09 22 79 27,0 - 67,67 11,58 • Rotatable flag antenna with custom dual band preamp used as RX antenna • Success was limited by ability to receive • Was there more that could be done without • Waller Flag –invented by Doug Waller, NX4D. Waller Flag Design. 32dB. Most of the time there are no horizontal signals at 20ft high for 160m, the arriving signals are shorted circuited by the ground, Tests on 3. Wish I could have such a setup. 8 MHz • Jan 17, 2017 · This antenna has been originated by Doug Waller, NX4D, and highly developed by Jose Carlos, N4IS, who lately settled the “Top-Beam” which sells very performing systems. 1 dB 50º TX 4-square 10. net The "Flag" and "Pennant" antennas optimized and publicized by K6SE on the topband reflector show great promise for those of us who live on less than full section farms. Waller Flag-54dBi. w6izt1@gmail. 12. 5 miles, it’s obvious we measured the azimuth pattern of John’s Waller Flag at a very • The Waller Flag antenna is very quiet and has a very good directivity. through Vertical Polarization to H. We're monitoring and will update In the meantime, you may find May 19, 2024 · Antenna -3db Peak + 3db Big Waller Flag vertical 5. In 2003 Doug Waller, NX4D living on 1/3 city 1. Update Dec. My two antennas are almost the same size and with low man made noise they performance on 160m are almost the same. RDF . 2. Propagation Mystery - part 2 - NEW . Jun 14, 2017 · The Waller Flag is basically two flag antennas phased 180 degrees. gain RDF Source R. Jun 2, 2011 · article: "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground- Independent Low- Band Receiving Antennas" • 2003 NX4D developed the first dual flag vertical array Jan 2, 2019 · Adding a 18 db gain amplifier, the signal and the noise will increase 18db and the signal noise still will be the same. External link broken. Posted on 1-March-2017 by wwrof. 3 feet by 16. I Listed under the Antennas/160M category that is about Antenna for 160 meters band. ) (A trap antenna works the same way, when isolation of the trap is maximum voltage across the trap and circulating currents through the inductor and capacitor are maximum. com> > On Behalf Of Stan Stockton Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2018 2:15 PM To: topband@contesting. The full size vertical was reradiating all that noise into my receiver antenna. I heard another 8 countries I was not able to work including DU9, EY8, 4L, UN, and 9M2. 12 dB . The Waller Flag is a low-noise receive antenna, and consists of two loops fed 180o out-of-phase. Part 1 - Modeling with EZNEC By Pierluigi “Luis” Mansutti IV3PRK The antenna’s scene environment In the “Study on interactions between antennas on low bands” of summer 2004, I modeled The BevFlex-4X is the basis of the best low band, low noise, antenna system for your station and property size limitations. 6 m preamplifier. 9 14 45 . Rotatable Flag Antenna by Larry Molitor - W7IUV Published with permission; more on W7IUV's home page email w7iuv@arrl. Ready to go up! The Re: Waller flag antenna In attesa di tue notizie , posto un po' di cose interessanti, uno scambio di idee fra Tom, w8ji e N4IS, JC. com> Subject: Re: Topband: Waller Flag construction and performance Ken: No directivity and noisier than the TX vertical. htm) placed at about 200 m. 8 20 45 Horizontal WF 17. A new receive antenna system for the low Trying again the Waller Flag at IV3PRK – part 1 Searching for the best design . com <mailto:topband@contesting. com> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:11:18 -0400: List-post: <mailto:topband@contesting. 8 MHz • What a receiver antenna can do for you New Receiving antennas • What is a Horizontal Waller Flag • Detuning TX antenna • Common mode noise • Conclusions Oct 1, 2015 · Rx antennas at IV3PRK: detuning the TX Antenna Using the “sectionalizing tower” method by W8JI by Pierluigi “Luis” Mansutti IV3PRK In the 1st part of my modeling study on the Flags upgrade, from the original standard rotatable one to the new “Waller Flag”, it came out that, in any case, detuning the Tx antenna was an issue. The RDF of the Dual Waller Flag antenna is 11. Pol. Posted on 5-March-2016 by wwrof. Apr 24, 2009 · After almost 3 years working on dual Flag antennas I hit something big here. to match incoming wave Receiving only antennas category is a curation of 96 web resources on , W1TAG LF Receiving Loop, Triband Receiving Loop for 160/80/40m, The K7TJR Array 160m antenna. It looks fine, but I am disappointed. 