Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs for nurse practitioners. · Select one of the four scenarios listed above.


Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs for nurse practitioners [Google Scholar] 32. in California, nursing practitioners have privileges to order, administer and dispense medications only under strict supervision of a physician. 25. Rhode Island nurse practitioners (NPs) are recognized as primary care must pay attention to their moral and legal implications. These high standards transfer to ethical and legal implications that are within an NPs scope of practice. This paper seeks to discuss the ethical 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nursing practice is striving towards promoting the full practice as APRNs are currently being allowed to independently exhibit their prescriptive privileges in certain states. Some of these challenges are associated with drug prescription. This action requires a level of ethical reasoning. The fact that every mistake has a consequence may, at times, discourage nurse practitioners from disclosing their position in such cases. This title includes supplementary prescribing, that is partnership working with a Ethical and Legal Implications of a nurse practitioner prescribing narcotics to her husband The prescription of drugs especially narcotics or other opioids to family members is inappropriate due to the potential for lack of objectivity in the treatment. Review your job description or contract annually. The Legal and Ethical Implications of Nondisclosure and Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(5), 248–254. nstorm Essays. The goal of this study is to examine legal and ethical components of informed consent and to assist nurse practitioners in developing proactive practice strategies related to informed consent. PHARMACOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 1 2 Ethical and legal implications of the scenario selected on all stakeholders involved A nurse practitioner has the mandate of making thorough health history as well as performing physical examination before any prescriptions were made to the patients. Ethical and Legal Implications for Prescribing Drugs In healthcare systems, different levels of prescribing power over medical services, medications, and prohibited substances are delegated to different nursing staff levels. They should reflect your actual practice. NURS 6251 Troy J. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm. 7% of malpractice claims against nurse practitioners involved prescribing the Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drug 3 the patient in receiving the treatment was at the time of medication. Electronic health records (EHRs), with their adoption incentivized as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, are now a ubiquitous part of the health care landscape. Legal briefing: futile or non-beneficial treatment. IvyPanda® Free Essays. Essay Instructions: technical, rule-based or expectation inaccuracies (Saleem, 2014). The professionals engage in the practice of prescribing medications to the patients. Wk1Asgnn2 ADEWOYIN (2016). · Select one of the four scenarios listed above. , 2017). Tags: ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs for nurse practitioners, I. J Clin Ethics. According to American Association of Nurse Practitioners, a nurse need to use the The nurse independent prescriber (NIP) role has slowly evolved over 6 years, since its introduction in 2000 in line with the Government plans to modernize the NHS. For example, in New Jersey, an advanced practice nurse has the right to prescribe medications under appropriate settings, including the collaboration with a physician, a standing order, and mentioning all necessary information about the patient (“Senate, No. The failure to manage chronic pain, as well as the possible complication of opioid dependence related to 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs When patients visit healthcare system, chances of prescribing medication are very high. 2011;22((3)):277–96. Moral detachment In addition, the rigorous data entry requirements, often done via difficult-to-navigate user interfaces, can create additional problems. A nurse or physician should prescribe based on a patient’s diag Providing care and prescribing medications may sometimes have some conflicting legal and ethical implications. nurpra. The objective of this study was to compare the quality of prescribing practices of physicians and nonphysician providers. 12446 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Essay Sample Solution Nurses have varying degrees of prescriptive authority over controlled substances, medications, medical services and medical devices. ). , 2018). As a nurse, one should be vigilant when considering a treatment plan and drug prescription for a patient (Arcangelo, You write the prescription anyway Assignment: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs. Reference is made to a contemporary prescribing model, RAPID Nurse prescribing has become well established in the UK. The development of this role served to benefit the patients by improving access to medication, empowering them to have a degree of choice in their health care and the staff in extending . Electronic health records: patient care and ethical and legal implications for nurse practitioners. 8th edition. 3 ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS administers an adult dose of a medication to a child and they overdose, or worse legally that nurse has exposed themselves to a legal suit. This chapter will provide foundational legal Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Advanced healthcare providers, such as nurse practitioners, have a huge responsibility and are accountable for the lives of the many individuals who choose to trust them for their healthcare needs. 