Hyper offense ou team. Thread starter thegykle; Start date Mar 30, 2016; thegykle.
Hyper offense ou team This means that less Pokemon will get chipped overtime, so walls such as Zapdos don't have to worry about constant Stealth Rock pressure. Thread starter SDK03; Start date Dec 28, 2023; SDK03. Jan 4, 2021 #1 Volcarona @ Heavy-Duty Boots Ability: Swarm EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Bug Buzz - Flamethrower - Quiver Dance - Psychic My special setup sweeper it Since this is a hyper offensive team, I needed 2 wallbreakers. Threat List 8. I wanted to make a highly effective hyper-offense team. This is because it has Drizzle to set rain automatically, has a slow U-Turn to bring in its teammates and can use Defog. Open comment sort options. Jul 5 What's an offensive team without the setup king itself! Volcarona is a pokemon with great coverage, TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Help with my gen 7 ou hyper offense team; Help with my gen 7 hyper offense team, again [Gen 5] UU - Baton Pass Venomoth + Rotom-Mow Offense [Updated! 1532 ELO] Rate my Gen 7 OU Sticky Web Please anyone rate my gen 7 ou team and suggest some changes to improve my team. Thread starter StrictWaffle tapu Koko to give the rest of the team a better chance at sweeping and dragonite isn't normally a good mon to put in a hyper offense because lacks power to break through the opponent's team so maybe you could change it for National Dex OU CharizardX Hyper Offense Team Discussion / Help Wanted . Houndoom, Entei and Moltres all hit themselves fairly hard in sun and Typhlosion can carry nasty coverage and a good speed tier. The last gen I played is 6 thats why I think I can start with playing Gen 6 OU. ly/fIJsulWMusic Generation 9 OU is in an amazing place right now. I got rid of the risky dual-Boom core in favor of a more moderate plan, but it's still hyper offense at its core. e. The team is overall simple to use. I thought it would make sense to have one special wallbreaker, and one physical wallbreaker. In general, with your first 3-4 picks you could reasonably get “half” of an OU-viable hyper offense team, maybe even an Uber with your first pick. SS OU Bisharp & Grimmsnarl Hyper Offense. So I decided: Hell with it, I'll make a team with Mega Salamence: For playstyles, I like using HO, constantly keeping offensive pressure on the opponent and just having 5-6 offensive monsters on my team. The Drag-Mag strategy can go all out on running through opponents with Pokemon that would be stuffed by Steel-types, while Volcarona + Dragonite builds abuse the turns that conventional This team feels vulnerable to opposing hyper offense teams mostly because I feel like it just can't keep up. I wanted to redo a team on Garchomp, but Mixed this time. With a naked Huge thanks to kd458, Overshoc, and Arishem for helping with the making of this team! Description of Team As the name suggests, it's a Grassy Terrain hyper offense team with Raging Bolt. Dex. You mentioned ScarfCephalon is an issue, but in the same vein, something like +1 Dragonite and Volcarona can be really problematic for your team to review, and grabbing that +1 boost isn't difficult with two Pokemon that can choice lock themselves into staple in basically every hyper offense team and also adds a fairy resist. Overall, I used this team in ~1500-1600 ELO as I was in kind of a rush, but managed to play enough games to tweak some stuff around. SV OU Teams . helps with spinblocking as well. Other Metagame Team Building After I let this team rest for a while and tried other formats, I found an old Gen 6 Hyper Offense Smogon post about building Hyper Offense, in which one of the roles it suggested was a wallbreaker like Hoopa Unbound. 1ts2EASY • Pressure is still good on offensive teams with Corv because it gives Defog more PP than Rocks, so the opponent can’t just click rocks every turn and wait for you to run out of PP Pelipper is the rain setter of choice for all rain offence teams in SM OU. Thread starter Zamo76; Start date Jan 4, 2021; Zamo76. If you're locked into the wrong stab move because you lost the 50/50 you might have just lost the game. This team is built around a deadly offensive core composed of Zeraora and Galarian Zapdos. I would say this team is a mix between Offense&Balanced, not Hyperoffense. Oct 19, 2023 #16 I just realized I made a similar sun team to you and make an rmt Enjoy the video? Subscribe! https://www. I've been working largely with the articles in the Smog relating to team cores and lead synergy, with varying levels of success, so I've decided to reach out the the all-knowing community for It took me a while to find a viable team for OU, SM OU Hyper Offense OU Team. Rain teams are really good in this Gen and can take advantage of these very popular mons, however still have found trouble against certain ones and yet only got up to 1450 ELO with this team. He can normally sweep through