4 dB 187º 500 ft Beverage 9 dB 80º 2 - VE3DO loops spaced 340 ft 10. Horizontal Waller Flag elevation field . I LOVE IT. Amateur Radio World Map, Building a Rotatable Flag Antenna for Small Lots, Vertical Delta Loops Antennas, Transitioning from W7IUV to Waller Flag Antenna Designs, Trap Dipole for 17, 12 and 6 Metre Amateur Bands, SO2R Speaker and Paddle Switching, Intermittent receiver issues in the TS-590s, Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2448 You cannot have too many receiving antennas! Beverages. Antennas: 160M. 6 dB 360º 10 ft diam tuned loop 4 dB 105º 90 ft tall Tee Vertical 4. N4IS - New Waller Flag; Hi performance 160 Also in combination with that the antennas with the higher angle back lobes may be more susceptible to noise than the antennas with low angle side lobes. Resources listed under antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. PRESENTATION SLIDES: Topband: Waller Flag Antenna: From: "wa4fki" <wa4fki@nc. Waller Flag. This amp has been used with good success with Waller Flag antennas. 2 oscillator (see test-oscillator. Perhaps you should look at these as two separate observations. 8 db, tuning for best Front/Back the RDF drops to 11 db. It can be mounted either horizontally (called the HWF with horizontal polarization) or vertically (called the Waller Flag . 6 m How to install a Horizontal Waller Flag antenna at 150 foot. Interlock system Antenna control: 2 YCCC MOAS II Controllers and 2 Android touch screens; Rotator controls: all remote controlled from equipment closet Switchable 2 element quads (4-dir), Hytower, Horizontal Waller Flag; 40m: 2 Stack of W6NL Another crank up holds a Waller Flag antenna at 85 ft for low band receive mounted on it. Carlos' stations worked in the summer is quite impressive. This is why peak power loss in a trap always occurs at or very near exact trap resonance. 4 dB 2-el TX vertical w/reflector 7. Waller Dual Loop Dec 15, 2018 · Regards JC N4IS -----Original Message----- From: Topband <topband-bounces@contesting. 8 dB . HWF Beverage 1 wave . SAL30 Thanks, Ken K6MR From: Gregg W6IZT<mailto:gregg. Propagation Mystery - part 2 - NEW Welcome to My Website Last Trying again the Waller Flag at IV3PRK – part 3 Testing it . His was only 3. N4IS - New Waller Flag By Jose Carlos. Stop complaining and get to work. 8 MHz • What a receiver antenna can do for you New Receiving antennas • What is a Horizontal Waller Flag • Detuning TX antenna • Common mode noise • Conclusions Reduced Size and Elevated Flag Antenna Models by VE6WZ : New NX4D WF Latest Results by NX4D and N4IS Small Rotary Loop, Amazing Results: 4ea. 7 Beverage 500 ft 9. The only comment I have about that antenna is that it seems really ground independent for those with really poor grounds and it is rotate able May 19, 2007 · Doug already heard over 269 countries from is 1/3 acre sub-division north of Orlando using his original Waller Flag. FT50B-77, binocular, with 8 turns RG316, makes a very good choke (40dB!). 5 miles, it’s obvious we measured the azimuth pattern of John’s Waller Flag at a very At this year™s Antenna Forum at the Dayton Hamvention, W8VVG gave a presentation on the Waller Flag antenna. Jose Carlos (JC), N4IS, will look at basic concepts of RX antennas and share his experiences with lowband RX antennas on a small lot, including the Waller Flag. Sep 19, 2024 · The next pictures are of the new Horizontal Waller Flag antenna on the ground. STOP - IF YOU DON"T DETUNE YOUR TX ANTENNA YOU CAN EXPECT NOT FROM THE WF OR ANY OTHER RX ANTENNA CLOSE TO IT! Jun 14, 2017 · High performance receiving antennas for small lots Basic concepts and practical aspects • Directivity & gain • Signal to noise ratio • RDF antenna comparison for 1. 9 dB 360º K9AY, VE3DO Loop 7. When the signal is above noise there is little difference on Oct 1, 2015 · My transmitting antenna is a top loaded, shunt-fed tower with four elevated ¼ wave radials, at a distance of 28 meters from the rotatable Flag. 10m 28 MHz preamplifier for bad propagation situation. Antenna Band Memory. GREAT RX ANTENNA, n4is: Next by Thread: Re: Topband: topband post - May 23, 2023 · 11 dB: Vertical Waller Flag: two phased vertical loops close to the ground Small antennas provide better RFI reduction Mechanically rotatable unidirectional terminated small loop antenna ⚫ rotatable flag 6 - 7 dB RDF ⚫ 120º 3 dB beam width Small antennas are the best RFI reduction antenna Topband: NEW ALL METAL WALLER FLAG FOR 160m 80m 40m small lots. 15 dB . H Frame. 9 38 61. Vertical . 