1282”, 2016). Qualifications Nurse practitioners (NPs) Prescribing or ordering appropriate necessary pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions. d), federal law and ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS. Objective: Nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) have increasingly broad prescribing authority in the United States, yet little is known regarding how the quality of their prescribing practices compares with that of physicians. Ethical & Legal Implications; Prescribing Drugs: Ethical controlled drug exceptions V300 Nurse or midwife independent and supplementary prescriber Qualification for prescribing courses for nurses or midwives to prescribe any medicine for any condition within their competence with some controlled drug exceptions. Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs As we move from the role of registered nurse (RN), and into the roles of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs), our duties with regards to medications are also evolving and expanding. You accepted it without having his medical history but eventually, you prescribed anyway. This article is part one of two exploring the core professional, legal and In this Discussion, you explore ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately respond. Although these systems 4 Ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs and direct the Attorney General if criminal charges should be pressed (Halpern et al. 1016/j. It examines the complexities of prescribing medications to family and friends, emphasizing the importance of thorough assessments and adherence to legal regulations. Strictly moral decisions are generated from within while legal decisions are mandated from without, but ethical decisions embrace a wider scope, placing most of their – Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Week 1 Assignment 2: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Advanced practice nurses’ roles have evolved over the years, and they have a vital role in bridging the physician shortage gap, to improve access to care for patients (Goodwin et al. Balestra, JD, NP ABSTRACT Electronic health records (EHRs), with their adoption incentivized as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, are now a ubiquitous part of the health care landscape. Nurse practitioners are therefore required to assess the health history of a patient before prescribing medication to obtain information that reflects the Abstract Purpose. Schneiderman LJ, Jecker NS, Jonsen AR. Context: As many parts of the United States continue to face physician shortages, the increased use of nurse practitioners (NPs) can improve access to care. Pope TM. Although these systems promised to improve the quality of patient care, increase efficiency, and reduce costs, health care providers are finding that current EHRs instead Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Across the United States, nurse practitioners have some extent of prescriptive authority over drugs, controlled substances, medical services, and medical devices (de Araújo et al. Ethical issues provide no concrete right or wrong answer to issues but an in-depth evaluation of the action or dilemma, and a solution (Limandri, 2019). According to Tsukamoto et al. [1] Over one-quarter of United States citizens suffer from chronic pain. They play a vital role in the healthcare system; with prescription authority, they can assess, diagnose, treat, and manage patients’ However, each state has its own peculiarities concerning a prescribing process. In 2015, at least 16 countries had the NP role, yet only half had policy regulating the role (Heale & Buckley, 2015). The controversial off-label use of medications must be considered when prescribing medications because specific dosage guidelines for the pediatric population still are not available for the majority of marketed drugs. The hospital should also increase the number of checkpoints between prescribing nurses to ensure that the patient Review Chapter 1 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as articles from the American Nurses Association, Anderson and Townsend, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Philipsend and Soeken. [2] It is among the most common complaints in an outpatient clinic and the emergency department. The pharmacist is implicated because he/she needed to inform the nurse about the requirements of prescribing Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs According to the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC), (2012), the public rated nurses the highest trusted professionals amongst other professionals in the United States. ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS 3 practice Act and other regulations related to drug prescription. Some of the essential factors to consider before prescribing a drug to a patient are health history and physical examination of the patient (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2018). Clinical, Duty of care, Ethical issues, Ethical practice, Legal issues, Medicines, Mental capacity act, Nurse prescribing,Prescribing, Prescription medicines, Professional The prescribing practice of a range of healthcare practitioners has developed over the years through a series of amendments to medicines law. 2016. Ethically, the nurse is unjust because they potentially put the patient in harm’s way by not following the five rights of drug administration. Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Introduction Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) are Registered nurses with obtained further education and specialization. Nurse practitioners have a major role in diagnosing, managing acute and chronic disease Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs for Nurse Practitioners. It has developed over the years since the Cumberledge report in 1986 recommended non-medical prescribing from a limited list for community-based nurses This academic paper delves into the ethical and legal considerations surrounding drug prescription for nurse practitioners. If allegations are made regarding a nurse’s professional conduct or provision of client care, the excuse “I did not know” does not hold up in a court of law or with a state’s Board of Nursing. This article is part one of two exploring the core professional, legal and ethical Ethics: A practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine. 1 In 2017, prescription medications made up about 10% of all personal health care spending, or Nurse practitioners (NPs) can use several strategies to reduce possible legal action related to scope of practice: Review the state nurse practice act every year. Unformatted text preview: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Scenario- 3 You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. Chronic pain and opioid use and abuse is a significant problem in the United States. The long-term remedy in such a circumstance is to hire more nurses to lessen the workload. ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS. This commentary explores legal, ethical, and practical considerations for pharmacists and prescribers working together to address uncertainty in drug prescribing. Medical futility: its meaning and ethical implications. However, as nurses and other providers prescribe medications, they need to understand ethics and legal implications based on different laws and ethical principles (Sabatino et al. In this article either allowable substitutions or refills. prescribing; law; ethics; legal; nurse Prescribing by the range of practitioners has involves being responsible for and understanding the ethical and legal implications of prescribing, Electronic health records (EHRs), with their adoption incentivized as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, are now a ubiquitous part of the health care landscape. However, state scope-of-practice (SOP) laws limit the ability of NPs to provide care by restricting the services they can provide and often requiring physician supervision of their practices. 3 NPs hold prescriptive privileges in the United States; 69% provide primary care and the malpractice rate is low (1. Nurses have varying degrees of prescriptive authority for shared that healthcare providers should ethically uphold the principles of patient autonomy, beneficence, and justice. 010 This article will explore pediatric pharmacokinetics, the effect the body has on a drug, and the implications for practice. Although these systems promised to improve the quality of patient care, increase efficiency, and reduce costs, health care providers are finding that current EHRs instead require time Running Head: ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATION OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS 1. Should such a patient face health complication, the nurse may face legal lawsuit which can put her license at risk. As an advocate, the NP influences health policy at the local, 4 root cause of the mistake. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of your position. Therefore, understanding pharmacology is essential as it equips the nurses with skills, knowledge, and expertise in administering medication as well as understanding their ethical responsibilities. Without conducting the required assessments and testing prior to prescribing medications, this prescriber has violated the ethical principles that they chose to follow as a registered nurse. However, these practitioners should adhere to legal, professional, and ethical guidelines while performing their duties. Introduction According to a Nurse Practitioner Claims study spanning over a ten-year period (19982008), approximately 17. – Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Errors during drug administration result in deadly medical accidents, which increases patient morbidity and mortality. However, FNPs should be aware of areas that fall outside of their SOP, such as diagnosing and treating 2 Ethical and Legal Implications for Prescribing Drugs In healthcare systems, different levels of prescribing power over medical services, medications, and prohibited substances are delegated to different nursing staff levels. Prescription drugs are vital medicines and are only taken under the prescription of an authorized health care practitioner (Chamberlain et al. Medications are dangerous if not prescribed with purpose and critical thinking. During the process of medication prescription, it is necessary to consider the list of medications and the medical It wasn’t that long ago when few prescription medications were available to treat what ailed patients. Clear. You can’t decide whether or not to report the incident. Medication safety is a primary concern, as the categories of prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, and administering can be disjointed, leading to EHR-associated medication administration errors. Scenario 1: As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe This article is part one of two exploring the core professional, legal and ethical dimensions of prescribing. Nurse practitioners motivated by beneficence initiate policy change, conduct research, provide testimony, compose position statements, and act in many ways that illustrate tough decisions. doi:10. The prescription is for a narcotic. Practising professionally includes an awareness of laws underpinning prescribing such as the legal authority to prescribe, mechanisms for In primary care settings, family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are often the first to see patients with mental illnesses. Best Walden University June, 2022. FNPs can diagnose and treat patients with uncomplicated mental illness, such as depression and anxiety, within their scope of practice (SOP). , 2016; https://ksbn. According to Drug Enforcement Admnistration (n. The physician is implicated because the nurse practitioner is committing a serious offence under the physician’s license. 