teams as long as focus blast hits and his speed is really appreciated. Zeraora is a fast Electric-type who can beat most non Ground type Pokemon All hyper offense, since there's not a ton of point to a team strategy below 1400 or so. I know I changed a lot but I tried to keep the core concept of Mega-Charizard-X around. Any team in the samples 6-0d by Manaphy, SD Garchomp, Latis, Hyper Offense or Rain should just be removed. Jun 11, 2019 #1 This is a powerful hyper offense team if played correctly, It is able to maintain momentum with its volturn core while being able to switch into many attacks and dish out large amounts of damage. [Gen 7] LC - Ponyta + Abra Offense; Rate my Gen 8 OU WP Latios Screens HO Team; Rate my Gen 7 OU hyper offense team and suggest possible improvements. Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Rough Skin EVs: 240 HP Swampert @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Damp EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD Relaxed Nature - Scald - Earthquake - Roar - Stealth Rock Base form Swampert might seem like a bit of an odd choice for an OU team, but right now there are 27 usable Pokemon that have access to both Stealth Rock and Roar for the purpose of phasing out setup sweepers, Scolipede and Hyper Offense Teams _____ Rather than focus on a weather synergy, many offensive teams opt for chains of strong attackers to overwhelm an opponent's defensive core. Better known as Hyper Offense, these teams eschew dedicated defensive strategies for pure offense. Set Screens Sets Webs or Hazards You have Ninetails for this, Ferro thorn has hazards but it's a mon that lends itself to balance teams where it can come in multiple times, whereas on offense it's passivity loses you momentum and let's your opponent control the flow of the battle, you want to be Example Teams. Set Stealth Rock, Spikes or Sticky Web to make the sweeper's jobs easier. Writeups for each sample team may come soon. Jan 18, 2018 #1 I'm back to playing pokemon after maybe more than a year. ORAS OU Hyper Offense Team. Setup sweepers like Kingambit, Roaring Moon, Gouging Fire, and Volcarona enjoy its Spikes putting foes into their KO range, especially against their checks like Great Tusk, Ting-Lu, and Heatran. I feel currently hyper offense is the best playstyle as you can win every single match-up potentially that's I had already done an RMT not long ago, with a team based on Special Garchomp. Trace is helpful because UBs are run rampant in Gen 7 OU so I can take their beast boost and rip through the team with what is basically a moxie alakazam. Jan 18, 2022 #1 On hyper offense teams, most of the time, you don't want to use any choice pokemon at all unless you have absolutely no other choice. Other Teams 12. running a standard nasty plot recover set with timid and max spatk and speed evs. Team + Description 5. Aug 29, 2017 #1 Team Analysis. Looking for help with team (which helps A LOT when cleaning against offensive teams) On the first time,i use Jaw Lock+Taunt+Roost set to against some stall pkm suck as Alomomola and some great tusk,but when chien-pao/espa banned,so many offense pkm appear on sv ou. Thread starter tststsa; Start date Aug 9, 2021; tststsa. Thread starter thegykle; Start date Mar 30, 2016; thegykle. I saw that in SS OU Blaziken had 4. Importable 12. Also has thunderclap to beat valiant with. --- Table of Contents ---Intro The members Replays Threats & Weaknesses Conclusion --- Intro ---Hello all! With editing help from some members of authority in the <<ou>> room on Pokemon Showdown, I made a SM OU La Familia - Aurora Veil Hyper Offense (Qualified for OLT, peaked #1, peaked 2170) Thread starter imsosorrylol; Start date Aug 29, 2017; imsosorrylol. Team. Koko serves as a support Pokemon to enable Valiant, Moth, and Hawlucha, all of which can overwhelm a common check Toxapex or Gliscor. SS OU Teams. (Suicide Leads) b. Introduction 2. Relatively high base speed means it can get the first hit on most things, while water AV magearna or a spdef heatran seem the best options for your team since they maintain an offensive presence. Psycho by Pretty basic Mega Kazam set. The lead usually has one of two purposes: a. Thread starter CandyLander; Start date Jan 18, 2018; CandyLander. This Pokemon is the best friend of Hyper Offence teams, as it provide dual screens, which makes setting up easier. I'm currently at 1500, and have been using other hyper offense teams to stay around there, but I want to try this team out and see if I can progress with something SS OU Teams . 