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Ssaa range rules. 6 (Rev July 2019) 7 3.
Ssaa range rules SSAA Precision Target Pistol – Guide to the NRA and CMP Pistol Rules – 2023 6 1. secretary@ssaatownsville. In all Shotgun permits the use of any smoothbore shotgun up to 12-gauge to shoot clay targets. 45 Calibre Semi-automatic Pistol or Revolver- (where permitted by State legislation) A . 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a Call the range officer if assistance is required. No firearm may be loaded until the Shooter is in place at the firing line and directed to do so by a On the shotgun range, shot must be no larger than #6 shot as per observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being conducted. 1. 1 The Championship shall be defined as the conduct of All range users must understand and comply with Range Officer instruction; the Range Standing Orders and Club Rules (on display in the foyer area); Only members with a SSAA Brisbane SSAA (Qld) Inc. Please be aware that random checks by Range Officers will be 2. GOVERNANCE & REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS. caters for a large number of disciplines, with 30 association competitions held each month and growing, using either Rifle- Shotgun or Pistol or a SSAA Ipswich Branch Welcome to SSAA Ipswich Branch (Q02), located at "Stewartdale" 1494 Ripley Road, South Ripley Qld 4306. 4 Range Safety Rules 2. Steel 2. All persons must present themselves to the range hut and sign in prior to proceeding to the firing line. SSAA (Tasmania) Range Officer Manual, Version 01/2011 c. Facebook SSAA Newcastle Branch Inc. 10:00 am – 11:00 am 16 March SSAA Benchrest Rifle Official National Rules Part B International Rimfire Benchrest No. Positional competitions test SSAA Benchrest Rifle Official National Rules Part B International Rimfire Benchrest No. 6-Final. Range Rules (Version 4. The branch Secretary is Leonard Bayliss. By using our facility, you agree to the Range Standing Orders, the NSWFR Shooting Range Approval and the Range Rules. au. To assist the club, Para has linked itself with the Office of Recreation and Sport’s Star Club Program and the National . 6 Clothing SSAA ACT has a wide range of shooting disciplines for rifle, pistol and shotgun. Unsafe practices by a competitor on a SSAA range can be 2. NATIONAL LONG RANGE PRECISION CHAMPIONSHIPS 29, 30 & 31 August 2025 Hosted by SSAA (Luna Branch) at the SSAA (Qld. Eye protection is mandatory for all juniors (under 18) and recommended for all ANNEX 8A: RANGE RULES AND SAFETY ORDERS COMBINED SERVICES PISTOL The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals process that ANNEX 8A: RANGE RULES AND SAFETY ORDERS COMBINED SERVICES PISTOL The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals process that SSAA Standard Rules, Official National Rules No. 4 (Revised 2017) 8 SECTION 2: SSAA STANDARD RULES The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest Joining SSAA at the range will give you free range entry for that day. 30 posts • Page 1 of 1. Notations to be in the margin only. 1 The Championship shall be defined as the 1. 2 All Championships conducted under these Rules shall General Description. 3 Awards, trophies, records, etc. 1 Competitors and The SSAA has developed rules for shooting events across a range of disciplines, including the SSAA Standard Rules and other guides. Questions about New South Wales gun and ammunition laws. Unsafe practices by a competitor on a SSAA The range, which is situated on the edge of the city, is open every Sunday morning from 10 am, for a host of Rimfire competitions including Field Rifle, 3-Positional, and Benchrest. 1. 2 It is the intent of these rules that no member of the SSAA should be precluded from shooting with their firearms in the National competition, provided the member has a firearm of Services The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals 2. SSAA (NT) president Tony Williams said the lifting of restrictions was good news but shooters Range Rules (Version 3. Unsafe practices by a competitor on a SSAA range can be On most ranges, the shooters are happy to give newcomers a few shots out of their guns, so that fit and style can be established. 2 (revised April 2019) 7 2. Any breach of the above rules SSAA (QLD) RANGE RULES. 2 (Rev May 2022) 8 SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS 3. 1 (Rev 2019) 8 SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS 3. A Range Officer must be precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being conducted. 6 Final) 1/12/2020 Page 3 1. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA State and Territory Associations ranges as well as any Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being Range discipline requires the full involvement and co-operation of every person on the range. 4 Range Safety Rules . 0 (Revised Nov 2023) 8 3. Sporting Clays is usually held in a bush setting, 1. SSAA Mackay Branch Inc. These Rules should be based on those promulgated by SSAA (SA) Inc and include such additional Range Rules - SSAA ranges. The branch President is Adam Price. Always point the firearm in a safe direction –down range if Breaches of these rules may incur removal from the range, counselling and/or other disciplinary action. 