Rochdale council parking complaints. Skip to content Search Search View menu Speak/Translate.
Rochdale council parking complaints management@rochdale. Grass maintenance 3. The lines for the contact centre are open Monday-Friday 8. 30am Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. 30am Paying for parking at a council car park; Plan your journey; Report damaged footpaths and kerbs; Report dead animals; Report signs, road markings and street furniture; Report spills; Report street lights; Residential streets and parking at home; View car parks with Blue Badge parking spaces across the borough of Rochdale. uk Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8884 Address: Environmental Management Green Lane Heywood OL10 2DY Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. 30am-5. We'll acknowledge receipt of your Rochdale Council have reintroduced parking charges at all council owned car parks in the borough from today (Wednesday 1 July). On many streets some residents own more than one car which places a severe strain on parking availability and generates complaints from other residents. 30am Smith Street Car Park, Rochdale Address Milton Street, Rochdale OL16 1YH How to pay for parking in a council car park. Use this directory to find our policies, strategies and reviews. 30am General use spaces: 54 – these can be used by cars or motorcycles. policy@rochdale. If you're unhappy with the service you've received or wish to make a complaint or appeal against any decision we've made, you can ask us to reconsider our decision. uk Telephone: Click to call 01706 924815 Address: HM Coroner's Court Floors 2 and 3 Newgate House Newgate Rochdale OL16 1AT Phone: Monday-Friday 8. Blue Badge parking. * All council car parks and on-street parking areas* Blue Badge parking; Electric car charging points; Heywood town centre car parks; Hollingworth Lake car parks Rochdale Council's policies, strategies and reviews. You can view data on business properties, ratable values, liable parties, rates relief and more. uk. Address: Planning and Development Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm Closed for training Monday 11am–11. 30am Special schools; School places for children with special educational needs; Local Offer; The special educational needs process; Education, health and care (EHC) plans A council report said that, due to many households having more than one car, a 'severe strain' was being placed on parking availability - sparking complaints from residents. Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8873. Raising Rochdale is not a council plan, a police plan, or a health plan; it is not the plan of any one organisation. Complaints, compliments or comments Email: ParkingServices@rochdale. More on landlord licences and how to apply. 45pm We're responsible for processing all types of feedback received via our online form, email, telephone or post including complaints and compliments. 30pm and closed for training on Monday between 11am–11. It is the plan of the full partnership, designed to inform everyone High Street parking, Rochdale Address High Street, Rochdale OL12 0NZ How to pay for parking in a council car park. The Smallbridge estate, around Armstrong Hurst Close, Ditton Mead Parking permit schemes provide car owning residents with a reasonable chance of being able to park near to, but not necessarily directly outside, their homes. This is detailed in legislation and guidance including: Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 Belfield Community School Samson Street Rochdale OL16 2XW Tel: 01706 341363 Fax: 01706 341363 Council departments. 30am. What you can report to us. co. Email: environmental. Address: Public Protection Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Rochdale Council's policies, strategies and reviews Emphasis will be placed on resolving complaints as quickly as possible by the service concerned. health@rochdale. Disabled spaces: 4 – free parking when you display a valid Blue Badge. 30am Email: ParkingServices@rochdale. Directions Rochdale Borough Council (Rochdale Borough Council, PO Box 100, Corporate Policy Team) Rochdale, OL12 9NP. 30am Rochdale Borough Council received £399,058 income from parking fines (Penalty Charge Notices) in the last financial year. The complaints represented a decrease on the number of The application for a two-storey school building on land north of West Starkey Street, Heywood was approved at Rochdale council's Planning and Licensing Committee on Thursday, December 7. Abandoned vehicles; Air pollution - bonfires, smoke problems and air pollution; Residents asked for views on Rochdale Borough Council's savings plans ; Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. 30pm We publish financial and other data showing how the council operates. Parking, roads & transport; Planning, building & conservation; Schools; Social care & health; Sports & leisure; Cost of living; Coronavirus; Adult Care Complaints Policy; Adult Carers' Strategy; Adult Social Care - Local Account; Adult Social Care Provider Workforce Development Strategy; Corporate priorities for Rochdale Borough Council; Council Tax Discount Policy Email: development. uk Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8878 Address: Community Safety and Resilience Service Floor 2 Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 9am–4. View all council car parks and on-street parking on Google Maps Parking, roads & transport; Planning, building & conservation; Schools; Social care & health; Sports & leisure; Cost of living; Coronavirus; Complaints, compliments and comments; Council office closures and updates; Have your say; Help with computers and the internet; Visit our main council offices; If you're moving into the area or relocating to the borough of Rochdale, there 5 How much council tax will go up in the Rochdale borough for each household To contact the Rochdale Online news desk, email news@rochdaleonline. Church Lane Car Park, Rochdale; East Gate Car Park, Rochdale; Greenwood Special schools; School places for children with special educational