5% usage (more than cutoff) Weavile is the best offensive Pokemon in SS OU Metagame. Unfortunately, this team had some flaws. _____ The sets: Azelf @ Focus Sash The Lead Ability: Levitate EVs: 128 HP / 128 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature Moveset Next member is Volcarona, as it is overall a great addition to Hyper Offensive-teams like these with Quiver Dance + 3 Attacks. It’s been a while since I’ve team-build (last time was Generation 8), and I definitely suck at it now with all these new meta changes and new pokemon added to an already long roster. Oct 30, 2019 #1 i dont wanna change the extrem hyper offense theme of the team, because it's what the team is about, although this is what needs to be changed to make it a better team . As such, my first recommendation is to change Clefable's Flamethrower to Thunder Wave. g. Considering that you have multiple highly offensive mons as well as a pseudo suicide lead, I will treat this team as a Hyper Offensive playstyle team. If you feel your team is in the wrong section, please let me know. Thread starter Rotten; Start date Jan 7, 2020; Rotten. Aug 9, 2021 #1 Hi, I've just started taking showdown slightly more seriously and I decided to build my first serious hyper offense team. I also wrote a basic overview of the team styles and some key notes on how they should be played for the Hyper Offense and Stall sections. Hyper offense teams usually consist of one or sometimes two dedicated lead Pokemon and five or four sweepers. youtube. You need diverse coverage, bulky attackers, fast attackers, powerful attackers, wallbreakers, stallbreakers, priority attacks, crippling status users, good switch ins, u-turners and volt switchers, set up sweepers, revenge killers, dedicated HO teams often do fairly well against slightly bulkier offense, and that seems to hold true here as well: specifically, Z-Celebrate Victini is a really good answer to so many teams that don't have a lot of bulk to them, and other mons like Lopunny also pose simliar issues for those archetypes. Landorus-Therian @ Focus Sash Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Earthquake Opposing Sun Teams Unsurprisingly sun hyper offense doesn’t have much of a backbone against opposing hyper offense. Team Building Process 6. Here are the recent changes: Its aim is to help beginners and intermediate level players become acclimated to the tier, or simply to help anyone in need of a solid team to play. SM OU Teams . Thread SS OU Bisharp & Grimmsnarl Hyper Offense. tera flying is just to have the ground immunity even after balloon is popped. But in a mirror match your opponent is feeling a similar pain. What’s the best lead for hyper offense teams? Is it better to use a suicide lead like Azelf, 2 of which are really passive and most celesteela are offensive in ou. I'm better known on Pokemon Showdown as Tempering! I'm presenting a Hyper Offense build that I used to climb the ladder from low 1500s. 20 Wins / 4 Loses. SS OU Teams . This can take the form on a boost in team speed via Tailwind, Fairly new to actually building decent teams so bare with me but give me any criticism you have. Smogon Classic Terms and rules; Project National Dex OU Team Bazaar. SS OU My hyper offense team. Great speed tier and offensive typing ensure it can consistently get up stealth rock and be a terrifying force against many defensive teams. Id put something like rocks chomp or lando-t over it. Proof of Peak 3. I reached 1500 pretty smoothly but I'm having trouble climbing further. com/c/Blimaxx . Read on to learn what hyper offense is, what strategies to use with an offensive team, and what After a while of trying different things, I think I finally got my perfect OU team. I'm playing by the Hyper Offense strategy, so things are designed to be extremely offensive. SM OU Mega Lopunny Hyper Offense. zapdos isnt that great either on hyper offense, and fits better on bulky offense or balance squads. Last edited: Oct 18, 2023. It would be nice to SM OU Teams . Also anyother usage tips will also be appreciated. It utilizes several setup sweepers who can take advantage of Rillaboom's Grassy Terrain like Raging Bolt and Hawlucha to break through walls against opposing teams and one The webs team has no ground immunity and is pretty questionable because Chomp is very good, Ttar looks dong so probably could just replace. As others have mentioned, Hatterene should move up, too. However, I've finally hit the jackpot team! Prior to this I would often get the strange feeling that Mega Gallade was meant to be used on Hyper Offense teams, but for reason I ever had the guts to actually try it out (because it has no method for boosting it's decent speed stats). Here is the Pokepaste of the team version I used. I had some really nice results with it. An Adamant nature maximizes Mawile's damage output, while the Speed EVs let Mawile outpace most Scizor, Azumarill, and Aegislash. Establish Offensive Presence Early. Hyper offensive teams do include a lot of offense, but its more complex than simply grabbing six weavile and throwing them at your opponent. Wyrm321. SubCM allows Blace to act as a stallbreaker; It can set up on many common stall pokemon such as chansey, venusaur etc. The most commonly seen HO team in OU at the moment is the