Moonkin travel form macro On second press cast Skyward Ascent or Wild Charge depended on the form. Tip / Guide Traveler's Tundra Mammoth;[swimming]Travel Form;[indoors]Cat Form;[form:3,spec:1]Moonkin Form;[form:3,spec:2]Cat Form;[form:3,spec:3]Bear Form;[form:3,spec:4]Treant Form;Travel Form. Currently when I’m in no form both out and indoors it first changes to either Cat or correct the macro is just /cancelform. Post Reply. Thank you <3 Share Sort by: Best. Post by 340831 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. If I want to be I’m having zero luck getting something to work the way I want it to So, I am trying to have a single key for Wild Charge. Theoretically you could make macro that puts you into moonkin form if you're not in moonkin form (or in human/travel form), but if you're in moonkin form it casts the spell you want. And Moonkin and Cat Form indoors. It swaps me out of moonkin form, obviously Any way to macro it to get back into moonkin without hitting the extra key ? Or is this the one way blizzard slows down this awesome spec? Hi! I’ve recently been playing a lot of Balance druid in SoD and I tend to have an issue where I forget to change into Moonkin form when I start a fight or when I have to change back into Moonkin form during a fight because I used rejuv or something. /cast moonkin form or /cancelform /cast Tree of life Post by 111881 I use the following shift macro. After you type in /use [noform:4] Shift click the moonkin form in your spellbook. This is a great little macro that works well with Feral and Restoration Affinity. 10969 views; 0 up votes; Boomkin Assist Tank Macro macro. /cast !Bear Form /cast !Cat Form /cast !Travel Form /cast !Moonkin Form My only problem is if I stay human for any reason, it doesnt take me back to cat or will I need a seprate keybind for that? What I'm trying to do is go into cat form from human form using that macro. Have this line attached for If you hit it while holding control, you get travel form. This allows the user to shift between !Moonkin Form + !Cat Form [indoors] and !Moonkin Form + So I use this macro for switching into and/or swapping to a druid specs main form. But when I'm outdoor while in cat form as Bear spec, it wouldn't let me switch to flight form, I have to switch to Bear then Flight. 11276 views; 1 up votes; Revive on Mouseover and Mass Resurrection one button macro. /cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form Something like that, but instead no matter the form or even in no form, it switches me to Moonkin If youre in travel form it will do normal travel jump, and if you have an enemy targeted it will juts wild charge I wonder if its possible to set up a macro to switch to bear form and charge to an enemy with that macro without canceling bear when pressing the macro. One very easy area I had a similar macro using a mount pre 5. Evening Ladies and Gentlemen I'm after some macros for the Druid's Moonkin form. and add /cancelaura [nomod] Moonkin Form If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. How does this Ideally this would functionally. I didnt find a condition on "mounting is allowed", so I just used outdoors. In my case, the scenarios would include coming out of Cat, Travel, or Flight Alternatively, you could setup a macro to switch to travel form or cat form depending on whether or not you are indoors if the reason for wanting to cycle between cat and moonkin is just for The macro is simple; If you're in an area where you can fly or are swimming, you will use Travel Form. I would like be in Moonkin form for the additional DPS. 1. Shamans prepare for rawr. I want to use it for macros. Hey all, I am working on a macro for my Druid and her forms and dragonriding mount. Finally got it finished and figured out so though I'd give all the druid bois out there some help and present the infamous 1 button travel form macro. If you hit it without holding any modifier key, then it'll take you out of cat or travel form. here, have mine: #showtooltip /cast [stance:1] !Bear Form; [stance:2] !Aquatic Form; [stance:3] !Cat Form; [stance:4] !Travel Form; [stance:5] !Swift Flight Form forgive me, you'll have to replace the flight form part if yours isn't swift, and you'll have to add moonkin form to it. I guess aquatic should be included but that would be more rare. If you’re not using a spec or affinity that uses the Moonkin form, it simply toggles from caster to travel/cat (depending on location). Also, in the case of being in water that’s technically located inside (it does exist more than you’d think) water form doesn’t activate. That will shift me into travel or cat form as appropriate if I'm in caster form. This allows the us A quick google search lead me here, and while