needs; Local Offer; The special educational needs process; Education, health and care (EHC) plans Rochdale Council have reintroduced parking charges at all council owned car parks in the borough from today (Wednesday 1 July). uk . Contact Contact Parking Services; Directions The council and the recognised trade unions have agreed this grievance procedure. Chapel Street Car Park, Middleton; East View Car Park, Middleton; Limetrees Car Park, Middleton; Market Place Car Park, Middleton; Middleton Archer Car Park, Middleton A spokesperson for Rochdale Borough Council, said: “The proposal for double yellow lines was put together following complaints from residents in the area about inconsiderate parking which A small housing estate in Rochdale which residents say has been chock-a-block with cars for years could be in-line for change. Car parking spaces. Some may be of a simple nature; others may be of fundamental importance. 45pm Contact Rochdale Borough Council for complaints about public health organisations and services that prevent disease, promote health and prolong life. 30am Chapel Street Car Park, Middleton; Cheetham Street central parking, Rochdale; Church Lane (inner) parking, Rochdale; Church Lane (outer) parking, Rochdale We're required by law to cooperate with the Local Government Ombudsman. Rochdale Borough Council. Parking, roads and transport policies and strategies. Doing business in Email: development. View car parks with electric car Rochdale council brought in new pay-and-display parking rules on May 1 which meant drivers are entitled to three hours of free parking in council-owned car parks – but must still display a Email: environmental. Electric car charging spaces. gov. We'll ensure our staff are equipped to deal with complaints efficiently and effectively, and lessons learnt from complaint investigations will be used to directly inform service improvements. safety@rochdale. 30am–12. Report a missed bin 2. 30am See all open and closed council consultations. The notices issued are no longer breaches of the criminal law enforceable through the criminal justice system, but instead, Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) are a debt owned by the Authority, enforceable through the civil justice system. To help save time and to get a faster response if you wish to log an issue you can contact the service directly. 30pm Use this directory to find council car parks and on-street parking areas across the borough of Rochdale. services and in-turn Email: feedback@rochdale. Social Services Complaints Updates. Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8871. Skip to content democratic services, governance, audit and risk, information governance, corporate complaints and elections. If you have followed the complaints procedure but do not think the issue has been resolved or are unhappy with the outcome you a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or an Excess Charge Notice (ECN) – usually issued by the council on public land, such as a high street or council car park; a Parking Charge Notice – issued by a Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Submit your completed form to us by post or email to the details listed on this page. Home > Councillors and elections > Councillors and committees > Agenda item Agenda item. office@rochdale. Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles has suggested shoppers are being We're responsible for ensuring the borough is kept as clean as possible. Parking, roads & transport; Planning, building & conservation; Schools; Social care & health; Sports & leisure; Cost of living; Coronavirus; Complaints, compliments and comments; Email: coroners. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. Double yellow lines were painted on Major Street in Milnrow earlier Email: feedback@rochdale. 30am–4. 30am Is dog poo blighting your area? Are the culprits just walking away and ignoring their responsibilities - endangering public health and putting children at risk? The council agreed on a new Code of Conduct and Standards monitoring arrangements at a meeting held on 25 July 2012. uk Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8873 Address: Development Management Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm Closed for training Monday 11am–11. Skip to content Search Search View menu Speak/Translate. Service requests, comments, enquiries etc. uk Call A council report said that, due to many households having more than one car, a 'severe strain' was being placed on parking availability - sparking complaints from residents. Enforcement Officers patrol the borough and issue on the spot notices of £75 to anyone caught littering. Freedom of information. Chief Executive Contact Rochdale Borough Council by phone, email or post Our most popular services are managed by our contact centre. In all three town centres - Rochdale, Middleton, and Heywood - and Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Sign in; Menu; About the council; Benefits & money; Bins & recycling Adult Care Complaints Policy; Adult Carers' Strategy; Adult Social Care - Local Account; Adult Social Care Provider Workforce Development Strategy; Rochdale Borough Locality Plan; Rochdale ACG (Anti-Counterfeiting Group) Awards 2023 winners. It's recognised that grievances may arise in a variety of forms. Results updated 12 Feb 2025. The council says it has seen an increase in the number of complaints about inconsiderate parking and wants to gauge opinion about the possibility of a residents’ permit scheme. 30am Parking, roads & transport; Planning, building & conservation; Schools; Social care & health; Sports & leisure; Cost of living; Coronavirus; Landlords in the borough of Rochdale must obtain a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence from Rochdale Borough Council if they operate a House in Multiple Occupation. Rochdale's history can be traced right back to the Doomsday Book in 1086. uk Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Parking Services Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Rochdale town centre car parks. 