Elddis warranty problems. We had a 2018 Elddis 462, bought in December 2022.

Elddis warranty problems Discover went into liquidation before most of the work was done so Elddis had to allow us to have the work done at an accredited independent workshop who then found water ingress on first service. One Elddis Super Sirocco 2014 owner reported problems of rainwater seeping in, even after applying sealant around the top window. They reduce the warranties by owner unlike when you buy a 40000 pound car, their warranty doesn’t transfer to the next owner without them cutting off years. He said good luck as heard Elddis are not that welcoming to warranty issues. Yep, it just goes to show how crap the Elddis Warranty is Paul. It had a damp problem after the first year and a couple of other issues, one of which was a front window with marks between the inner and outer pains. Problems ranged from bad design to poor workmanship. Date of experience: March 13, 2024. I then took it a couple of hundred miles to the supplying dealership on 28th June who examined it The Leakage Issue. Purchased a new Elddis Majestic 175 in December 2014, loads of problems in first couple of months all fixed under warranty vehicle went in for a habitation check in December and 2 areas of damp found (in a vehicle with 10 year We had an email dated 9th March from Elddis stating that the warranty work has been approved and that parts have been ordered. Elddis problems Caravans and Caravanning. Under the terms of the warranty we thought elddis would put it right WHAT A JOKE the side panels started creasing. Delays in warranty repairs, as seen in specific cases like the Elddis Avante shell’s Rambler 20/4, can also lead to extended exposure to potential damp problems. Anecdotal evidence suggests there are Got our new Compass Camino in Jan 2017. We had similar serious structural problems and our dealer actually had to tell lies to Elddis to get them to pay for the warranty we have had a problem with Elddis refusing a claim which they said was out of warranty. On both occasions, obtaining parts for repair has been a problem. Up until the damp issue was discovered, it has been perfectly fit for it's intended purpose for the preceeding 3 years so it's doubtful that claim would be valid. Moreover, sometimes, they become loose with time and incorrect bike placement on these racks. Of course you'll be aware that your dealer is talking nonsense. Hi, I bought an Elddis Avante 574 on the 31st of July this year. When we took delivery(in 2014) the dealer pointed out that the overhead locker doors above the cooker/sink were sub standard and would be replaced as soon as Elddis supplied them. When I contacted Elddis I was told the plastic shell is only guaranteed for 12 months. It's the warranty and dealer issues that need to be addressed in my opinion. How can Elddis say the front abs panel only has a 12 month warranty especially when the current product ranges have a 10 year water ingress warranty, if this is the case that there is only a 12 month warranty then what happens this fails and water does get in and cause damage, are you then left with a caravan that wont be repaired. affected areas under Elddis warranty. Year one was fine with only a few minor warranty issues. It's not just Elddis. The warranty is there so that the dealer gets recompense for the work they do to repair the van where its a design or structural failure. If Elddis determine a further service is required by November to maintain warranty, it will be worth the cost, but try the selling Dealer to see if he will offer any concession ( eg reduced cost). When we bought our Motorhome from new I had a snagging list that took both sides of an A4 sheet. We all look at the headline '10 year warranty' on water ingress, but in Just had my 2013 Affinity floor repaired as it had delaminated in between the front seating areas. Also if we come to sell and the buyer asks if it has any damp issues in the past them we cant lie and will have to declare the problems. I bought an elddis avante 860 back in 2019 new and I have had problems with the front cracking where the grab Specifically we checked the warranty in the owner's manual and all the UK manufactured caravans had that warranty exclusion on panels after the The dealer put the issue to Elddis as a warranty claim with you guessed it as a gesture of goodwill you can have end caps, The warranty does try to get out of this by stating that front and rear panels are only covered for one year but as already been stated Consumer rights act and the sale of goods act over ride any warranty. We purchased our used (2018) van in Jan 2020 from a dealer who is not an Elddis dealer. March 2012 edited March 2012 in Caravans #1. Problems with warranty. 4 July 2024. The workshop foreman admitted he had seen "quite a few" with this I have a 2020 Elddis caravan. The repair has cracked again whilst been still at his yard. The problem was due to the window hinge fitting which I was told was a common problem. 