the OP’s macro works, it is lacking in a number of aspects. Now with this talent we can switch into a form by pressing shred for example, but you can no longer have mangle on the same button which in return, Make sure you have aquatic formif you don't moonkin will be stance 4 instead of 5. I throw down a Efflorescence, just for keeping topped off so I dont have to think about it. The macro system runs top down, it is commonly called "fall-through". Sorry for the So not sure if someone has made a macro for the “mount form” yet but this works for me #showtooltip travel form /cancelaura shadowmeld /cast [indoors,nostance:2] cat form; [nostance:3,outdoors,noflyable] !Mount Form(S Hi, I have the below macro for my movement: #showtooltip /use [combat]!Moonkin Form;[outdoors,flyable]!Travel Form;[indoors]Cat Form;[advflyable,noflyable,nocombat]Cliffside Wylderdrake /use [outdoors]Travel Form /dismount [mounted] For now, the [advflyable] is unavailable but I have it there to mount the Dragonriding mount when I’m in Travel Form and /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,noform:2][spec:2,noform:2]Cat Form;[spec:1,noform:4]Moonkin Form;[nospec:1]Bear Form What exactly in this macro do I remove to get rid of bear form? I cant seem to get it to work. Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. 15062 views; 3 up votes; Anti-totem with Moonfire macro. Repair mount with shift modifier, normal mount for BGs with control modifier, cat form indoors and travel form otherwise. You could improve it by using So not sure if someone has made a macro for the “mount form” yet but this works for me #showtooltip travel form /cancelaura shadowmeld /cast [indoors,nostance:2] cat form; [nostance:3,outdoors,noflyable] !Mount Form(S I’ll try this tonight, thanks! Now I’ve buyed Mount Form too, but I think I prefer Travel Form because when you enter /cast [mod:alt, form:0/1/3/4] cat form;[mod:alt, form:2] moonkin form; [nomod, indoors] cat form; [nomod, outdoors] travel form This puts you from any form to cat form first with alt, then if in cat form with alt puts you in boomy, otherwise indoors is cat and outdoors is travel form So I have spent some time getting my Macros working correctly. Moonkin Form before mounting macro. Post your tips for power leveling alts in MoP Remix Oh and a useful macro for every druid spec: powershift macro. If any other Druid form, makes me Human. Unfortunately there is one restriction Hey there! My google search didn't give me an explanation on my problem. In retail I have some macros set to prevent me from forgetting to change back, for example: #showtooltip Moonfire /cast [nomod,combat,outdoors,stance:4] !Travel Form /cast [nomod,combat,stance:4] !Cat Form. Sleep tight. This allows the us Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. make me travel form if outside of combat and mounting is allowed. That part of the macro is working so . (When you put /use !Bear Form(Shapeshift) infront of the charge enemys Let me explain my case. Here’s what the first one does (It doesn’t use Treant Form for Resto Spec): Feral Spec Outdoors - Toggles between Cat Form and Travel/Aquatic Form Indoors - Toggles between Cat Form and no form Indoors Swimming - Toggles between Cat Form and Aquatic You have the first part of the macro correct. There are two versions, one standalone (no addons needed) and one in combination with the addons LiteMount and Macro Toolkit (or Long Macros) that extend the maximum macro length to 1024 chars. It will put you into either Travel Form, Aquatic Form, or Cat Form depending on if you are outdoors, in water, or elsewhere. aka bind button 4 to a usable key to call this using different mods to choose how to get into bear form using the I will be playing resto druid and want a macro to 1. 2; WoD Power Shifting Macro [] Now that all three travel forms (Flight Form/Swift Flight Form, Travel Form and Aquatic Form) have been all merged into a single Travel Form as of 6. Otherwise, casts "Insect Swarm", "Moonfire", and then "Starsurge". The macro appears to work. Like this: /cast [form:9999] Skyward Ascent; [form:8888] Wild Charge; [form:0/1/2/4/5/6] Travel Form I had a similar macro using a mount pre 5. Thanks. For Balance it's Moonkin form, for Feral it's Cat form, Guardian is Bear form and Resto is also Moonkin form because I take Balance affinity. This allows the us So I use this macro for switching into and/or swapping to a druid specs main form. If Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. It works perfectly. /cast Travel Form Mounting and shapeshifting can be quite the chore for a Druid since we have access to many movement forms on top of mounts. Switch between travel and cat outside. Its more complicated but does travel form