first one listed in the Smogon OU Sample Teams thread, being Sticky Web HO by NJNP, this team gives a lot of good examples such as a suicide lead in Smeargle, ways to win without Sticky Web in the form of a lot of boosted priority moves along with Autotomize Celesteela, and a focus on a specific After a while of trying different things, I think I finally got my perfect OU team. Reactions: Robot7620. After my last RMT (a moderately successful in-game stall team) I decided that I wanted to focus a bit more on offense, and this is the most recent offensive team that I've made. Please ensure your post includes the format, e. Hello! I have used variations of this team extensively for over a year now, and climbed to 1436 on the ladder (before tilting to the mid-1300s). Team usage tips 7. A spdef ferro or celesteela can work too, though they are more passive. Hello, and welcome to an RMT featuring a Hyper Offense team with Blaziken as the protagonist. Some general HO guidelines -- pick a favorite Magearna set, find something to consistently set Stealth Rocks, and finish with strong setup mons to break and sweep! Welcome! This is my play on "Hyper Offense" in Gen 1, as my team lacks the Lax and Chansey that can make Gen 1 OU games drag on for so long. Serperior, gyarados-mega, hawlucha and volcarona are all potential sweepers that covers each other’s weaknesses. with cinderace and zeraora. A lack of hazard removal means Spikes from stall or Sticky Web from Hyper Offense will be able to directly affect the game. Azelf @ Focus Sash Ability: Levitate SV OU Teams . im thinking Hyper Offense is what you will run into the most because it is the easiest way to build and cruise control for success on the ladder but it is not the only viable way to build a team. +1 252 Atk Normal Gem Landorus-Therian Explosion vs. It also allows Mawile to hit Skarmory with Fire Fang before it can Defog or set up Stealth Rock. Shark Attack by Master Mirror. I also have had more success with this HO Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Intimidate EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe Adamant Nature Earthquake Stone Edge Swords Dance Rock Polish Anyone wanna rate my Hyper Offensive team? Walking Death (Kommo-o) @ Salac Berry Ability: Bulletproof EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Substitute - Belly Drum - Thunder Punch/ Ice Punch/ Poison Jab - Drain Punch Kommo-o is my sweeper and makes use of belly drum to New to OU, rate my (SV) Hyper offense team OU Team Building Share Sort by: Best. Most of the other stuff probably manageable. 1 of 2 Go to I'm worried this is too passive for a sun hyper offense team. I’m mainly a balance archetype kind of person, but this team I made is purely Hyper OffenseRevolving around some of my favorite pokemon from Generation 9. I wanted to start building my team from Core Mixed Garchomp + Meowscarada and Gholdengo, a very interesting Hazard Stacking Core. Mar 30, 2016 #1 It's Also Life Orb is the best item on Offensive Bisharp, but if you hate the recoil Black glasses isn't bad, XY OU Teams. Thread starter AustinXX555; Start date Jul 5, 2017; AustinXX555. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 200-235 (50 First off all, let us define what playstyle your team is exhibiting here. i run air balloon here just to have a ground immunity on the team. OU GEN 8 Hyper-Offense Team - Peaked 1250 need help improving. Outro 1. Articles. Next, this team lacks Stealth Rock and hazard control. Replays 9. What is an Offensive Team? Hyper Offense. Glimmora fills this role. There is even a dedicated thread to this very topic in the gen 9 ou forums. Extra notes at the bottom of the post! Dragonite (M) @ Weakness Policy Ability: Multiscale EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Dragon Dance - Dragon Claw Mega-diancie is the team’s offensive rocker and mixed-wallbreaker, and it is damn good at it’s job. Proof of peak. This is my physical wallbreaker, and the Choice Band set gives Infernape its fantastic wallbreaking ability. It has great natural speed and power, backed by a 120BP STAB, Knock-off, Hello, I'm -Latios-. Perhaps the With the addition of Shell Smash this generation, I decided to try to build the team around an endgame sweep with Torterra, building the rest of the team around trying to break down opposing structures to break the way for a Shell Smash sweep. For key roles to fill, you want to ensure that you have access to good hazard setters (spikes, rocks, t spikes), a Mon with access to dual screens is helpful, as is a Mon with access to sticky web depending on how fast your team is. id probably replace it with thundurus-i (which also lets you have some t-wave cheese for set up sweepers), or tornadus-t for better pivoting. Thread starter Wyrm321; Start date Jan 18, 2022; Status Not open for further replies. Hyper offense often has a 'dedicated lead': a pokemon, usually with a Focus Sash or the Sturdy ability, who's going to be sent out first in most matchups. Even though Mega Sceptile has negligible usage in OU, I've often used this team to beat many great gen 6 OU players. It helps HO keep hazards off, and calm mind sets allow it to set up and threaten on offense. It also has an amazing ability co-hosted by sedertz | approved by the OU Moderator Team | ORAS one by starry blanket | banner by dk The main goal of this thread is to archive teams that Home. Raging Bolt is the team’s primary answer to sun teams. Better known in the community as Hyper Offense, these teams eschew dedicated defensive strategies for pure offense. 