1 4 Square Receiving 2. Resources listed under High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot Jose Carlos (JC), N4IS, will look at basic concepts of RX antennas and share his experiences with lowband RX antennas on a small lot, including the Waller Flag. com<mailto:topband@contesting. Measuring Antennas – Part 1 Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA August 2018 When John K9UWA here in the Ft Wayne area put up his Waller Flag receive antenna at 150 With the Waller Flag at 150 feet, the shorty-40 at 115 feet and the distance between the two at 2. 14 dB . Automatic operation with AS-603HL, AS-603VR, AS-603UR and Four Stack III Click on drawing for larger image. 84 degrees : 2 element Hi-Z Cardioid - 50ft preamplifier for low output antennas like small rotary Flags as small as 8ft x 10ft, and may be used in the vertical configuration with towers of even 20ft height. ) boom at 13 m. SAL30. rr. It can be rotated from H. PRESENTATION SLIDES: WF WWROF WEBNAIR FEB 2017 N4IS_2. Illuminated push button with labels. First Doug built a single rotatable flag antenna and then improved that by Mar 5, 2016 · High performance receiving antennas for small lots Basic concepts and practical aspects • Directivity & gain • Signal to noise ratio • RDF antenna comparison for 1. 180 . 25 . There is one of your fellow Waller Flag Antenna, NX4D: Modif. Bonus Slides. At the beginning of the year 2014 I dismantled my big shunt fed tower and moved to Ecuador. Horizontal WF vertical and horizontal azimuth. 3 30 52. Any RX antenna with more than -50dbm output is a good match for this amplifier. When I came back home in Italy, two years later, also its concrete He recently installed a Waller Flag antenna, and that has helped significantly on both bands, he reports, but it is still no panacea. ) In addition to antenna switching, the MBD-8G also offers seven frequency-driven GPOs (General Purpouse Output), one Band Data BCD Output, one output to command Band Pass Filter, Waller Flag Receiving antennas: The MBD-12F provides automation for the TopBeam Waller Flag receiving antennas with automatic filter exchange and the addition of an auxiliary keyboard to control the internal four-input Switch. Propagation Mystery - part 2 - NEW Welcome to My Website Last Low Band preamplifier for Beverage antennas. RS-232 port for external control by personal computer. Its name comes from its horizontal We're currently investigating the link to 'Waller Flag Antenna' due to user reports. lot set himself the goal to work as many DXCC on low bands as possible from his limited size lot. Oct 18, 2018 · ⚫ Vertical Waller Flag 11 dB RDF Small antennas are the best RFI reduction antenna when RFI sources are within 1000 feet Sep 19, 2024 · This antenna was conceived and designed by Doug Waller NX4D hence the name of the antenna the Waller Flag. Plus, it doesn't matter if each of the smart controller and radio operating positions are in the same room or in The Waller Flag is basically two flag antennas phased 180 degrees. First Doug built a single rotatable flag antenna and then improved that by building a dual rotatable flag array in end Amateur Radio World Map, Building a Rotatable Flag Antenna for Small Lots, Vertical Delta Loops Antennas, Transitioning from W7IUV to Waller Flag Antenna Designs, In addition to antenna switching, the MBD-8G also offers seven frequency-driven GPOs (General Purpouse Output), one Band Data BCD Output, one output to command Band Pass Filter, 12 GPOs to automate the operation with TopBeam’ s Waller Flag receiving antenna. Documenti in Italiano. com> Hello Top Banders, I was surprised to see the recent article about the Waller Flag Antenna. com <mailto:topband-bounces@contesting. Antenna RDF Beam Inv vee 120 ft apex 0. 13 dB . Propagation DX historic Graphs. pdf 381KB download) Rotaries- Flag vs. Radio old Museum | Practice with the soldering | SWL Shortwave DX Radio | Microwave | EME Ham Radio Satellite | Propagation Solar Cycle | Grid Software | Propagation prediction | Qrp low power | Telegraph Morse code | Antennas Satellite | About Rtty mode | Beacon | Band Plan Ham Radio Low Band preamplifier for Beverage antennas. Measured pattern. com> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 17:34 To: topband@contesting. The new WF will be built on a 8 m. 6 db, depending is you tune it for max RDF it can reach 11. Jan 24, 2025 · Waller Flag. usually at least one to EU. com> Subject: Topband: Waller Flag I am curious to know if Mar 1, 2017 · N4IS – Waller Flag Construction. com/how-to-install-a-horizontal-waller-flag-antenna-at-150-foot/ Jul 15, 2007 · Topband: NEW ALL METAL WALLER FLAG FOR 160m 80m 40m small lots. Low Band preamplifier for K9AY Loop, Waller Flag, Pennant Loop, etc. This the assembled horizontal waller flag plus the 5 10M HyGain elements. My BWF , Big Waller Flag with dual 20ft x 14ft loops is still delivering a solid performance on low bands, I worked during 2007 # 163 and 2008 #155 countries on Top Band from my 1 acre city lot QTH. The performance is comparable with the BWF and It has –53 dB gain. FM 88 – 108 MHz preamplifier. 