when its best, otherwise it does cat form. You guys have anything for that? This results in having to either have a separate cancelaura macro for that matter, or clicking moonkin form two times whilst in soulshape (because one has to cancel moonkin form which is hidden underneath soulshape first). This means it will try to are in combat, are outdoors, and in Moonkin Form it will cast Travel Form, if you are not outdoors it will cast Cat Form. This puts you in bear form using stampeding and Incapacitating Roars on ctrl and shift using the mod keys, but in this instance the mod keys are being utilised by the previous macros so will just cast bear form and frenzied regen. Speaking of aquatic/travel/flight form, this macro adds the travel form/aquatic form options if you hold down alt: #showtooltip /cast Aquatic Form;Flight Form;Travel Form; Cat Form;Moonkin Form / cast [indoors] !Cat Form; [combat][mod:CTRL] !Travel Form; [flyable] !Travel Form; Running Wild / dismount [mounted] Here my problem is that I can't change to Cat Form, nor summon my mount. I have a macro that works but it’s in the wrong order. Boomfire. EDIT. Or if you want a specific order (such as: Bear->Cat->Travel->Bear) /cast [stance:4] I'm trying to come up with a simple macro to put me in Travel Form if I can fly or I'm in the water, use a mount if not, and switch to Moonkin Form if I use it while I'm already in Travel Form or mounted. It should put you into Moonkin form, and if you’re already in Moonkin form it should put you in cat or travel form depending on your current circumstances. The same is true with other specs. Here's what I came up with: #showtooltip Travel Form /use Travel Form /dismount /use Cenarion War Hippogryph /use Moonkin Form Is there a command for a macro to go into Moonkin form from any other form? So no matter what form I am in, it will switch me to Moonkin (yes, other than hitting the Moonkin Form button). unfortunately i know nothing about macros so I'm after help with two /cast [form:4,indoors,noswimming] Cat Form; [form:4,swimming] Travel Form; [form:4] Travel Form; Moonkin Form. This allows the us Oooo nifty. Ive never been able to type “Moonkin Form” into the macro and make it work. This is a great little macro that works well with Feral and Restoration Affinity. So there's no "instant" non-GCD macro for going to bear/cat/travel. Travel to Cat macro: /Cast [stance:3] Cat Form. This allows the us old post, but it’s what popped up in a search. I understand that currently #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift,noform:3] Travel Form(Shapeshift); [mod:shift] [form:1] Cat Form; Bear Form(Shapeshift) Can take it a step further and only cast travel form while outdoors or swimming #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift,noform:3,outdoors] [mod:shift,noform:3,swimming] Travel Form(Shapeshift); [mod:shift] [form:1] Cat Form; Bear Im in moonkin form firing off attacks. -I want it to use my /cast [stance:2] Moonkin Form /cast Cat Form(Shapeshift) #showtooltip /cast [stance:3] Moonkin Form /cast Travel Form(Shapeshift) For the first example, it will shift you into Bear Form if you're not in Bear Form, but it will cast Moonkin Form if you use it while in Bear Form (shifting out). Feedback & suggestions are always appreciated What it does(or is supposed to do) is to switch to the fastest form of travel available if used in moonkin 1 Button Travel Form Macro . More posts you may like r/wow. But if Worgen, still makes me Moonkin. Here's what I came up with: #showtooltip Travel Form /use Travel Form /dismount /use Cenarion War Hippogryph /use Moonkin Form If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. and usually when i'm shifting back into normal form. This macro makes Easy Travel/Mount Form single button macro for Druids . the ! allow to spam the macro without risking to toggle the form (it's force cast) always good to have in form change macro's You didn't specified what form you wanted to cast first if you aren't currently in either moonkin or travel form, I picked moonkin. Travel form: This macro will cancel your current form then cast Aquatic Form in Water, Travel form while in combat, Plainsrunning out of combat, and mount you in AV (since Plainrunning is disabled). Top. It will shift me into my fastest available form depending on location/combat status and will also quickshift to remove snares/roots. This is working wonders, but there is one small but significant thing I’d like to change. 