4 Jul 2024. but many people saying lots of things not covered! was thinking I'm after a little advice regarding warranty work as we're new to caravans. The We also had a 2016 Elddis from new. Back to Elddis who have authorised a complete replacement of the front Not looked at Elddis or Compass vans in years as put off by horror tales of cracking panels, damp, poor customer service from Elddis, so only focussed on Swift group and Lunar previously. Year two and serious damp in overcab area. Well Elddis warranty for damp is not worth the paper it is written on for second owners my Van is a Compass Omega 2014 they are pushing 10 yr warranty on damp don’t believe it purchased my van June 2015 The issue really is around the denial of a claim because the caravan was serviced 2 weeks outside of the time fame the We took delivery of our crusader storm (feb 2005) loved the caravan then started to get major problems with the body of the van. If the manufacturer rejects the warranty claim for whatever reason, the dealer or finance house is still legally responsible to resolve the issue. I'm new to this just wanted to know the outcome of some of your problems. However, it also states that “any other Elddis, Just fetched my 2014 Elddis Xplore 530 back from the dealers after some warranty work and cannot fault the work. A few issues, and currently in getting warranty fixes. I offered to take it anywhere they required to have its second year service,but theyve flattly refused. Common problems with Elddis motorhomes include the lack of a separate shower in the bathroom, water pump failure, faulty electric heating switch, It is the manufacturing default, so you can also fix it under warranty. So I would contact your dealer. Your rights as a consumer are with the dealer, not with Elddis, and since Elddis' warranty apparently doesn't cover the specific failure in these panels (No reason to believe it does to be fair to them) then your recourse is with the dealer not with Elddis. We started caravanning in 2012 with a 2009 Elddis Supercyclone. However, some owners have found it challenging to claim this warranty, particularly if they haven’t serviced their caravan within the stipulated timeframe set by Elddis. Nov 12, 2022 The friends who bought an Auto Trail had also had their fair share of problems. On inspection by them the wooden frame in the panel h Recently after a year of use, we had a couple of small warranty issues. Hi has anyone else encountered problems with warranty work from Elddis and how they resolved it. Value Retention: Generally, motorhomes hold Very sorry to hear your issues. With over 95% fewer exterior screws, SoLiD Construction creates an impervious barrier to Dealer says water damage should be no problem to claim on warranty but cracks they doubt it. Reading in excess of 30%. However, Can only sympathise. In the event of any warranty claim the Caravan / Motorhome must be inspected and repaired in our workshop unless otherwise agreed by us. Hello, about to. As a result new axle ordered from BPV. On the 16th Oct 2013 I asked an Elddis authorised service to fix the battery box on my Avante 564 which had not been fitted properly when caravan was being built, as my service is due I asked the service centre to chase up the box and was told the company would not be sending out the box and don' Recently after a year of use, we had a couple of small warranty issues. Failure to service the vehicle within the specified time limits will invalidate the warranty. Is it worth getting solicitors involved? Any advice gratefully received. There was noticable staining in the affected area. We spent a large chunk of our life savings on it as we looked forward to 10 years of worry-free, leak-free touring. Hab guy said loads of the Solid construction are giving problems. they would sort it. February 2017 caravan finally back on road after £1720 bill paid by me. An upmarket Affinity 550, this was to be our retirement caravan. I strongly suspect that your problem is a result of poor build quality. By the sounds of it, if the gas locker cover is not fitted by their agents, any future claims due to issues like micro cracks appearing , would probably be dismissed by Elddis, regardless of whether it was a result of Red Roof's fitting skills, so I Warranty Issues. warranty cover? I. By the time we sold it in 2015 it was fault free! Like the Elddis look and feel so purchased a 2014 Buccaneer Schooner in 2015. However, like any vehicle or product, certain concerns or questions can arise over its features and durability. The Motorhome engine and drive train must also be serviced in accordance with the vehicle manufacture - for example Ford, Fiat, Isuzu etc. Date of experience: 13 March 2024. Although Elddis may offer a warranty on the caravan, only the dealership can claim warranty repairs and not the consumer so in essence the warranty is between the dealer and the manufacturer. A week later a large split appeared from under the centre window down to the top of the locker opening. Caravan off road for over 4 months. It seems to be a very common problem on elddis . Some minor some bigger. Reply from Elddis. Elddis Autoquest 115 Problems. Sep 16, 2018 302 207 10,935. Elddis and BPV both insist this is not a warranty job. We have a Elddis Xplore 304 2020. what will be 10 year. Have any other owners reported similar problems in their caravans? M. A lot of nagging to get it fixed at home and not miles away at a dealer. I bought my 2014 xplore 530 from a dealer,then contacted elddis to transfer the remaining warranty over,sent all paperwork in,they then declined to honour warranty due to the dealer(non ncc aproved)stamping the service book prior to its second year service. At the first service damp was detected around the front window, with readings as high as 40%. We had a 2018 Elddis 462, bought in December 2022. I have had numerous issues and problems with the van. Eldis are by far (and by a huge margin) the worst. Brought a 2022 encore 285; currently less than 1000 miles on the clock. A lot of them minor, my tether with this van having paid £25,000 only 12 months ago and experienced issues that have been corrected under warranty and some issues which have not, w€ÌÓ¶ÿ~µuò Ç -LýO·° I¥Úç¹&°_ eé½£ÓjÁE‰N[dÑ ? xPSw«“ƒÐ |ku!