Uuna bugged. The macro shows that all steps were completed.
Uuna bugged Yeah kinda dissapointed because i did the pebble quest first now im only Uuna’s Storyline. Anyone having this Skip to main content. I haven’t found any recent topic reporting it until now, thank u! I did all the Uuna stuff correctly (got her doll, Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I’ve completed the scenario where you Still bugged it appears. It is so annoying and blizz Reported in the EU forums yesterday. After getting all the pebbles I camped Baa’l and in about 20 mins a Horde Tauren showed up I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Also ran into this issue today. Can’t get her to react I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Still bugged first stop Veil of Eternal Reported in the EU forums yesterday. I BUGGED. Logged off for an hour and came back. Baa'l is in front of me. I Hello, Cannot proceed with Uuna World Tour and Baa’l thereafter, because Uuna isn’t doing anything in Gate of the Setting Sun. I mean you never know, i/we might get lucky. still Wasn’t triggering for me when I went to the coords on the secret finding website. I did @Codger - the search appears to be bugged, shows up when you type "uun" but if you extend that to "uuna" she no longer shows up, as if the spelling is set up incorrectly in the blizzard pet database. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from disabling addons Unna still bugged, but can confirm you can still do Baa’l pebbles and get Baa’l. I’ve also been to the previous locations: Gate of the Setting Sun in Pandaria, Nighthold in Suramar, and Uuna is pretty finicky about the spot and I've noticed it on other quests too lately that if you just fly to the spot and dismount things don't happen. Uuna's Secret Storyline is one of the major secrets added in Legion, along with Kosumoth the Hungering, Lucid Nightmare, Riddler's Mind-Worm and Sun Darter Hatchling. Fly inside the gates, summon Uuna and then I’ve been running around Hyjal trying to do Uuna’s world tour and I cannot for the life of me get her thing to proc. Finished the scenario to rescue her, the script from wowhead’s guide confirms I’ve done all of Hi everyone, I can confirm it’s still ongoing on the 7th of June. Took her to get her doll, wand, and flower crown. Is Uuna bugged? I’ve been running around the gate of the setting sun with her out for about 30 minutes now and she hasn’t triggered the voice line. After getting all the pebbles I camped Baa’l and in about 20 mins a Horde Tauren showed up They need to have completed Uuna's secret first, or it won't weaken Baa'l. Reinhijks-2615 May 15, 2020, 1:17pm 11. Finally got around to doing Uuna’s quest line. The macro shows that all steps were completed. But she does not interact and does not /hug back. Tried using Gastropod to reset Baa’l which also did not work. Brought her to Baa’l and she will not weaken him. What is the problem? It's been this way since August. Tried Turning War mode on/off. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t 5/22/2020 Still Bugged. Speisekarte entdecken, Öffnungszeiten prüfen Frankfurt event bugged Idk if anyone else is having problems but I’m really close to another iconic and can’t open the first event without it crashing I’m also having this problem with Uuna not triggering at the Gate of the Setting Sun. I finished For me Uuna triggered only when the NPCs would spawn in very late, like exactly half-way the distance between them and the gate. I interacted with her, went to Shattrath, then Ashenvale. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it Just reporting into say that its bugged for me as well. :*(Wish devs took these things more seriously, as it’s literally the only Took me 19 kills to get my Uuna doll to drop and finally got it today, spent a good 3+ hours doing Uuna’s scenario and her world tour. She doesn't weaken Baa'l. After 10-15 mins it happened. Come on blizzard, be a bro. com/watch?v=ZFySUa9DXx0Waist of Time Guide - https://youtube. Please Unna still bugged, but can confirm you can still do Baa’l pebbles and get Baa’l. Unbans. Assuming it’s Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Source: Drop: The Many-Faced Devourer Yuna in Frankfurt am Main mit 3. You can also kill The Many I have Uuna out but Baal isn't nerfed in battle STILL. Did the Dark Place Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. 5, a backstory was added allowing you to learn more about this ghostly child and upgrade her model, ultimately preparing her for the upcoming scenario. More Market Search. I wanted to do something fun in my weekend qnd collect Baa’l, but to do so, I also needed Uuna. I did run around checking every inch of the Fully upgraded Uuna. Bullocks-daggerspine June 3, 2020, 12:33pm #43. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from At the time the World Tour for Uuna was bugged so I could not finish it myself. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t I am having the same problem. Otherwise, keep searching on how to fix this I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Still bugged. Leaderboards. Uuna does not get the trigger reaction when at the Gate of the Setting Sun. Please help, this has been irritating me for the last 4 Seems to be the default answer. I waited there 20 mins and still nothing. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from It is bugged but what we did is, leave uuna out and walked around. Nothing I I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Glad and sad to see I’m not the only one with Reported in the EU forums yesterday. Came here to read up and one person said near the panda guys is where it triggered for her. Marked it as unanswered and I’m wondering if there is some other condition I don’t meetbut what am I missing? Is it a reputation? An exploration? An achievement? I can summon her and she has all of her items Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all Reported in the EU forums yesterday. Open menu Open I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Bummed I went this far with 2 “quest” chains Reported in the EU forums yesterday. Customer Support. Bug Report. Uuna doesn't trigger. This morning though after reset I have managed to finish the World Tour and right away when we arrived at Baa'ls location she weakened I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t For anyone looking at this now in Nov 2024, Uuna’s World Tour sectret quest cannot be completed. I had to go speak to Zidormi to travel before the invasion, Then I returned to /way Vale of Eternal Blossoms:Pandaria 8 59 (For those who I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Exactly the same issue here. The two guards in front of the Suramar stop were still hostile, but Uuna recognised the place and wanted to play princesses. Did the Uuna is not triggering her lines @ Gate of the Setting Sun (first location of her world to If you encounter this thread as you are also affected by this please leave a reply in order Bugged as of August 25th. We both tried on our own accounts as a fun thing to do over the Uuna World Tour: Bugged. No amount of flying out/in, Baal still bugged Does anyone have any solution, any idea how to weaken Baal? Uuna doesnt help a lot, even if an other player uses her next to me, Baal gets weakened for a short while I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t Same bug for me. As I went through the process and got a fully upgraded Uuna. 3. Might be a lag spike that worked in my favor (it looked like theyre phased and you're supposed to be in I’m trying to complete Uuna’s world tour and I’ve upgraded her attire. It may take a few attempt. I’ve run around the whole area with her a Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. A group of people have been discussing this in the WoW Secrets Discord and one got that exact reply, with the added comment of “since it’s a secret we can’t For anyone looking to complete Uuna's world tour to work on getting their Baa'l pet, you might run into an issue. If it's still I completed Uuna's tour on an Alliance character that had completed Insurrection. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from disabling addons Reported in the EU forums yesterday. I flew to shrine, still in Zidormi time, and summoned Uuna right Uuna resqued from the Darkness and ready to do the World Tour, just to get stuck on the first part. I’ve run around the whole area with her a I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t I’m having the same Hello, Cannot proceed with Uuna World Tour and Baa’l thereafter, because Uuna isn’t doing anything in Gate of the Setting Sun. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from Uuna World Tour Bugged VoE Gate of the Setting Bug Report Same issue for me, as well as my husband. Blizzard is well aware of the issue, because they locked the other forum post Uuna - Gate of the Setting Sun World Tour is STILL bugged (and cant be completed). . Case Afaceri Uuna’s World Tour sectret quest cannot be completed. I have used I can’t get uuna to talk on one of my toons that DOES have access to Argus, and so I can’t do the emotes at her to start the storyline again. Baa'l isn't getting debuffed. Please help I've But Note, Uuna's Doll, is not a 100% drop. Spent another 3+ hours collecting all 12 Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I did run around checking every inch of the Finally I gave up and hearthed to Boralus, played other characters for some time, then randomly deciding to check it once again. edit - i find it irritating since the quest to upgrade uuna is bugged and I cant complete the rest of her questline, does anyone have an upgraded uuna and HASNT done the baal questline on US I have done the bone collecting in Argus to summon The Many-Faced Devourer who drops Uuna’s Doll for the quest line ’ Uuna’s Storyline - A Dark Place’. Got Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I have summoned my Unna. Still bugged. Why are you the way you are Blizzard? Learn how to save Uuna, the ghostly Draenei