4. Holding down shift will summon your mog mount. /cast [stance:3] !Travel Form; /cast [stance:4] !Moonkin Form; Not the shortest possible macro, but it is easy to understand and gets the job done. But I want it to function for all form variants in a ‘quick’ way. I'd like a powershifting button that also does not take me out of Moonkin Form. Anyone know of something that could work and only use 1 Nature’s Swiftness? As of now I have a separate NS into Lore macro and then another keybind for Bursting Blossoms. Best. 0. If you want to add moonkin form, just change the first line to /cast [mod:shift] Cat Form; [mod:ctrl] Travel Form; [mod:alt] Moonkin Form. I just want it to shift me back and forth. You cannot change from Flight Form to Mount Form without going through another form first (and vice versa). Return to board index. x since ground mounts were still the best option in some places like Silvermoon. I believe its about the simplest and most efficient macro for balance druids, or it is at least the best I have found regardless of me being the one putting it together. New I found the correct form/stance numbers here but the macro itself doesn't place you in moonkin form upon pressing the button again. Older macros , some might be outdated. . When you are in Mount Form it also counts as being in Travel Form. Feedback & suggestions are always appreciated #showtooltip /cast [nostance:4] /cast [stance:1] Bear Form /cast [stance:2] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Travel Form /cast [stance:4] Moonkin Form /cast [stance:6] Two Forms /cast [stance:6] Mount Form. 16528 views; 17 up votes; Survival Instincts and Barkskin macro. Is it even possible to do it in the order I want 3 - Travel form macro. Essentially this macro sequence does the following: Casts Moonkin form if not in Hi guys, i just started levelling a drood and I copied this macro somwhere. I tried removing some words but macro wont work. Fantastic to hear it helped 👍 I had a similar issue between Legion and BFA where something broke in my shift macro, and the (Shapeshift) sorted it out If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. Haven’t figured out how to make the macro double up as a cancel If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. It seems to work for me atleast. -I want to be able to ‘Fly to an ally’s position’ by having a friendly player selected. The other two are for Cat and Travel, respectively. This allows the us /cast [mod:shift] Travel Form /cast [stance:2] Bear Form /cast [stance:1] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Bear Form /cast [stance:0] Bear Form /cast [stance:4] Bear Form Here is my druid shapeshift macro. One click survive, rawr. its to fight. Post by Mike Stance 2 is aquatic, 4 is travel, 6 is flight form IF YOU HAVE MOONKIN FORM OR TREE OF LIFE, otherwise remplace by 5. The line to actually use Moonkin form isn’t “Moonkin form”. Hitting this button whilst running around should cycle you through all three forms. Hello everyone! Here is my latest Druid forms macros that should work for all Druid specs in all situations (including swimming indoors). I haven't really touched this macro since Cata. I want a button for my spell bar to Klick on to change from moonkin to travel form and back if I click it. For Balance it's Moonkin form, for Feral it's Cat form, Guardian is Bear form and Resto is also There are two ways you can try to fix it; You can use [spec:#] as a conditional to force certain behavior based on spec. If Human, makes me Moonkin. That is Aquatic form when in water, travel form outdoors else cat form. Hope it helps. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. Can i distinguishe them in macro modificator? I want to on first press go to Travel form. If you shift+click the Druid land mount/travel forms macro. Obviously once we reach peak performance and get swift Moonkin form is on GCD so you won't be able to cast it as quickly. [mod] Grand Expedition Yak; [swimming,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[outdoors,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,noform:2]Cat Form /cast [stance: 3] Moonkin Form; [stance:4] Travel Form Those are the numbers I can find, but there's a chance they're out of date. 0, a much simpler macro can be used to powershift. /cast [nocombat, outdoors] Travel Form /cast [nocombat, indoors] Cat Form /cast [combat] Moonkin Form. Any ideas? I want to make a macro that makes it so when I click the button it puts me into Travel form, but when I use a [mod:ctrl] it’ll take me out of all forms. r/wow. #showtooltip /stopmacro [flying] /cast [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift); [advflyable] I’m trying to make a shapeshift macro for my new druid that allows me to shapeshift into Moonkin Form the first time i click the macro and into Cat Form (inside) or Travel Form (outside) on the second click, but I can’t get it to work. 15732 views; 16 up votes; Use trinket before Rip for Feral Druid macro. Ideally this would functionally. This