ôù þ M¼-ïÒ+ ú ýõ¿Æpâ?U òmo/üûëº wòWO¯]ù#7 ­S½œw«oê×ùkrDâ™ Two years running my 2019 Elddis Affinity 462 has had damp problems from windows. Rest of the floor still seems to creak a lot but the delaminated area was definitely "spongy". The authorised reporters did the job but noticed hairline cracks running along the length of the hinge. well appears a common problems my Elddis Supreme (avante) 2014 model bought from new during the 2nd service they noticed cracks on the bottom of the rear panel, they said fialy common issue, so straight away informed Prestons caravans (where I purchased) with photgraphs of the cracks and they have passed it to warranty dept for resolution. Just fetched my 2014 Elddis Xplore 530 back from the dealers after some warranty work and cannot fault the work. However apparently they inspected the caravan last week and have now backtracked and changed their minds and now state that due to a crack in the panel, it is not covered by warranty despite the 10 year water ingress warranty. We bought an Elddis and have had two non-Elddis related issues that were quickly sorted by the dealer. Like you I have had many issues with my van - look at my latest post. We had issue after issue with it. We have had a number of issues, that although not major, do reinforce my conviction that the UK caravan industry is a bit of a joke. For anyone thinking of buying an Elddis and or from Marquis be warned. Jul 4, 2024. take delivery on a new Avante 2019 550. was hoping if water is entering the caravan then. However, claiming under the warranty might be problematic if the caravan hasn’t been I have an Elddis Avante 550 2015 model and the front locker has snapped off across the front just under the hinge, most probably due to the pneumatic dampers putting too If for any reason your new caravan or motorhome is damaged or requires remedial work it is important that only an Elddis, Compass, Xplore and Buccaneer Approved Retailer or Service Despite Elddis claims for their SOLID construction they still frame the walls with untreated softwood. Suggest you get it checked out - Elddis will repair it under warranty. The only reason for failure is abuse. The front panel has cracked above the window, the retailer has repaired it by plastic welding, to a poor standard which is another matter we are dealing with. Where do we stand now with the body w My 2013 Elddis Autoquest 115 had very high moisture readings along the bottom of the rear wall, discovered when I sold the van earlier this year. Quote " Glossop caravans are charging me £35 to inspect what will be a warranty claim as they state they are not paid by elddis inspect problems even under warranty" They are telling you the truth. I was given a list of 4 APPROVED repairers to call. Have a look at this thread which was started on the 20th May 2019 via the CMC Forum: Hi Last year I joined this chat seeking out other members who purchased an Elddis caravan and have had issues with cracks appearing on the rear panel. However, our Challenger SE which we love hasn't been without its issues so we've had a few warranty repairs d HI, Has any other member experienced BPV axle problems. The Elddis Affinity 554 is touted to come with a 10-year warranty against water ingress. I became seriouslym worried that such high damp readings could be found in such a new van. The previous owner purchased the caravan in March 2019, due to lockdown the caravan had its first service in November 2020. Rant On return Elddis agreed to replace the locker door under warranty. Axle found to have failed 2016. None of the manufacturers or component makers will pay for Under their warranty Elddis are liable for the damp repair and for any crack. Surely when you purchase a new product you expect to be covered by the guarantee. Elddis have refused the claim as some of the materials Like most manufacturers, the Elddis warranty book states that any faults should be reported to and rectified by the Retailer. problems with leaks etc. (failure to maintain your Caravan / Motorhome will limit your warranty). Dealer fixed everything in conjunction with Elddis without any problems. Elddis refused this saying it was only covered for 1yr year of vehicle, which is now coming up to 3 years old. However, it’s also worth noting that some reported damp issues turned out to be unrelated to the caravan’s construction itself. Edited August 30, 2015 by hp100425ev Ten year body integrity warranty Elddis, Compass, Xplore and Buccaneer products are covered against water ingress damage for 10 years from the original date of purchase of a new product. More to the point though, Which Elddis warranty says is only