6 m Designed as a multi-band, portable antenna for 40m – 6m, the Buddistick PRO is an excellent performer with any transceiver up to 250 watts. 5 38 65 Beverage 1000ft 8. com/ The boom on this one is 44 feet long. You won't find it in our categories until it's working again. It can be mounted either horizontally (called the HWF with horizontal polarization) or vertically (called the Horizontal Waller Flag Pictures and information I will be adding to this page over time as I get to the still photo's and other information about my new antenna. 4 feet long (1 by 5 m). HC1PF experiences. Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > Add that the amplifier at least is up there very close to the antennas and almost zero loss from Amp to antenna. I included it into the Eznec model Oct 1, 2015 · the Waller Flag has been assembled and put on the tower. 5 miles, it’s obvious we measured the azimuth pattern of John’s Waller Flag at a very 160 meters band antenna category is a curation of 160 web resources on , Hex-Shaped 160 Meter Receiving Loop, Ground System on a 160M vertical, Short Top Band Antenna. GREAT RX ANTENNA, n4is: Next by Thread: Re: Topband: topband post - Dec 10, 2023 · My main interest in loop antennas (at MF) is nulling unwanted stations to see what's "underneath". GREAT RX ANTENNA, n4is: Next by Thread: Re: Topband: topband post - waller flag Since I finished my Big Waller Flag last December, I worked 133 countries on 160m, 26 new ones (now at # 168 wkd), almost the same number of worked countries since 2000 from South Florida on 160m, 161 Apr-07 AH2L 162 Apr-07 N8S 163 Apr-07 ZL6QH 164 Apr-07 V73NS 165 May-07 OX/NA1SA 166 Jun-07 3B7SP 167 Jul-07 9Q1EK 168 Jul-07 A25OOK This is a working in The following is a table showing the characteristics of the Pennant and Flag loop antennas as a result of Eznec 5+ modelling: Model Gain TO angle Beamwidth F/B Avg. long aluminum (50 mm. Interlaced with the Waller Flag is a May 19, 2024 · HWF, on 160 some times the signals are stronger on the vertical flag. small Low Band preamplifier for Beverage antennas. 4 X M2 XP28 14 elements vertical and horizontal. Waller Flag . I made some tests with my usual 1. Hello Top Banders, I was surprised to see the recent article about the Waller Flag Antenna. Used successfully on Waller Flag antennas, VLN Preamps are perfect for other low output receive antennas such as small flags, pennants and rotary flags. 2 dB 163º Flat dipole @ 120-250 ft 7. Dec 9, 2015 · How to install a Horizontal Waller Flag antenna at 150 foot http://qrznow. small Old Antenna files. 2 dB 84º With my TX antenna properly detuned the noise level on my EWE's dropped 2 S units just. Magari segui già e sei nella mail list di top band reflector, ma credo possa essere utile a qualcuno questo scambio di impressioni, oltretutto discutono proprio di un problema, che è alla base della Waller Flag, il preamplificatore, si parla anche del Oct 18, 2018 · High Performance Receiving Antennas 10 - 14 dB RDF ⚫ 10 dB: 500 to 600 foot Beverage about 7 feet high ⚫ 11 dB: Two or three close spaced 500 to 600 foot Beverages, staggered 125 feet ⚫ 11 dB: Vertical Waller Flag array ⚫ 12 dB: 4 square array of active or passive short verticals 80 x 80 ft ⚫ 12 dB: 3 element YCCC tri-band array of short active Jul 18, 2015 · • The Waller Flag antenna is very quiet and has a very good directivity. Control with auxiliar keyboard for Waller Flag Receiving antennas manufactured by TOPBEAM. Topband: Waller Flag Antenna wa4fki 2007-07-16 17:11:18 UTC. Permalink. 11 dB . The two antennas complete each other, if the signal is coming low angle and vertical the BWF (vertical) Dec 22, 2024 · Amateur Radio World Map, Building a Rotatable Flag Antenna for Small Lots, Vertical Delta Loops Antennas, Transitioning from W7IUV to Waller Flag Antenna Designs, Trap Dipole for 17, 12 and 6 Metre Amateur Bands, SO2R Speaker and Paddle Switching, Intermittent receiver issues in the TS-590s, With my TX antenna properly detuned the noise level on my EWE's dropped 2 S units just. VHF and UHF Antennas Moon Bounce Array, EME. In the meantime, you may find similar information at Antennas/160M. The new TX antenna (Vertical T) at IV3PRK . Propagation Mystery - part 1 - NEW: The 160m. ygnz bursdpx nxcxavw sivq gsxjpdu befjce scovi veqz guv jirfn