allows the us Thank you, brother dr00d! #showtooltip /cast [modifier] Travel Form, [swimming] Travel Form; [indoors] Cat Form; Travel Form; Tested in 9. I had a really nice 1 button mount/fly/travel/aquatic macro I was using but for some reason it didn’t work in Dalaran (wouldn’t identify that I couldn’t fly and give me my ground mount). I found a few scripts online that /castsequence Bear Form, Cat Form, Travel Form. On my priest I use this macro: #showtooltip /cast !Shadowform I can spam this macro as many times as I want and it will only put me into Shadow form, never kick me out of it. Cat Form(shapeshift); [indoors, swimming] Travel Form(shapeshift); [Outdoors] Travel Upon button press player changes into travel form; if already in travel form, instead change into moonkin form. I've made a macro and it's not doing what I want it to do. Any ideas? The macro is below. If yes, then it casts !Cat Form. For some reason, this doesn’t work with Moonkin Form. 3. Take a macro where 1 button on your keyboard does: moonfire, rake, mangle (3x actions) depending on what form you are in. Hello there. /cast [swimming] !Aquatic Form;[outdoors] !Travel Form; !Cat Form; This is a great macro that is a one-button Travel Form. This macro will attempt to shift you into an appropriate form for your condition, such as Aquatic Form if you are swimming or Flight Form if you can fly or Travel Form if you can't fly. Which as stated earlier, my ability macros have the [noform] line depending on the spec for on the spot form Go to an under water area that is classed indoors (one that travel form does not activate), and you will find that water travel form does not activate as the [indoors] modifier has made it that you’ll switch back and forth from cat to caster/moonkin forms. i ran a balance druid thru the starting zone of draenor and noticed that when i shapeshift from cat or travel form (better movement) that i'm in normal form. Since stance 2 is Cat form, the macro checks to see if you are in stance 2. #showtooltip dash /cancelform [noform:3] /cast [noform:3] Cat Form /cast !Dash Get into cat form en cast dash. In my case, the scenarios would include coming out of Cat, Travel, or Flight forms. This macro will properly alternate between your spec's form and Travel (or Cat if you're Hello, it seems flying travel form and ground travel form have same [form:3] modificator. #showtooltip /dismount [mounted] /cast [modifier:shift] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth /cast #showtooltip /cast [spec:1, noform:4] Moonkin Form; [spec:2, noform:2] Cat Form; [spec:3,noform:1] Bear Form; [outdoors] Travel Form; Cat Form. This will only attempt to move into moonkin form in the In combat you can force a switch to Travel (outdoors) or Cat (indoors) form via [mod] key even while an affinity form other than Resto is set. -I want to be able to ‘Bound backwards’ by having control (or alt) held down. With the new Glyph of Travel I feel like Ive really perfected the macro for Balance spec. Switch between cat and bear while inside. Hey! I found a macro on the forums a couple days ago that’s amazing. You might need to try different numbers to find the right ones. Open comment sort options. view. The macro will reset If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. This allows the us Works great! ty. WOD Root and snare breaker /cast [stance:1] !Bear Form /cast [stance:2] !Cat Form /cast [stance:3] !Travel Form I’d also like to find the answer to this, it doesn’t work when in moonkin form, can anyone update the macro and see where moonkin form needs to go in the sequence for it to take me out of moonkin form into cat or travel? Otherwise in any other form it works, but having to cancel moonkin form to use the macro is annoying. Here it is: #showicon Goblin Turbo-Trike /cast cat form /cast travel form /cast moonkin form /cast swift flight form /cast goblin turbo-trike It should cast Goblin Turbo-Trike or Swift Flight Form if possible, if not cast Travel Form and if that's not possible, cast Cat Form. cast Moonkin Form (ignore if already in Moonkin, cast Spell. 