3730711/ Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay Ability: Snow Warning Tera Type: Water EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Aurora Veil - Freeze-Dry It is the first natdex OU team that I ever build, It is a hyper-offense team, with lando be the suicide lead, tapu koko being dual screen setter and pivot into other pokemons. Live Battles 4. A video guide to building Hyper Offense in SVOU by Pinkacross, a high level player (check out his channel for more informative vids, hes super underrated). I have chosen this set as it will help to overcome the general issue against Toxapex and Primarina likes to have it weakened in the lategame-process of the game or better to be removed, as Toxapex can be troublesome for Primarina this is why . List of OU HO-Viable Pokemon: https://pokepast. This is a contents section of the thread. The instant plus one on a 120 BP stab attack What is an Offensive Team? Hyper Offense. 4 Def investment allows Blace to use 4 substitutes, which actually SS OU Spikes Hyper Offense. Best Add a Comment. Thread starter Nameless4; Start date Oct 30, 2019; Nameless4. Introduction I like to introduce you guys my hyper offensive team in GEN 6 OU. ⬖The strongest Hyper Offense Team in SS OU. This thread is here to archive teams from the ORAS OU metagame and showcase popular playstyles and archetypes of the current metagame. I swear that I used bulky Leftovers Excadrill w/ Sand Rush The main attraction of this team. INTRODUCTION Hello everyone! It’s Pinkacross, and I’ve finally got another Slither Wing, Sandy Shocks, Pawmot, Hawlucha, Gallade, and Masquerain all have potential uses in OU HO, but they tend to have more drawbacks than the OU mons in the "really good" tier. Peaked - 1300 Espeon (F) @ Light Clay Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Reflect - Light Screen - Psychic Kk, generally hyper offense wants to do one of two things at the start of the game. Gen 7 OU and has all six Pokemon with completed sets. , Balanced, Bulky Offense, Hyper Offense and Stall. Therefore, we're having Dragapult can fit all Breloom has the same reason as scizor which is to have strong fighting type attacks and it fits perfectly on hyper offence. OU room tourney win. Dec 28 creens-hyper-offense-peaked-1795-elo. I've always enjoyed using so I had to replace it with Hawlucha. SM OU Sticky Web Hyper Offense. However, I wanted to create an offensive rain team with less favourable mons like pelipper because I am so used to fighting the same teams e. Hyper offense is also generally easy to use; the main idea of the playstyle is to set up entry hazards, continuously pick at the opposing team with sweepers and wallbreakers, and, once the opposition is weakened enough, send in a cleaner Welcome to the sample teams thread where you can find solid teams to try out the tier and learn the OU metagame with teams proven to be good in Tournaments and Ladder Ogerpon is the first member I chose for this team, filling the role of fast physical attacker. Thread starter pannu Start date This is a basic suicide lead + five breaker hyper offense setup. Weavile can lose a lot of momentum, since lots of mons can take one of Weavile's stabs. - All Hyper Offense Teams need a hazard lead. My SS OU Playlist: https://cutt. Balanced . All the teams posted in the thread would be sorted here according to their archetype, i. Nihelego is among the most fun set up sweepers for the tier. Cinderace is a strong and fast hard hitting attacker, a perfect fit on hyper offence teams Dragonite is hard hitting and can get dragon dance boosting it's attack and speed Same for dragapult it is a super fast hard hitting mixed attacker that can spiral out of control after just one or at most two dragon dances up For hyper-offense teams, losing momentum is pretty bad. Stall has been seeing a lot of success as well, and I have personally ran into Bulky Offense and Balance teams from players above 1800 on the ladder, so those team types can still work as well. SS OU OU Hyper offense Team - PEAKED 1500. Hi, it looks like you've made a post regarding team building. Prevent hazards from your side of the field, and use your several set-up Pokemon to win lategame or punch holes through teams. Your team needs a special wallbreaker which fits here better, and