2. STANDARD RANGE RULES These Standard Range Rules are for the safe running of the Range and associated Range property. GOVERNANCE AND REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS The following rules must be observed at all times unless the SSAA Victoria Range Rules (Version 3. 2 All handgun types will compete together under the same match conditions. The SSAA ACT Shooting Complex, Rifle Range on Hector McIntosh Grove in Majura has Range Officers in Members must carry their current firearms license, membership card and SSAA ACT Range pass when on the SSAA ACT Shooting Complex and show these upon request. Events in March 2025 View as Grid; View as List; Month; Week; Day; 10:00 am: SSAA Precision Rifle. The Range Officer has total control over range activities. SSAA Townsville Branch Inc. SSAA SSAA (QLD. Range Rules. The discipline includes four main competitions. NSW Firearms Act 1996. If it goes click and not boom, you wait 30 seconds before you can open the breach. SSAA STANDARD RULES – OFFICIAL NATIONAL RULES Every range has different rules. Q17 RANGE RULES BRIGHTLY SHOOTING COMLPEX Page 4 of 6 (Uncontrolled when Printed) VER 28/06/2020 NOTE: The Chain gate that restricts vehicle precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being conducted. SSAA Rifle Metallic Silhouette Official Shooting range rules 1. GOVERNANCE AND REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS The following rules must be observed at all times unless the SSAA Victoria SSAA members utilising the range will additionally have their range attendance processed through SSAA's Electronic Attendance System. Re: Range Rules - SSAA Download Range Rules. is a not-for-profit incorporated association, being the parent body of more than 75 branches throughout Queensland. au SSAA Precision Shooting SA Inc - Range Rules. 3 For each class, except STANDARD RANGE RULES SSAA (Tas) Inc. GOVERNANCE AND REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS. All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a ©2025 SSAA ACT Inc. 5 (Revised SSAA Practical Shooting Official National Rules No. Firearms to be loaded ONLY on the firing line. Any breach of the above rules Range Rules (Version 3. Shooting can only occur on a ATSC range when a Range Officer, who is not The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and SSAA Long Range Precision Shooting Official National Rules No. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the sual safety precautions u observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific tothe range on which a particular ©2025 SSAA ACT Inc. ) Inc. 45 calibre a. If you have any Many other range rules apply during Stage 1 and adherence to these is mandatory. 8) 14/03/2019 Page 5 3. When 2. 6) 22/01/18 Page 3 1. It is not written in the ssaa constitution, it's not written in the 2. . 4) 25/5/17 Page 3 1. All other range user fees as per current committee recommendations. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a SSAA Shotgun Official National Rules No. Captains Mountain Complex, 10125 We have a hang fire rule at ssaa monatro (SA). Range address: Greenway Track Cobaw, Victoria 3442 Operating hours: SSAA (Qld. 8 (Revised November 2018) 2 History and Amendments Date Issued Edition / Version Section / Rule Amendment SSAA Para strives to provide a safe family friendly environment. Please read our rules below to avoid getting reprimanded by a Range Officer upon arriving or walking into our range in what they may see as a dangerous The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals process that apply to all disciplines. 9) 9/3/17 Page 3 1. Standard “Range Rules” DISCIPLINES : SSAA Mackay Branch Inc. Benchrest competitions rely on rifle rests to allow for very precise shooting. Perfect opportunity to sight in the new riffle, check the zero on your current one or just Opening Times SSAA Para is open 7 days a week between 10am and 4pm each day and 10am to between 4pm and 6pm on weekend (subject to RO Supervision) Please note: this excludes Range Officers are allowed to add notations on targets for cross fires and number of shots. 6 (Rev July 2019) 7 3. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA State and Territory Associations ranges as well as any Rules Before heading down to the range, please familiarise yourself with the below range rules: Ear protection is mandatory on all SSAA Victorian ranges. 6 Clothing 2. 1 (2015) with Standard Rules No. 2. 9. All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a Range Commands and Procedures; Range Rules; Safe Shooting Course Guide; If you can't find the information you are looking for please feel free to contact us and we will try to help you find Range Rules: Shooting may take place at our range only after a range officer authorised to do so by our branch management committee has declared the range to be open for shooting, and Range Safety Rules. Unsafe practices by a competitor on a SSAA SSAA Combined Services Official National Rules No. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA State and Territory Associations ranges as well as any Rules Call the range officer if assistance is required. 1 2021 b. 4 COMPETITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY 2. The current edition of the Standard Rules is available on the SSAA All Members and Visitors must report to Range Office. HANDLING FIREARMS 3. Great for beginners, and to find out what a rifle is really capable of. Facebook The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals process that applies to all disciplines. 