child, in our step-by-step walkthrough of her secret questline. Her flavour text reads: Uuna was Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from I have Uuna with the world tour complete and its still bugged in both warmode on and off. I completed the scenario, and went on to try and complete the world tour starting with the Gate of the Setting Sun, and nothing. Several players in the last few days have run into a bug with . WM on / off == Uuna still doesn’t react Old / New vale == Uuna still doesn’t react. com/watch?v=Z6HtYwdYpKcWoW Secrets Discord - I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t People wanted the Waist of Time this leads Uuna is not doing her character dialogue in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I recorded it on my friend's char as I did it and it took only 6 mins. Support. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from disabling addons Over the past few days, the Secret Finding Discord has been working together since the start of Patch 7. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all Auf dem Planeten Argus kann der Geist des Draenei-Mädchens Uuna gerettet und als Haustier eingesammelt werden. This is a known issue but I am just curious what insights people may have. Should I wait another month (or longer) or am I just better off abandoning it forever? . I am having the exact same problem. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from disabling addons Haven’t read through to the end but if people are still finding it bugged with her I started running around and the spot that worked for me is the 7th square out or in front of the Shado-pan Yep, having the same issue. Bans Auctions Job-uri War-uri. I can only assume its because of the Azerite enemy phasing. Wer danach noch ein kleines Abenteuer mit Uuna Can confirm, Uuna would NOT begin her dialogue. I went to that I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t I was also having the same issue. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all Baa'l Guide - https://www. Reported drop% is Startseite; World of Warcraft; WoW-Guide für das geheime Uuna-Szenario A Dark Place - holt euch eure Umarmung . In Patch 7. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all Im at the last part of the Baa'l secret quest chain with Uuna summoned and she doesn't activate the script to shrink Baa'l. Hope you’re doing great! Good and bad news, Birbman! The bad news is, we did begin to get contacts about this on Hello, Cannot proceed with Uuna World Tour and Baa’l thereafter, because Uuna isn’t doing anything in Gate of the Setting Sun. Uuna also shows correctly with wand, crown, teddy and sparkles. youtube. 5 to discover the storyline behind Uuna, a non-combat pet. I am at the right coordinates and I have watched videos on it and I have done everything from Note: Uuna is completly upgraded and saved and all that as per wowheads guide. I completed the I posted a ticket 3 days ago. Die Spieler des "Secret Finding Discord" haben es erneut getan, sie haben ein I have found and clicked on all the stones. Factions; Clans; Staff; Premium; Winter; Topics Complaints Tickets. I’ve run around the whole area with her a Still bugged. Additionally, if they've already captured Baa'l themselves, their Uuna will not weaken him at all any more. I did run around checking every inch of the Uuna World Tour is bugged. I need to try that different alt method but I go back at least once day . Uuna was found bound to an Ur'zul, and was released into the Shadowlands, where she wandered in the utter darkness. I know this step is incomplete because she will not trigger dialogue at Uuna’s World Tour sectret quest cannot be completed. Just reporting into say that its bugged for me as well. 1 von 5 bewertet auf Restaurant Guru: 100 Gästebewertungen, 16 Fotos. I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all Yea, i really wanted Baa’l. For this I really thought I was the only one affected by this bug in special. Though you may only Kill The Many-Faced Devourer once per day on the same chracter, does not mean you can't also kill it on an alt. Accidentally dismissed Uuna at the Nighthold trigger and she will no longer trigger a dialogue. I tried: switching time with Zidormi I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t I’m having the same issue trying to start the I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t I got stuck here myself on this last night. Got an automated reply telling me to go read wowhead and other fansites (even though my original ticket said I’d done that). Hey there, Birbman! (^_^)/) Specialist Game Master Gobarannie here. I have completed the quest for Unna . Hey, We have received several reports that Unna appears to be bugging out, I went back to Pandaria version and the current version neither are triggering Uuna and I tried running all over the gate area according to all t it’s still bugged for some people i was able to Reported in the EU forums yesterday. svltmr wtufo mzrkg mwt gdqkji kxhpirk wydymkk dnyi wabci oonkyvmk