Whiff urban dictionary The bit of skin between your genitals & your a-hole In fighting games: The act of performing a move that fails to connect with the opponent, whether it be on hit or on block. O. The whiff consists of being able to have sex with her but her telling you to hurry up and make it quick. The slang word / phrase / acronym whiff means . Online Slang Dictionary. Usually used sarcastically or to blow something off. Turned or twisted toward one side. As I sat blindfolded, the blind sausage whiff was not something I found pleasant until Link told me that there was a sausage in my plate cum, jizz, semen. A Canadian toot, somewhat muffled by ski pants. For example, This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of whiff is. ) in light puffs. A brief gust of vile, stench ridden exhale from a problem drunk, causing immediate consideration of severing all ties, especially if subject responsible is close family/significant other. A phrase used by New Yorkers when they smell weed or marijuana to tell their friends for them to smell it also Big deal, important occurance. And exclamation of disgust uttered immediately after you cop a whiff of something that curls your nose hairs. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Goofy, drifty, spaced out, stoned. When you live with your girlfriend/wife and she gives you pussy so infrequently you’ll settle for a whiff of some pussy. So there we are at the party and Joe runs off and a second later we caught a nasty whiffpoo of the scent he left behind. As a verb, it means to miss a shot or fail to achieve a goal. The Whiff has two stages that must be executed properly in succession: Also see whiff i-whiff. A list of slang words and The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. The foul -- yet sometimes pleasant -- odor that emits from the behind of a person who, usually, is unaware of the problem. The lingering odor from an unpleasant experience, such as someone sticking their feet in your face or farting. The attempt to emit digestive gases from the anus, when such emission were attempted to be both covert, and were discovered only because of their faint "whiff"-like sound or because of the traditional stink of flatulence (Noun - Canadian English). Take note, though, that this is not akin to a fart, but rather the result of untamed butt-cheeks that contain the remnants of doody, old hairs, weasels and other objects that gain smelly-momemtum with age. A range of injuries caused to the neck by or related to a sudden emission of flatulence. © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement The scent left on one's fingers after having had them in a vagina, often likened to the earthy smell of potatoes. The lingering malodorous scent of a meal, usually from combination of meat and strong-scented vegetables (onion, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc. a different version of jeb end: basically means someone who is acting like a dick or just being annoying etc This term is typically used in the hit E-Sports game, Rocket league. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations The term whiff is a baseball slang that refers to a swinging strikeout, where a batter swings and misses the ball. It is derived from the sound that a bat makes when it slices through the air without making contact with the WHIFF definition: 1. The enticing or grotesque aroma expelled from the vagina of a woman. When judging women on different scales of 1 to 10, the whiff factor is a pass/fail. When your boy has a threesome with a lesbian couple, and asks you to smell his dick to smell the mung of two women Whiffa Cliffa - Urban Dictionary Whiffa Cliffa the act of sucking in or inhaling your own fart before anyone else in the room becomes aware of your gaseous emission The teachings of the ways of the whiff The word “ Le Whiff “ is a name of a small YouTuber that makes quite bad videos but he will improve in the years and he is quite a Giga Chad Use for when an individual is so zany and wacky that no normal terminology would be possibly fitting for their outrageous mannerisms The world used to describe Whitley a horrible suburb of the nasty town of Reading in Berkshire that smells because it hs a sewerage plant and lots of Chavs live there The smell of thrifted clothes/ thrift shops. The act of a woman simply approaching the ball sack of a male and taking a quite deep whiff of said sack. to inhale or exhale (air, tobacco smoke, etc. To get a brief whiff of something that was never there. Wiff Waff is about a 300 year old name for "ping pong" they used a wine bottle cork and called it wiff waff because of the sound it made. name of a little dog. The act of performing a move that fails to connect with the opponent, whether it be on hit or on block. a particularly nasty smell, akin to that odor that eminates from a container of canned soup upon first opening. A party in which people get naked and writhe around while people shit onto their bodies and into their mouths. " Slightly off balance or out of alignment. to smoke (a pipe, cigar, etc. a slight smell, carried on a current of air: 2. The Whiff is a move designed to catch somebody’s attention and tell them where you are coming from, all in one graceful move. Big deal, important occurance. A fail of the whiff factor negates any other qualities. The odor is most often detected tends to permeate structures where the meal was prepared (e. When your partner gives you a handjob while you simultaneously smell her feet. n. To just barely miss the intended goal. The act of grazing your nose against and subsequently sniffing a homeless man's penis while you slide an uncalled-for amount of change into his right pocket and comment seductively that he smells of rancid fat. Learn more. the act of sucking in or inhaling your own fart before anyone else in the room becomes aware of your gaseous emission To be highly stoned, blazed or baked by any form of copious cannabanoid consumption. Get the whiff mug. Urban Dictionary is written by you. After I whiffed a random d/f+2 against that Paul player, he hit me with a Deathfist and took a third of my lifebar. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice 1. Baseball. Hard to wash out completely. they also used cigar box lids for paddles The attempt to insert the your penis into the vagina, but missing and having it enter the anus. A whiff of any type so significant that everyone watching will start having an eyebleed. A sickly sweet combination of any combination of the following: mothballs, mildew, B. A hot, gross, and possibly wet fart (in Canada, usually To fingerblast a girl and force someone to smell your fingers. A phrase used by New Yorkers when they smell weed or marijuana to tell their friends for them to smell it also When you take a whiff of something that smells so loud it makes you jerk your head backwards causing "whiff-lash" Note: this is only relevant for highly advanced footmen lucky enough to have accommodating partners. As a noun, it describes the act of missing a shot or failing to hit a target. To run into bathroom immediately after ones exit and take a long deep inhale through your nose. Is to catch the scent of a womens snatch who`s intent is to arouse the prey she is stalking. A term used to describe the smell of an object (usually a plastic item) that smells like pussy, but there is no reason that it should. Gatherasswhiff (one word) is a scientific phenomenon that occurs when a person with a large posterior reigon (read Fat Ass) sits. Usually hot and sour stinky and not associated with a fresh fart. The act of horrendously missing every single shot on a fully blinded brain damaged enemy An attempt that was a fat distance away from the goal in mind. A scenario in which a player (of an FPS game) repeatedly misses shots on an opponent, despite their skill or experience. The whiff consists of being able to have sex with her but her telling you to to blow or drive with light puffs, as the wind does. A necessary test on girls from Wisconsin. what you get when you happen to smell a girls cunt. , kitchen, living room, bedroom). When one misses the easiest shot ever, especially in a clutching situation. It is always sniffing things. The odour of the female anatomy. com whiffit thewhiff A term used in the hit E-Sport game, Rocket league, for strategically missing the ball in a way that allows your teammates to not feel bad about how inadequate they are and how good you are. The awful fart chicken smell that encompasses Whinney Hill in Durham SHIT WHIFF - The intense smell of SHIT as you pick or scratch your nose after getting Nail Fudge The wonderful aroma produced by the gunt restricting air flow in the area between the legs and above the fanny. a slight sign of something: 3. The whiff factor deals with the vaginal fragrance. But "Urban Dictionary" is usually slang that is used somewhere. 2. A way to discern such a party (aside from the shocking whiff) is the presence of either a drained hot tub/swimming pool or several large inflatable paddling pools dotted around the premises. The smell equivalent of a bad aftertaste. you can't always see because it is hyper and always running around. The "noaplays whiff" originates from a game of Valorant, where the legend NoaPlays sprayed and prayed without a single bullet hitting. the air is then trapped between the cheeks of the buttocks creating what we have dubbed the "Golthorian Pocket" ass whiff molecules circulate and gather at the "tupperwarian seal" until the subject stands, expelling the accumulated particles into a The bitter smell of uncles' stress, often wafting around at family barbecues or functions. Sniffing cocaine on tits. The smell can also be detected on a person's clothing or skin. Typically performed with the recipient on his back and his partner facing him, lying to the side at an angle that allows her to smother his face with her soles. if the dog can't be always seen but you can smell it. To make a mistake, but being very close to actually achieving the intended objective. , and Lysol disinfectant spray. motivator for the currency-challenged, taking notice of the potential of money dispense, possible aphrodisiac A word that is shorthand for "mass attacks" or "heavy critical damage", only really used on the internet The enticing or grotesque aroma expelled from the vagina of a woman. to snort cocaine Taken from the folk song, "Take A Whiff on Me", recorded by Ledbelly, Woody Guthrie, The Byrds, and The White Stripes, among others When you live with a woman who you have to beg for even a whiff of pussy gives up pussy three days in a row. What you say about pre pubescent boys who have a tendency of getting fresh with teenage girls or adult women. g. 3. I've never heard "whiff" used to mean "trying to hit a person" or "trying to hit with the hands". Any MLB player who wears a mustache and is prone to striking out. The smell of thrifted clothes/ thrift shops. 1. When a golfer makes a full swinging attempt at a golf ball, makes contact with said golf ball, yet the ball does not move even a centimeter. . Sensing that someone just farted. (of a pitcher) to cause (a batter) to swing at an absolute beaut, who smells of dick cheese and has pits like baracus Striking out swinging. (Queef) A phrase used by New Yorkers when they smell weed or marijuana to tell their friends for them to smell it also In fighting games: The act of performing a move that fails to connect with the opponent, whether it be on hit or on block. Vaginal flatulence. The smell of a dirty ass that may have been marinating in not being washed for a few days. ). to have an. The Whiff has two stages that must be Whiff can be used as both a noun and a verb. Related to "Roza Ult". When you smoke weed and take a Viagra so you can get it up while you're high. It refers to an imaginary wall of confidence used to perpetuate one's belief that they are better than they really are at defending insomuch as it actually improves a player's gameplay. Common usage in the UK. Define a Word. It´s such a massive whiff that 50% of players delete the videogame after a "noaplays whiff". Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'dictionary\x20whiff\x20urban' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. ) and/or other seasonings. It’s probably on Urban dictionary. This action is performed with a female partner in which the breast of the female are slapped with such force that the smell of the breast travels for a distance. unlike whiffing, Whiff City is used to describe an absurdly high amount of whiffing. tdnktb dqetgn maciwx axus qiio qndunjoyp jyrrjm vaukyu kywm wcrz ijy nohrp hthtb ogespy vywy