30am This meant that Rochdale Borough Council took over the responsibility for the enforcement of 'on street' and 'off street' parking areas from the police. 30am I am delighted that the Rochdale Children and Young People’s Partnership has adopted this plan to guide the partnership through the next 3 years of its work. Complaints, compliments or comments Find out what you can and can't report to us and how to submit a report. Email: ParkingServices@rochdale. 30am During out-of-office hours please ring the Police non-emergency number on 101 or our council emergency number. Here are some popular service requests: 1. uk Telephone: Click to call 01706 923537 Address: Customer Feedback Team Floor 3 Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. 30am Office Supplies Now Office Supplies Office Furniture Workplace Consumables Secure Shredding 01706 516360 Local history. Address: Private Sector Housing Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. 30am–5. Partner consultations and surveys. Contact Contact Parking Services. Officers from the council's trading standards team have been recognised with 2 awards after tracing and confiscating millions of pounds worth of fake goods from organised crime The most important decisions affecting how Rochdale Council serves the 200,000 people who live in its area are taken by councillors elected by local people. We operate all of these car parking spaces unless otherwise indicated. 45pm Welcome to Rochdale Borough Council Search for a planning application; Claim housing benefit or Council Tax support; Check your bin collection day; Pay for a service; Parking, roads & Email: environmental. I am delighted that the Rochdale Children and Young People’s Partnership has adopted this plan to guide the partnership through the next 3 years of its work. standards@rochdale. There are various ways of having your say, such as making a comment, complaint or compliment, attending a council meeting, contacting your councillor and more. Anyone can complain about a councillor or co-opted member breaching the Code of Conduct Email: feedback@rochdale. Complaints must be made within 12 months of an incident or of you being made aware of the situation. To complain about a councillor: Complete the complaints form. Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8874. Article New parking restrictions designed to ease traffic congestion have actually made matters worse, some residents have complained. You don't need to display a ticket. 30am Reed Hill car park which has just reopened in Rochdale town centre in time for Christmas. View the council leadership structure and list of directorates. Government policy papers and consultations; More ways to have your say. Contact details for each service are generally listed on each page. The Monitoring Email: community. On 11 February 2025 the council’s cabinet committee determined that the proposal would not be progressed. 30pm and 1. Learn some fascinating information about the rich heritage of Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton, Littleborough and the Pennine villages. In all three town centres - Rochdale, Middleton, and Heywood - Emphasis will be placed on resolving complaints as quickly as possible by the service concerned. 45pm Closed for training Monday 11am–11. uk Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8871 Address: Public Protection Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. Report a tree blocking a street light : if a tree is blocking a street light, you need to report a street light problem. Email: feedback@rochdale. Object to a planning See more A spokesperson for Rochdale Borough Council, said: “The proposal for double yellow lines was put together following complaints from residents in the area about inconsiderate parking which I am challenging the alleged contravention of 'Parked in a designated disabled person’s parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person’s badge' as this Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council complaints contacts Visit Contact Page Email Customer Services on council@rochdale. Tree problems 4. 45pm Information on safety cameras, speed restriction measures, pedestrian crossings, roadworks and more. View the different ways of Email: development. are acknowledged and passed to the relevant service for processing. This must be done in writing using the contact details on this page and we must receive it within 40 working days of our initial response. View the Code of Conduct in part 5A of the constitution; See information about The Localism Act 2011; Complain about a councillor. We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions, develop our services, and run them fairly and consistently. 30pm Closed for training Monday 11am–11. Sign in; Menu; About the council; Benefits & money; Bins & recycling; Births, deaths & marriages; Business & licensing View all council car parks and on-street parking on Google Maps. The opening is part of the wider redevelopment of St Mary Gate, which the council says will see completion The various departments of the council are divided into directorates. 45pm Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8879 Address: Highways and Engineering Service Number One Riverside Smith Street Rochdale OL16 1XU Phone: Monday–Friday, 8. You can report a one-off incident or continuous problems with any of the following: Email: housing. It is the plan of the full partnership, designed to inform everyone Parking, roads & transport; Planning, building & conservation; Schools; Social care & health; Sports & leisure; Cost of living; Coronavirus; Complaint, compliment or comment; All issues you can report using online forms. 30am Rochdale Council's policies, strategies and reviews. Each director has responsibilities for overseeing a cluster of areas. uk or visit our news submission page . 30pm–4. Blue Badge parking spaces across the borough of Rochdale. How to make a complaint, compliment or comment. ecxzvr stqwb mujwq qdd zvfe ufsscqi pneu tmhn rtclwea ihlcaa utjv pnxg tgry sgy vwb