1002/2327- 6924. Today, more than three-quarters of all physician office visits involve some kind of drug therapy ranging from analgesics and antihypertensives to antibiotics and antidepressants. In order to improve patient outcomes and the quality of treatment provided, medical professionals must carefully weigh the ethical and legal consequences of prescription medications. (2021), workplace stress may cause nurses to make mistakes when prescribing medications. I was provided a scenario for this assignment. in this case, the hospital. 3 Among Ethical, legal and professional issues in nurse prescribing EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nurse practitioners have a moral obligation to practice what is ethically sound. Because of this, nurses need to have a solid understanding of the moral considerations that come into play while prescribing drugs physician in practicing and prescribing, the authority is only limited to the practice setting. 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nurse practitioners are guided by laws and standards for prescribing prescription drugs. Responsibility starts with us being well-informed and remaining current with the plethora of new medication and specialty drugs on the market. Nurse practitioners must take into consideration the legal implications for prescribing drugs. The stakeholders who involved in the ethical and legal implications in the above scenario are; Nurse practitioner: A nurse providing drug prescription without carrying Write an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient. McGraw Hill; 2015. top of page. [Google Scholar] 31. It also required of the relationship between the medical professional such as the advanced practice nurse with the prescriptive role to remain strictly professional towards the patient and the patient’s family. 2 Introduction In nursing practice, there are ethical and legal challenges that occur due to complexity of the clinical settings. The purpose of this assignment is to describe the ethical and Enhanced Document Preview: 1 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Master of Science in Nursing, Walden University NURS-6521, Advanced Pharmacology September 3d, 2021 2 Introduction Nurse practitioners or NPs are advanced practice registered nurses who have extensive medical and clinical training in providing health services to people Care and Ethical and Legal Implications for Nurse Practitioners Melanie L. Enhanced Document Preview: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Advanced Pharmacology. kansas. (2016), the Michigan State allows nurse practitioners to prescribe non-controlled drugs with written authorization or as a delegated act assigned by a Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Advanced nurses and other medical practitioners are responsible for providing quality care to patients. 3 quantity of medicine is risking the life of the patient and therefore, the nurse goes against the ethical principle of beneficent. Legal and ethical implications of non-medical prescribing @article{Lovatt2010LegalAE Evidence points to nurse prescribing being as good as medical prescribing in terms of effectiveness, (NPF) for community practitioners, and there is some misunderstanding by doctors about the prescribing role. Regardless of the scope of your prescriptive authority, one overall standard of practice is to ensure that any medication you prescribe is compatible with other medications your patient is taking. Therefore, APRNs need to know the state and federal Prescribing by nurses and midwives continues to expand and has consistently been evaluated as safe and effective. , 2021). Nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) provide primary care services for many American patients. Expand. n. docx from AA 11 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Jamal (2017). 1,2 The number of NPs in the United States increased from 82 000 in 2001 to more than 290 000 in 2020. d. 1%). Ethical and Legal Implication of Prescribing Drugs ( Author’s Name) ( Course) ( Instructor Name) ( Assignment Due Date) Ethical and Legal Implication of Prescribing Drugs Pharmacology The prescription of a drug involves a set of stakeholders, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, 2021) involves being responsible for and understanding the ethical and legal implications of prescribing, while acting within legal and regulatory frameworks that affect prescribing practice. Ethical and Legal Implications of Selected Scenario. If the patient's parents would choose to sue; medical malpractice civil suits can only succeed when negligence has been proved, and the negligence has caused harm to the patient (Wittich et Prescribing by nurses and midwives continues to expand and has consistently been evaluated as safe and effective. As nurse Practitioners who have the right to prescribe medications to patients, a legitimate and ethical reflection should be carefully considered and taken prior to prescribing medications to patients. -a). While physicians still assess risks and benefits when prescribing medications for patients, rising drug prices, 1 formulary restrictions, and quantity limitations 2 introduce new complications to stewardship decisions. Disclosure of errors and apology: Law and Ethical and Legal Implications Nurse Practitioners Must Be Aware of While Prescribing Medications Nurse practitioners are expected to perform in a highly knowledgeable and professional fashion. The process of gathering data is meant to ensure that the nurse Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Submitted By Yetunde Adewoyin NURS-6521N: Advanced Pharmacology Masters Log in Join. PRESCRIBING DRUGS 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs The debate on ethical prescription by advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) has been growing for the past decades. The NP is a responsible advocate for patient welfare and upholds ethical and legal standards. Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs It is never a good feeling to give any patient the incorrect medication. Across the United States, APRNs have varying degrees IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS 2 Implications of Prescribing Drugs A patient's medical history provides a practitioner with vital information which informs decision making regarding the prescription of medication. gov/). Scenario 1: As a nurse practitioner, you prescribe medications for your patients. Care and Ethical and Legal Implications for Nurse Practitioners Melanie L. Read the act for each state you are licensed in because differences can exist. Nurses and other medical practitioners are trained on procedures to eliminate these medication errors. In prescription of drugs to the patient, Scenario A family member who is not a patient called and ask you to give him medical prescription. As an advanced practice nurse prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily basis. They assess and diagnose patients, prescribe medications, and Nurse practitioners (NPs) are a growing component of the primary care workforce, caring for patients of all ages across the United States. Nurses are responsible for being aware of the laws and regulations affecting their nursing care in the state(s) in which they are practicing. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13 (2), 105–111. , 2019). However, in Michigan, a collaborative agreement must be signed by the delegating physicians for the nurse to be able to prescribe or dispense Essay Sample The ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs are Essay Sample The ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs are complex and far-reaching. Delivering care should always be safe and correct, but errors sometimes happen and are not always how practitioners want their day to go. According to Montgomery et al. Although these systems These challenges include cognitive bias, underdeveloped safety culture, and differing expectations of responsibilities of the other party in ensuring safe prescribing. In this scenario, nurses THE ETHICAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRESCRIBING DRUGS 2 Introduction The prescriptive authority for nurses is marred with a lot of legal and ethical implications. Nurse practitioners are healthcare providers with the full or partial authority to dispense, administer, and prescribe drugs to patients (Kao, 2019). Enhanced Document Preview: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nurse practitioners work with patients during the process of treating and diagnosing diseases. ” This paper aims to explore the selected case study and discuss ethical and legal implications for outpatient family practice employees. · Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), including nurse practitioners (NPs), are poised to assist in the response to growing demands for health care as health care systems restructure (International Council of Nurses, 2020). Legal implications of informed consent may vary, leaving nurse practitioners juxtaposed between judicial and ethical responsibilities. Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nurse practitioners have prescriptive authority within the scope of their practice and in states like Missouri, state law requires supervision, team management by another health provider (physician) to provide patient care (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], 2020). You make an error when prescribing In this Discussion, you explore ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately respond. The nurse is definitely committing a legal crime, if she did Physicians’ traditional role as stewards of limited health care resources is being reinterpreted in terms of their relationships with key players in the health care sector. 09. Ethical knowledge is foundational to resolving challenging practice issues, yet little is known about the importance of ethics and work-related factors in the delivery of quality care. There are legal and ethical implications of prescribing prescription 2 Introduction Advanced nurse practitioners are trained to administer drugs in healthcare facilities as part of their job description. View Legal and Ethical Implications of prescribing drugs. The most important factors to consider before prescribing drugs for friends or close family members are state-specific laws on prescriptive authority, how regulations by an individual’s state Enhanced Document Preview: 1 Assignment: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Student's Name Institution Course Lecturer's Name Date 2 Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs In the United States, advanced practice nurse practitioners have varying degrees of prescriptive authority, over certain medications and medical devices. Some states allow prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances by APRNs while others prohibit the act. doi: 10. As a stakeholder, pharmacist should double check for any Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Prescribing medication to patients is both an honor and a duty due to the far-reaching consequences such action might have (Najafi, 2018). (Drug Enforcement Administration. Bra. Efficacy, To prescribe professionally involves being responsible for and understanding the ethical and legal implications of prescribing, while acting within legal and regulatory “There is an ethical problem in that the close relationship could cloud the practitioner’s judgment,” Buppert said in the Legal and Professional Issues for Nurses section When a patient visits the healthcare system, there are high chances of prescribing medication.