covered for 12 months. He basically said don’t buy and this is from a guy that carries out there services. In fairness the dealer and Elddis agreed to repair under warranty without question. By admin August 22, 2023 September 11, 2023. One particular query that has surfaced among a section of Elddis Autoquest 185 owners is about the roof’s appearance. Same problems are still appearing across a range of makes. . the front locker lid became detached from the hinges for the second time in 1 year. We have since tried to change the warranty over to ourselves but Elddis say We have reported a crack on the rear panel of our Affinity 550 which we have had from new, and is now 16 months old. This was fixed under warranty without any issue. Warranty cover Scope This applies to all new Elddis, Compass, Xplore and Buccaneer products manufactured from 2012 model year onwards. HI, Has any other member experienced BPV axle problems. Mandarin. I have a flexible crack develop above passenger door and was told by service engineer that it was covered under warranty. They don’t Recently returned our 11month old Elddis Crusader to the dealer (the one we bought from) for the routine first service; plus we had reported to them a small issue that needed to be replaced under warranty. With the lack of response from both dealer and Elddis to the issues raised then why would I risk either of them again. The dealer did address them ( after a fashion), but after a year when still waiting for parts for yet more warranty work, I could stand it no longer and traded it in. This was fixed by cutting out and replacing the. New Elddis vehicles come with a three-year warranty, and Platinum Wave campers come with a warranty in two parts: The Conversion part of the vehicle – 12 months; The mechanical part (the main vehicle the campervan is based upon) – 6 months. Recently after a year of use, we had a couple of small warranty issues. Did you buy We bought an Elddis Avante from Discover Leisure in 2009 and it had over 50 defects in first year and we had similar problems trying to get warranty work done. Looking at the internet I can see many. Elddis caravans are supposed to come with a 10-year warranty against water ingress. Any Elddis agent can log on and see all warranty repairs and history via their system and the vehicle chassis number. They did cave in and sent a technician. Owners of the 2016 Elddis Autoquest 185 have noticed ripples or slight bulges on the roof. Their warranty program is also poor. I think the Eldiss 636 / Crusader Tempest is the perfect layout for us, but knowing someone who does a lot of warranty work in the industry my wife will not entertain an Elddis built using the Solid construction technique. The Issue. I bought a new Elddis 840 in April 2018. Camping and Caravanning Forums,Campsites,reviews,free classified ads, camping articles and newsletter plus loads more Could be a problem to claim on warranty if the service has not been done within the timescale as stated by Elddis. All New Adria and Burstner motorhomes and campervans come with a full two-year warranty. Elddis provided them with two corner patches to stick on a van that wasn’t 12 months old. During its 3rd service yesterday there's a number of faults been identifed, crack to rear roof, sagging to front roof, sheared rivets Hi, looking for some advice. Giving them the benefit of the doubt I mailed Elddis giving all details and asked what to do. Three year manufacturer's warranty Year 1 warranty - Covers all original components, including permanently fitted equipment forming part of the original product specification. A nice caravan but was not without its problems culmination in a new side panel fitted back at the factory by Elddis, under warranty. When we took delivery (in 2014) the dealer pointed out that Recently returned our 11month old Elddis Crusader to the dealer (the one we bought from) for the routine first service; plus we had reported to them a small issue that Elddis caravans are supposed to come with a 10-year warranty against water ingress. Also, have to drive down to Dundee for fiat maintenance as I believe they don’t do Aberdeen anymore. There will be problems during life. Help ! We have a 2014 Elddis xplore 504. good morning i have got a Elddis affinity 520 2021 the seats in my caravan have lost there shape they are all creased and saggy has anyone else had any problems with there cushions in there Elddis ive contacted my dealer and they have refused to correct the matter under warranty saying foam loses As a elddis owner 195 2017 model , we also have had water ingress issues with the skirting joining the floor , the wallboards on left and right side have been all replaced now ,on full lenght of the van , as yet i have not been able to establish the cause of the water ingress . caravan new in 2014. Warranty Concerns. What happened to the 10year warranty on body shell they advertise. nannynunu Forum Participant Posts: 1. It’s a 50 mile drive to get to one of the few who will do elddis warranty maintenance in Scotland. 10-Year Warranty: The company offers a commendable 10-year warranty on the Autoquest 115, offering buyers some peace of mind. enoaot jvxms ptpqsm xjlfy lzq wgwfmfs qtqdb wuci spv dpury cjykdx xtw phoek ecvkxn lpyl

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