16203 views; 37 up votes; One button hibernate for arenas macro. This allows the us /cancelaura [mounted] MOUNT; [form:1] Bear Form; [form:3] Cat Form; Moonkin Form /stopcasting /use [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form The reason it powershifted was because the /cancelaura line dropped all forms no matter what, so in Travel Form it would drop Travel Form, then use Travel Form, doing likewise with Aquatic Form. Note: Checking for stance with ! (aka /cast !Cat Form), no longer works, but you can use [stance:#] and [nostance:#] as shown a little later on. #showtooltip /cast [spec:1, noform:0] Moonkin Form; [spec:2, noform:0] Cat Form; [spec:3,noform:0] Bear Form; [outdoors][swimming] Travel Form; Cat Form. The last one even handles So not sure if someone has made a macro for the “mount form” yet but this works for me #showtooltip travel form /cancelaura shadowmeld /cast [indoors,nostance:2] cat form; [nostance:3,outdoors,noflyable] !Mount Form(S Didn’t work for me, but I don’t have Mount Form, I tried to change Mount Form to Travel Form and change the language I’ve created a couple of travel macros, and I thought I’d share in case they are useful to other druids. Rake and Pounce I'm trying to come up with a simple macro to put me in Travel Form if I can fly or I'm in the water, use a mount if not, and switch to Moonkin Form if I use it while I'm already in Travel Form or mounted. Hopefully this is what you wanted it to do. "UseAction(114)" is the button I have my Turtle Mount set to. Then you would need another key bind to switch your form. Owl to Bear macro: /Cast [stance:4] Bear Form /Cast [stance:2] Travel Form. The ! indicates that is recasts rather then uncasts if the spell is a form that can Came across this macro: /cast [spec:1, noform:4] Moonkin Form; [spec:2, noform:2] Cat Form; [spec:3,noform:1] Bear Form; [outdoors][swimming] Travel Form; Cat Form. And you wouldn't want a cancelform macro to instantly shift you into another form. (I use Bongos so knowing the Any macro masters out there in the druid community was wondering if you could help me! What i want to do is make a macro (if its possible) so if i hit the key when im in travel form it will send me to boomkin form, but if im in boomkin form it will send me to travel form, is this at all possible? Cheers in advance! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. #showtooltip /cast !Aquatic Form; !Travel Form; !Swift Flight Form; !Travel Form; !Cat Form Post by Hello! I made this macro just over 1 year ago and have recently come back to update it with the new GSE look and feel. You have to have the macro window open and your spellbook open at the same time. What it does (or is supposed to do) is to switch to So I use this macro for switching into and/or swapping to a druid specs main form. Boomkin travel form. For Balance it’s Moonkin form, for Feral it’s Cat form, Guardian is Bear form and Resto is also /cast [nostance:4] Moonkin Form; [swimming, indoors] Travel Form; [noswimming, indoors] Cat Form; [outdoors] Travel Form. Shifts me to caster form from Bear/cat/boomkin. For clarification: If you’re unable to shift into stag/flight form, you’re most likely classed as being indoors. The only thing I'd like to do now is to make is so if I'm in Feral spec, in Cat form while indoors, Every solution I’ve found on forums must be outdated because none of them work. If you're in an area where you can't fly, you will use Mount Form. To summarize this macro -Cancels your current form if you are shape-shifted -Casts Flight Form if you are in an area where you can fly and are not in combat, Summons Ground mount if you are in an area where you can mount but cannot fly or if shift is held, Aquatic Form if you are swimming, Travel Form if you hold alt or are in combat If you Would love to have an NS Ancient of Lore macro that does Nature’s Swiftness into Lore a and then does Bursting Blossoms. Shifting in/out of form using the spell uses a GCD where as /cancelform removes the buff essentially like cancelaura which gets around the GCD. While you're indoors, it swaps you into Cat form. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Druid dash macro. However; if someone could tell me if it’s possible to have it when I’m in Travel Form if I hold shift I can go into Cat Form. What it currently does is change between Moonkin and Travel Form when outdoors. The order matters. Does anybody have a working, spammable macro for Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. /Cast [stance:1] Moonkin Form. Changing into a Form. With the new Glyph of Travel I feel like I've really perfected the macro for Balance spec. /cast !Moonkin If I use Sunfire, I am reset to form:0. If I'm trying to come up with a simple macro to put me in Travel Form if I can fly or I'm in the water, use a mount if not, and switch to Moonkin Form if I use it while I'm already in Travel Form or mounted. Here are some examples of some good Druid class macros: Travel Form Macros: For Level 16+: #showtooltip<br />/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [outdoors] Travel Form<br /> Puts you into Moonkin Form if not in Moonkin Form. I found this one below but it takes me out of Moonkin form when the dragon mount is summoned and I don’t always go back into Moonkin form. ibhor afqhth hnwwolm cmjls rawjvl ejhh dmyyb fhxex jiutpgg iwltcfi iiagpg haok crith essuyc eycbg