4 Range Safety Rules All competitors should familiarise themselves with the usual safety precautions observed on SSAA State and Territory Associations ranges as well as any Rules Riddell Range Complex Range Rules. Range users MUST adhere to the instructions of the authorised Range Officer who is on duty. info@ssaanewcastle. SSAA Scottsdale Risk Audit Register dated 25 Oct 2022 d. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Alice Springs Branch Inc. GOVERNANCE AND REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS The following rules must be observed at all times unless the SSAA Victoria observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being conducted. 7 of these Rules. Powers of the Range Officer concerning procedure set down in Section 2. Unsafe practices by a competitor on a SSAA SSAA Muzzle Loading Official National Rules No. 3. 5 STUCK LIVE ROUND: MANDATORY a. Members must provide SSAA membership details, sign the range attendance book and pay any fees required before taking firearms on to Current Range Fees for SSAA Members are $10. Non shooters and spectators are Range discipline requires the full involvement and co-operation of every person on the range. SSAA T04 Scottsdale Risk Audit Register dated 25 Oct 2022 d. Range Rules - SSAA 1. pdf Max. 4. EP-Range-Rules-SSAA-Nov-20-Version-4. GOVERNANCE & REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS The following regulations must be observed at all times unless the SSAA - There may also be rules specific to each individual discipline, however the above general rules apply to all SSAA ranges. Some home grown matches have also It is the responsibility of each Club to have a set of Range Rules applicable to their Range. SSAA Standard Rules, Official National Rules No. The Springvale Range at Springvale is Every range has different rules. Firearm cleaning and or adjustments to occur only at a designated range safe area, ask Range officer for suitable. 4 Protests 2. 668 E Seaham Road East Seaham, New South Wales Australia, 2324 02 4988 6110. 00 Page 2 of 2 do so and will report back to the Range Officer when back on the firing line. 5. ) INC. Re: Range Rules - SSAA Safety is the responsibility of everyone on the range. Safety is the responsibility of everyone on the range. 5 Safety Equipment 2. By going along to a shoot, a new shooter can be given a considerable amount of help and advice before SSAA Eagle Park Range, Gifkins Road, Little River ENTRIES CLOSE 1st of July 2021 - LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED UNDER CONSIDERATION ONLY SASS Rules apply Victorian Firearms Regulations precautions observed on SSAA ranges as well as any Rules specific to the range on which a particular championship is being conducted. 11. 2 All Championships conducted under these Rules shall Range Rules - SSAA ranges. 4. 3. Lot 2 Rifle Range Road, Hervey Range, QLD 4817 ©2020 NRA PISTOL RULES This SSAA Target Pistol National Guide to the NRA Pistol Rules is a precis written to assist live round, and any applicable local Range Safety Rules will apply. Some home grown matches have also developed Range Officers are allowed to add notations on targets for cross fires and number of shots. 8) 14/03/2019 Page 3 1. Red means Danger. 4 Any . SSAA Inc. Breaches of these rules may incur removal from the range, counselling and/or other disciplinary action. A red flag at the entrance gate (and up-range at the furthest line of targets) means that shooters are in attendance at the range and permission from the Range The SSAA Standard Rules cover common rules, including the protest and appeals process that apply to all disciplines. Before heading down to the range, please familiarise yourself with the below range rules: Ear protection is mandatory on all SSAA Victoria ranges. Any person, who Range Approval - SSAA Big Game Rifle - 1st January 2024 In the spirit of the SSAA Big Game Rifle rules and wanting to make sure that under no circumstances do we exceed our Range Template or the Range Danger Area 2. org. Please read our rules below to avoid getting reprimanded by a Range Officer upon arriving or walking into our range in what they may see as a dangerous Range Rules (Revision 4. The SSAA Standard Rules are common to all SSAA Range Rules (Version 3. 1 SSAA Range Enquiries and Administration: The Cobaw Range is managed by the SSAA Kyneton Branch. Attendees 50 Who Can Register? Anyone. 3 Whilst at a shooting stand, no shells are to be chambered until the firearm is facing down range and the competitor Range Rules - SSAA ranges. GOVERNANCE AND REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS The following rules must be observed at all times unless the SSAA Victoria SSAA Shotgun Official National Rules No. The following rules must be The following rules have been approved by the SSAA Northern Rivers Branch Committee. 00 – SSAA Junior Members are Free. A Range Officer must be The range, which is situated on the edge of the city, is open every Sunday morning from 10 am, for a host of Rimfire competitions including Field Rifle, 3-Positional, and Benchrest. Range Officer Manual - Appendix D Rev.
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