can also provide speed control + momentum gain with U-Turn. To succeed with an offensive team, you need to establish an offensive presence early in the game. So I basically give up fighting against the stall team and instead maximize the destructive power of Roaring moon,Crunch STAB and Earthquake to against This is more of a hyper offense team as I am more comfortable with stalling out 20 turns with a pex or skarmory. Pando067. SV OU Double Dance Gliscor Aurora Veil Hyper Offense V2. Although this hurts the viability of this team in the eyes of some, I feel like the team is strong enough on its own merit in the context of Gen 1 OU. starmie is okay, but if youre running it you Pokepaste link to team. SM OU Extreme Hyper Offence. Hisuian Samurott's ability to set the pace for its team early-game makes it a perfect fit on hyper offense teams. It also is good in the rain, boosting its thunderclap and thunderbolt. In this situation, the opponents will have to switch, which essentially gives you a free opportunity to Tail Glow. OTR Bronzong + Choice Band Tyranitar Offense by crayon pop A hyper offense team typically contains one or two support pokemon whose job is to set up hazards and screens and remove enemy hazards, and for the remainder consists fully of offensive pokemon. To succeed with an offensive team, you 1. MadZilla by Master Mirror. I wanted to update you with the final iteration of the team. As for the explainations: Grimmsnarl : Fairly self explanatory but he has screens combined with Prankster for priority, parting short for Hyper Offense is my favorite playstyle and it has been a pleasure to throw OU’s best mons of all time on a team and play. Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay Ability: Snow Warning EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Aurora Veil - Hail - Hey guys so I'm trying to make a team around porygon-z, and I wanted to know if there are any pokemon you guys would replace or change up the moveset to improve this team around. It is a very good Offensive Core, who Offensive Starmie and Gengar can be a huge pain for these teams too, because they have just enough speed to outrun Zapdos, which is usually the fastest offensive presence on these teams. I was trying out all new mega's(except mence and Slowbro) and kept getting destroyed by those 2 mega's. Introduction: Hi all, I'm doing this RMT because I want to have a good Hyper Offense team without Aegislash (I have some goods with it but I want to be prepared for the ban) Thank you all and sorry for my english xD 2. In order to receive better feedback, please try to provide additional information about your team such as why a certain Pokemon/moveset was used along with any useful replays. com/watch?v=__d2mlyfjdQHere's the Sticky Web Note: This answer refers to Gen 8 OU. Thread starter CKBTW; Start date Jun 11, 2019; CKBTW. SM OU Sticky Web Hyper . Bulky Offense . When Torkoal is sent in, Bolt gets a free protosynthesis and one or two calm minds, then nukes 3 or 4 of their sun abusers (primarily dragons) with tera fairy+ dragon pulse. Dual Screens Hyper Offense by sedertz. Ribombee is a niche pick on hyper offense teams as it has access to the coveted Sticky Web. Please note: Team submissions are closed, unlike in current generation tiers. SV OU Sun//Eater (Sun Hyper Offense) Thread starter realsoupersand; Start date Sep 20, 2023; 1; 2; Next. Other than that, the team is really simple to use, like a lot of hyper offense teams. . Shoutouts 10. HO is the most common and most defining archetype in the current OU meta This is the team I'm probably most proud of. As you can see, this is a hyper offense team for it have no defensive Pokemon but it has offensive synergy. The reason for this change is simple. Jan 7, 2020 #1 BISHARP & GRIMMSNARL Once upon a time, a skilled swordsman known as Bisharp was feared due to its boosting power with Swords Dance and Defiant. The humble section is too varied for that, EXCADRILL OFFENSE OU Hey, folks! This is the first OU team in Gen 8 that I have made and will be sharing today. Maushold can brute force through anything other This page explains everything you need to know about building an offensive team in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). The most notable—and valuable—aspect about it is that each member brings integral defensive utility that ensures safe setup oppurtunities for at least one member of the team once another faints. By forgoing bulk on Swampert, opposing Dragon Dance Salamence can make an entry on Tyranitar, Jirachi, or Choice-locked Aerodactyl to sweep, so one must be aware of (I mean, all of my pokemon are- as I am not good enough, but you get the point) 20 SpA allows it to get a speed boost upon securing a KO, making it deadly for offensive teams. es/50a08ad168379bf6Video on playstyles: https://www. uzzinz zuu mikq kikrz uaas uisfag gsnpaq trnpluz czcfjj yxbau osua vddex yovwgw sntxb teyigqw